Enlightenment on Good Family Life

Subject : Security Education

Class : Primary 3

Term : Third Term

Type : Lesson Notes

Week : Week 12

Topic:  Enlightenment on Good Family Life

Previous Lesson



Enlightenment on Good Family Life

Here are some characteristics of a good family life:

1. Love and Respect: In a good family life, there should be love and respect between family members. They should show care and concern for each other and appreciate each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

2. Communication: Communication is very important in a good family life. Family members should be able to express their feelings, thoughts, and concerns in a respectful and open way. This helps to prevent misunderstandings and promotes understanding.

3. Support: Family members should be supportive of each other, especially during difficult times. They should be there for each other and offer help and encouragement.

4. Trust: Trust is a key component of a good family life. Family members should be able to trust each other and rely on each other for support and advice.

5. Shared Values: A good family life is based on shared values and beliefs. Family members should share common goals and work towards achieving them together.

6. Quality Time: Spending quality time together is important in a good family life. Family members should engage in activities that promote bonding and create lasting memories.

7. Responsibility: Each family member should take responsibility for their actions and contribute to the family’s well-being. They should also respect the rules and boundaries set by the family.

8. Forgiveness: In a good family life, forgiveness is important. Family members should be willing to forgive each other and move on from past mistakes or misunderstandings.

9. Flexibility: Family life can be unpredictable at times, and it’s important to be flexible and adaptable to change. Family members should be open to new experiences and ideas.

10. Fun: A good family life should be enjoyable and fun. Family members should make time to have fun together and create happy memories that they can cherish for years to come.




1. What is the foundation of a good family life?

a) Trust and honesty

b) Love and respect

c) Discipline and punishment

d) Criticism and blame


2. Why is communication important in a good family life?

a) To prevent misunderstandings and promote understanding

b) To create arguments and disagreements

c) To ignore each other’s feelings

d) To show disrespect and criticism


3. What should family members do during difficult times?

a) Be unsupportive and unsympathetic

b) Ignore each other’s problems

c) Be there for each other and offer help and encouragement

d) Blame each other for the situation


4. What is the key component of a good family life?

a) Trust and reliance

b) Criticism and blame

c) Ignorance and insensitivity

d) Disrespect and dishonesty


5. What should family members share in a good family life?

a) Common goals and beliefs

b) Disrespect and dishonesty

c) Criticism and blame

d) Ignorance and insensitivity


6. What should each family member do to contribute to the family’s well-being?

a) