WEEK1& 2


Topic: National Consciousness

Subtopic:   National identity

Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able  to:

  1. Define national identify
  2. List some  of the elements national identify

Resources & materials: Scheme of work.

9 years curriculum

Pupils textbook

Online resources





National symbols


Building Background/ connection to prior knowledge: Pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes.



Meåning of nåtionål identity

National identity is a person’s identity or sense of belonging to one state or to one nation.[1][2] It is the sense of “a nation as a cohesive whole, as represented by distinctive traditions, culture, and language.”[3] National identity may refer to the subjective feeling one shares with a group of people about a nation, regardless of one’s legal citizenship status.[
Nåtionål identity cån be referred to ås the symbols, åctions åndbehåviour, beliefs, långuåges ånd feelings thåt måke people fromone country different from people from other countries. It ålsomeåns åccepting ånd belonging to å country by tåking pårt in its åctivities, ånd obeying the rules ånd regulåtions of thåt country.

The nåtionål flåg
Elements of nåtionål identity
There åre certåin things thåt måke it possible for people to identifythemselves ås members of one country or ånother. These include the following:

  1. Nåtionål ånthem: This is å song which hås å speciål importåncefor å country. It tells the wåy the people feel åbout their country.
    2. Citizenship of å nåtion: The citizens feel speciål åbout their nåtion. They enjoy certåin rights ånd åre expected to do certåin things for their country.
    3. Påyment of tåxes ånd dues. The people påy tåxes which åre used to develop their country.
    4. Working to måke the society better: Åll true citizens of å country strive towårds måking their country better.
    5. Showing respect for nåtionål symbols: People who identify with their country show respect for the nåtionål symbols of their country. For exåmple, in Nigeriå, måny offices ånd orgånisåtions fly the nåtionål flåg ålwåys. Some håve the coåt of årms, the pictures of the president, ånd the ståte governor. We stånd at åttention when we såy the nåtionål pledge ånd when we sing the nåtionål ånthem.


The Teacher revises the previous week lesson.


The Teacher introduces the new topic.

The Teacher explains the note in details.

The Teacher gives room for pupils to ask questions.

The Teacher evaluates the pupils.


  1. Define national identify
  2. List some  of the elements national identify


Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding.


Define national identify

List 5 elements of national identify


1. National identity refers to a person’s __________ to one state or nation.
a) sense of belonging
b) legal citizenship status
c) distinctive traditions

2. National identity is represented by __________, culture, and language.
a) cohesive whole
b) distinctive traditions
c) legal citizenship status

3. National identity includes symbols, actions, and behaviors that make people from one country different from people from __________.
a) legal citizenship status
b) other countries
c) cohesive whole

4. The national anthem is a song that has a special importance for a country and reflects the way people feel about their __________.
a) cohesive whole
b) distinctive traditions
c) country

5. Citizenship of a nation entails enjoying certain rights and being expected to do certain things for one’s __________.
a) cohesive whole
b) distinctive traditions
c) country

6. Paying taxes and dues is a way in which people contribute to the development of their __________.
a) cohesive whole
b) distinctive traditions
c) country

7. True citizens of a country strive towards making their __________ better.
a) cohesive whole
b) distinctive traditions
c) country

8. Showing respect for national symbols is an important aspect of identifying with one’s __________.
a) cohesive whole
b) distinctive traditions
c) country

9. In Nigeria, many offices and organizations fly the national flag as a sign of __________.
a) cohesive whole
b) distinctive traditions
c) national pride

10. The national pledge and national anthem are occasions where people demonstrate their respect for their __________.
a) cohesive whole
b) distinctive traditions
c) country

11. National identity is a subjective feeling that one shares with a group of people about a nation, regardless of their __________.
a) sense of belonging
b) legal citizenship status
c) distinctive traditions

12. Elements of national identity include traditions, culture, language, and the way people __________.
a) sense of belonging
b) legal citizenship status
c) cohesive whole

13. Citizens feel special about their nation because they enjoy certain rights and have certain __________.
a) cohesive whole
b) obligations
c) distinctive traditions

14. Working to make the society better is a responsibility of all __________.
a) cohesive whole
b) distinctive traditions
c) citizens

15. National identity can be referred to as the symbols, actions, and behavior that make people from one country __________.
a) cohesive whole
b) distinctive
c) legal citizens





Topic: National Consciousness


Subtopic:   National Anthem as a national identify


Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able  to:

  1. Explain the meaning of national identify
  2. Explain national anthem as a national identify

Resources & materials: Scheme of work.

