Contrasting Consonant Sounds /p/ and /f/ Speech Work English Grammar Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Class: Primary 5

Subject: English Grammar

Topic: Contrasting Consonant Sounds /p/ and /f/

Sub-topic: Speech Work

Duration: 45 minutes

Term: First Term

Week: 8

Previous Knowledge: Students should have prior knowledge of basic phonics and vowel sounds.

Set Induction: Begin the lesson by asking students if they know what consonant sounds are and if they can identify words that contain the sounds /p/ and /f/. This will engage their prior knowledge.

Behavioral Objectives:

  • To identify and distinguish the consonant sounds /p/ and /f/ in words.
  • To pronounce words with /p/ and /f/ correctly.
  • To use words with /p/ and /f/ in sentences.

Embedded Core Skills: Phonics, Pronunciation, Vocabulary Building

Learning Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Flashcards with words containing /p/ and /f/
  • Worksheets with exercises

Teaching Methods:

  • Interactive discussion
  • Visual aids (flashcards)
  • Group activities
  • Worksheets for practice


  1. Introduction to the consonant sounds /p/ and /f/.
  2. Pronunciation practice with examples.
  3. Identifying words with /p/ and /f/.
  4. Creating sentences using words with /p/ and /f/.

Contrasting consonant sounds like /p/ and /f/ is an important aspect of phonics and language learning. Here are some words and examples to help students understand the difference between the /p/ and /f/ sounds:

1. /p/ sound:
– “pen” – The word pen starts with the /p/ sound. It’s a writing tool.
– “apple” – The /p/ sound is found in the middle of the word “apple.”
– “happy” – The /p/ sound is in the middle of “happy,” and it means feeling joyful.

2. /f/ sound:
– “fish” – The word “fish” starts with the /f/ sound. It’s an aquatic animal.
– “leaf” – The /f/ sound is found in the middle of “leaf.”
– “off” – The word “off” begins with the /f/ sound. It means not on.

To practice contrasting /p/ and /f/ sounds, you can provide sentences or phrases:

– “Peter put a puppy in the pink pen.”
– “Fiona found five fluffy feathers.”

You can ask students to identify words with either the /p/ or /f/ sound and explain the difference. This will help them distinguish between these consonant sounds more effectively.

/p/ Sound:

  1. “Peter” – Peter painted a picture of a purple parrot.
  2. “pumpkin” – Penny picked a perfect pumpkin for pie.
  3. “happy” – Harry is always happy when he helps others.
  4. “cup” – Can you pass me that colorful cup, please?
  5. “jump” – The kangaroo can jump very high.

/f/ Sound:

  1. “fish” – Finn caught a big fish in the lake.
  2. “fall” – The leaves fall from the trees in the autumn.
  3. “fun” – Playing with friends is so much fun.
  4. “fluffy” – The cat’s fur is soft and fluffy.
  5. “flower” – Fiona picked a beautiful flower in the garden.

Contrasting Sentences:

  1. “Paul painted a purple pineapple.” – Contrast between /p/ and /f/.
  2. “Frank’s frog is fat.” – Contrast between /f/ and /p/.
  3. “The puppy is jumping in the pool.” – Contrast between /p/ and /f/.
  4. “Feathered parrots are perched on the porch.” – Contrast between /f/ and /p/.
  5. “A pretty pink flamingo is flying.” – Contrast between /p/ and /f/.

These examples will help students practice and understand the difference between the /p/ and /f/ sounds. Encourage them to pronounce each word and sentence clearly to distinguish these sounds.

Presentation: Step 1: Discuss the difference between consonants and vowels, introducing the concept of consonant sounds.

Step 2: Present flashcards with words containing /p/ and /f/ to the students. Pronounce each word clearly and have the students repeat after you.

Step 3: Engage the students in identifying more words with /p/ and /f/ by showing them more flashcards.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Explain the concept of consonant sounds.
  • Present flashcards with words.
  • Guide students in pronunciation and identification.
  • Monitor and assist students during group activities.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen and repeat after the teacher.
  • Identify /p/ and /f/ sounds in words.
  • Participate in group activities to find more words.

Evaluation: Distribute worksheets with exercises related to /p/ and /f/ sounds. Ask students to complete the exercises individually.

  1. Fill in the blank: “Sarah is eating a ___ ice cream.” a) fish b) pie c) fall d) fruit
  2. “The ___ was playing in the pond.” a) fun b) puff c) jump d) cap
  3. “My sister’s name is ___.” a) fall b) fun c) Polly d) frog
  4. “I found a colorful ___ in the garden.” a) flower b) puff c) pumpkin d) pie
  5. “In winter, the snowflakes ___ from the sky.” a) fall b) frog c) fish d) fat
  6. “Let’s go for a ___ in the park.” a) puppy b) fun c) Peter d) fur
  7. “The parrot can say ‘___’ and ‘flower.'” a) fluffy b) fish c) pie d) frog
  8. “I like to eat ___ with whipped cream.” a) frog b) fall c) pie d) fluffy
  9. “A ___ panda is playing on the slide.” a) fish b) penguin c) fun d) fat
  10. “Pippa picked a ___ of purple pansies.” a) puff b) puppy c) fish d) flower
  11. “It’s so much ___ to jump on a trampoline.” a) pie b) frog c) fun d) fluffy
  12. “The bird is ___ its wings to fly.” a) pumpkin b) fruit c) puff d) flapping
  13. “The ___ cat is taking a nap.” a) fall b) frog c) fur d) fish
  14. “I love the ___ on a sunny day.” a) fruit b) fish c) puppy d) park
  15. “This is a ___ pineapple.” a) frog b) fat c) fruit d) fluffy

Conclusion: In summary, this lesson helped students learn about and distinguish between the consonant sounds /p/ and /f/. They practiced pronunciation, identified words with these sounds, and created sentences. This will enhance their phonics skills and pronunciation.

Remember to use simple language, engaging activities, and visual aids to ensure understanding and participation among the students.

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