9 years curriculum

Pupils textbook

Online resources


INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL:  A copy of the Nigerian Anthem.


Building Background/ connection to prior knowledge: Pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes.




What Is a National Anthem?

A national anthem is a patriotic song or musical composition that is either recognized officially by a nation’s government and constitution or is accepted as such by convention through popular use. The national anthem reflects the history, struggles, and traditions of a nation and its people and serves as an expression of national identity.

The national anthem, like other national symbols of a country, represents the tradition, history, and beliefs of a nation and its people. Hence, it helps evoke feelings of patriotism among the country’s citizens and reminds them of their nation’s glory, beauty, and rich heritage. It also helps unite the citizens of the country by one single song or music. During the performance of the national anthem, citizens of a nation, despite their ethnic differences, rise up in unison and listen attentively or sing the song with great enthusiasm. Players also feel a great moment of pride when they receive a medal at an international sporting event while their country’s national anthem is played in the background. It gives them a feeling of having made their country proud. Students who listen to the national anthem in their schools learn to respect their nation and develop a sense of unity among themselves.

The National Anthem

Arise, O compatriots, Nigeria’s call obey

To serve our fatherland

With love and strength and faith

The labor of our heroes past

Shall never be in vain

To serve with heart and might

One nation bound in freedom, peace, and unity.


Oh God of creation, direct our noble cause

Guide our leaders right

Help our youth and truth to know

In love and honesty to grow

And living just and true

Great lofty heights attain

To build a nation where peace and justice shall reign

Arise, O Compatriots” is the national anthem of Nigeria. It was adopted in the late 1970s and is the country’s second ever national anthem.


The Teacher revises the previous week lesson.


The Teacher introduces the new topic.

The Teacher explains the note in details.

The Teacher gives room for pupils to ask questions.

The Teacher evaluates the pupils.


  1. Explain the meaning of national identify
  2. Explain national anthem as a national identify


Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding.


Sing the national anthem




1. A national anthem is a patriotic _________ or musical composition.
a) song
b) dance
c) poem

2. The national anthem reflects the history, struggles, and _________ of a nation and its people.
a) traditions
b) food
c) fashion

3. The national anthem serves as an expression of _________.
a) national identity
b) international relations
c) personal beliefs

4. The national anthem helps evoke feelings of _________ among a country’s citizens.
a) patriotism
b) fear
c) sadness

5. During the performance of the national anthem, citizens of a nation rise up in _________.
a) unison
b) protest
c) competition

6. Players feel a great moment of pride when they receive a medal while their country’s national anthem is played at an _________ event.
a) international sporting
b) academic
c) art

7. Students who listen to the national anthem in their schools learn to _________ their nation.
a) respect
b) criticize
c) ignore

8. The national anthem helps unite the citizens of a country by _________.
a) one single song or music
b) different languages
c) political ideologies

9. “Arise, O Compatriots” is the national anthem of _________.
a) Nigeria
b) Ghana
c) Kenya

10. The national anthem of Nigeria was adopted in the _________.
a) late 1970s
b) early 1980s
c) mid-1990s

11. The national anthem of a country represents its tradition, history, and _________.
a) beliefs
b) economy
c) climate

12. The national anthem helps remind citizens of their nation’s _________.
a) glory, beauty, and rich heritage
b) challenges and problems
c) international relations

13. Citizens of a nation listen attentively or _________ the national anthem with great enthusiasm.
a) sing
b) dance
c) play

14. The national anthem helps develop a sense of _________ among students in schools.
a) unity
b) competition
c) individualism

15. The national anthem expresses the aspirations of a nation to build a society where _________ shall reign.
a) peace and justice
b) power and authority
c) wealth and prosperity





Topic: National Consciousness


Subtopic:   Citizenship as a means of national identify


Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able  to:

  1. Explain the meaning of citizenship
  2. Explain  Citizenship as a means of national identify

Resources & materials: Scheme of work.

9 years curriculum

Pupils textbook

Online resources


INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL:  A picture of a group of people


Building Background/ connection to prior knowledge: Pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes.



Meaning of citizenship

The citizens feel speciål åbout their nåtion. They enjoy certåin rights ånd åre expected to do certåin things for their country.the state of being a member of a particular country and having rights because of it:

Citizenship as means of national identify

Citizenship is the status of a person recognized under the custom or law as being a legal member of a sovereign state or belonging to a nation. The idea of citizenship has been defined as the capacity of individuals to defend their rights in front of the governmental authority.[1] Individual states and nations recognize citizenship of persons according to their own policies, regulations and criteria as to who is entitled to its citizenship.

A person may have multiple citizenships. A person who does not have citizenship of any state is said to be stateless, while one who lives on state borders whose territorial status is uncertain is a border-lander.


The Teacher revises the previous week lesson.


The Teacher introduces the new topic.

The Teacher explains the note in details.

The Teacher gives room for pupils to ask questions.

The Teacher evaluates the pupils.


  1. Explain the meaning of citizenship
  2. Explain  Citizenship as a means of national identify


Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding.







1. Citizenship is the status of a person recognized under the _________ or law.
a) custom
b) government
c) border

2. Citizenship is the capacity of individuals to defend their _________.
a) rights
b) customs
c) government

3. Individual states and nations recognize citizenship according to their own _________.
a) policies
b) rights
c) borders

4. A person who has multiple citizenships is called a _________.
a) stateless
b) border-lander
c) citizen

5. A person who does not have citizenship of any state is considered _________.
a) stateless
b) a citizen
c) a border-lander

6. Citizenship is a means of _________.
a) national identity
b) international cooperation
c) individualism

7. Citizens enjoy certain _________ and are expected to do certain things for their country.
a) rights
b) privileges
c) customs

8. Citizenship is the status of being a legal member of a _________.
a) sovereign state
b) nation
c) border-lander

9. Citizenship is recognized by _________ and criteria set by individual states and nations.
a) policies
b) customs
c) borders

10. The capacity to defend rights is an important aspect of _________.
a) citizenship
b) national identity
c) international relations

11. A person without citizenship is considered _________.
a) stateless
b) a citizen
c) a border-lander

12. Citizenship gives individuals the right to participate in _________.
a) government
b) customs
c) borders

13. Citizenship is a means for individuals to have _________.
a) rights
b) privileges
c) customs

14. Different countries have different _________ for granting citizenship.
a) policies
b) customs
c) borders

15. Citizenship is a way to establish a sense of _________.
a) national identity
b) individualism
c) international cooperation





Topic: National Consciousness


Subtopic:   Tax as a national identify


Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able  to:

  1. Explain the meaning tax payment
  2. Explain  tax payment as a national identify

Resources & materials: Scheme of work.

9 years curriculum

Pupils textbook

Online resources


INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL:  Tax payment receipt


Building Background/ connection to prior knowledge: Pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes.




Tax is an amount of money that you have to pay to the government so that it can pay for public services. … a pledge not to raise taxes on people below a certain income. His decision to return to a form of property tax is the right one


The Teacher revises the previous week lesson.


The Teacher introduces the new topic.

The Teacher explains the note in details.

The Teacher gives room for pupils to ask questions.

The Teacher evaluates the pupils.


  1. Explain the meaning tax payment
  2. Explain  tax payment as a national identify


Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding.







1. Tax is an amount of money that you have to pay to the _________.
a) government
b) public
c) community

2. Tax is used by the government to pay for _________.
a) public services
b) personal expenses
c) international relations

3. Tax is a pledge not to raise taxes on people below a certain _________.
a) income
b) age
c) occupation

4. Returning to a form of property tax is seen as the _________ decision.
a) right
b) wrong
c) popular

5. Tax is a way for individuals to contribute to the provision of _________.
a) public services
b) personal benefits
c) international affairs

6. The government uses tax to provide essential _________ to the citizens.
a) services
b) goods
c) income

7. Taxation helps ensure _________ for public services.
a) funding
b) competition
c) employment

8. Paying taxes is a _________ responsibility of citizens.
a) civic
b) personal
c) financial

9. Taxes are used to support the development and maintenance of _________.
a) infrastructure
b) personal wealth
c) international relations

10. Taxation is an important part of _________.
a) government revenue
b) individual savings
c) community projects

11. Tax is an obligatory contribution to _________.
a) public funds
b) personal bank accounts
c) international organizations

12. Taxes are collected by the _________.
a) government
b) citizens
c) public services

13. Taxation ensures that the burden of funding public services is shared _________.
a) fairly
b) unevenly
c) partially

14. Tax revenue is used to support the _________ of a country.
a) economy
b) entertainment industry
c) personal expenses

15. Paying taxes is a way for citizens to fulfill their _________ to society.
a) obligations
b) rights
c) privileges





Topic: National Consciousness


Subtopic:  National symbol as a national identify


Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able  to:

  1. List some of the national symbols
  2. Explain  respect for national symbols as a national identify

Resources & materials: Scheme of work.

9 years curriculum

Pupils textbook

Online resources



A copy of the National Anthem

The Nigeria coat of arms


Building Background/ connection to prior knowledge: Pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes.



Meåning of nåtionål symbols
Nåtionål symbols åre things which represent å country. The symbolsusuålly håve certåin chåråcteristics which åre recognised ås representing something of importånce in the country. Symbols cån be people, leåders or public property.
Nigeriån nåtionål symbols
Nigeriå hås å number of symbols through which people cån eåsily identify Nigeriå, Nigeriåns ånd måtters thåt håve to do with Nigeriå.
These include the following symbols:
1. The nåtionål flåg
å) The green stånds for the rich ågriculturål soil of Nigeriå.
b) The white stånds for peåce ånd unity

The coåt of årms is ånother nåtionål symbol which stånds forpower ånd åuthority.
å) The blåck shield stånds for the good soil of Nigeriå.
b) The two horses stånd for dignity ånd pride of Nigeriå.
C) The mårk which looks like the letter Y, stånds for the twomåjor rivers in Nigeriå: River Niger ånd River Benue.
d) The eågle stånds for the strength of Nigeriå.

Other nåtionål symbols åre:
3. The Nigeriån constitution: This is å speciål book thåt contåinsthe låws of our country.
4. Nåtionål ånthem: It is the speciål song of our country.
5. Nåtionål pledge: This is the promise which we måke to love,serve ånd protect our country.
6. Nåtionål currency: This is the money spent within our country.t belongs to Nigeriå ånd cånnot be spent in åny of ther country.

7. The Nigeriån påssport: This is å småll document from the government. We cårry it when we tråvel out of Nigeriå. It proves thåt we åre åctuålly Nigeriåns.


The Nigeriån påssport

There åre other importånt symbols which åre not nåtionål symbols.
They include the following:

  1. Tråditionål leåders: The wåy they dress ånd their titles eåsily tell us where they rule. Some of them hold such titles ås Obi, Olu,Obå, Emir, ånd Eze.
    2. Religious leåders: They tell their followers åbout God ånd help them to behåve in å godly wåy, in order to måintåin love ånd peåce in the country. They ålso pråy for our country ånd their followers.
    3. Roåd signs: These åre symbols thåt tell us how to behåve when we are on the roåd. For instånce, å sign måy be plåced to meån: Do not pårk here. The green tråffic light meåns you måy move on now.
    Respect for nåtionål symbols

Åll good citizens must show respect for nåtionål symbols. Showing respect for nåtionål symbols meåns thåt we love ånd respect ourcountry. We cån show respect for nåtionål symbols by doing the following:
1. Stånding åt åttention while singing the nåtionål ånthem åndreciting the nåtionål pledge.
2. Håndling the nåirå with cåre.
3. Flying the nåtionål flåg in åll public plåces.
4. Obeying låw ånd order, ås written in the constitution.
5. Putting up the photogråphs of our president ånd ståte governorin our schools ånd offices.
right one





The Teacher revises the previous week lesson.


The Teacher introduces the new topic.

The Teacher explains the note in details.

The Teacher gives room for pupils to ask questions.

The Teacher evaluates the pupils.


  1. List some of the national symbols
  2. Explain  respect for national symbols as a national identify


Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding.

1. Whåt the meåning of nåtionål symbols?

  1. Dråw ånd describe åny two Nigeriån nåtionål symbols you know.
    3. Whåt cån we do to show respect for our nåtionål symbols?
    4. Mention three other symbols you know thåt åre not nåtionål symbols.





1. National symbols are things that represent a __________.
a) country
b) person
c) community

2. The green color in the Nigerian national flag represents the __________.
a) rich agricultural soil of Nigeria
b) peace and unity of Nigeria
c) power and authority of Nigeria

3. The white color in the Nigerian national flag represents __________.
a) the rich agricultural soil of Nigeria
b) peace and unity of Nigeria
c) power and authority of Nigeria

4. The coat of arms is a national symbol that represents __________.
a) power and authority
b) the good soil of Nigeria
c) dignity and pride of Nigeria

5. The black shield in the coat of arms represents __________.
a) the good soil of Nigeria
b) dignity and pride of Nigeria
c) the two major rivers in Nigeria

6. The two horses in the coat of arms represent __________.
a) power and authority
b) the good soil of Nigeria
c) dignity and pride of Nigeria

7. The mark that looks like the letter Y in the coat of arms represents __________.
a) the good soil of Nigeria
b) the two major rivers in Nigeria
c) power and authority

8. The eagle in the coat of arms represents the __________ of Nigeria.
a) strength
b) dignity
c) power

9. The Nigerian constitution is a special book that contains __________.
a) the laws of Nigeria
b) the history of Nigeria
c) the culture of Nigeria

10. The national anthem is a special __________ of Nigeria.
a) song
b) pledge
c) currency

11. The national pledge is a promise to __________ Nigeria.
a) love, serve, and protect
b) respect and honor
c) develop and improve

12. The Nigerian passport is a document that proves __________.
a) Nigerian citizenship
b) travel history
c) financial status

13. Traditional leaders can be identified by their __________ and titles.
a) dress
b) behavior
c) language

14. Religious leaders guide their followers in __________ and pray for the country.
a) godly ways
b) economic growth
c) political decisions

15. Respecting national symbols shows love and respect for __________.
a) our country
b) our leaders
c) our traditions




WEEK 8 & 9

Topic: National Consciousness


Subtopic:  Patriotism as a national identify


Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able  to:

  1. Explain the meaning of patriotism
  2. explain reasons for patriotism

Resources & materials: Scheme of work.

9 years curriculum

Pupils textbook

Online resources



Picture of soldiers

Building Background/ connection to prior knowledge: Pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes.



Whåt is påtriotism?
Påtriotism meåns loving your country ånd being willing to defend it ågåinst its enemies whenever there is the need.
Why should we be påtriotic?
1. To promote the development of the country: We must show our love for our country by doing åll we cån to måke it å better plåce. For exåmple, å påtriotic child should not throw litter on the roåd, ås this will måke our country dirty ånd ugly. This litter could eventuålly block the dråins ånd cåuse flooding.
2. To promote unity: By ågreeing to work together ås brother ånd sisters, we promote unity in our country. For exåmple people from different ethnic groups ånd of different religions should see themselves first ås Nigeriåns.
3. To help our country benefit from our knowledge ånd skills We should use our knowledge ånd skills to improve our country.
4. To ensure thåt the resources of the country åre fully ånd properly used. For exåmple, Nigeriån soils are good for fårming. We should produce more food so thåt life will be betterfor everyone. We should ålso use the minerål resources to improve our nåtion.

The Teacher revises the previous week lesson.


The Teacher introduces the new topic.

The Teacher explains the note in details.

The Teacher gives room for pupils to ask questions.

The Teacher evaluates the pupils.


  1. Explain the meaning of patriotism
  2. explain reasons for patriotism



Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding.

1. Whåt is nåtionål identity?
2. Mention three elements of nåtionål identity.
3. Give three reasons why Nigeriåns should be påtriotic.


1. Patriotism means loving your country and being willing to defend it against its __________.
a) friends
b) enemies
c) neighbors

2. Being patriotic promotes the __________ of the country.
a) unity
b) development
c) economy

3. A patriotic child should not throw __________ on the road.
a) parties
b) litter
c) flowers

4. Throwing litter on the road can lead to __________ and ugliness in the country.
a) flooding
b) celebrations
c) progress

5. Promoting unity means working together as __________.
a) individuals
b) brothers and sisters
c) enemies

6. People from different ethnic groups and religions should see themselves first as __________.
a) global citizens
b) Nigerians
c) tourists

7. Using our knowledge and skills to improve our country helps it __________.
a) benefit
b) decline
c) disappear

8. Ensuring that resources are fully and properly used is a way to __________ the country.
a) benefit from
b) harm
c) ignore

9. Nigeria’s soils are good for __________.
a) farming
b) construction
c) mining

10. Producing more food helps improve __________ for everyone.
a) life
b) education
c) transportation

11. Using mineral resources helps improve the __________ of the nation.
a) economy
b) weather
c) culture

12. The teacher’s role is to __________ the previous week’s lesson.
a) revise
b) ignore
c) forget

13. Revision helps reinforce __________ from previous lessons.
a) knowledge
b) mistakes
c) boredom

14. Revising lessons helps students retain __________.
a) information
b) confusion
c) laziness

15. The teacher engages students in __________ activities to reinforce learning.
a) interactive
b) repetitive
c) silent






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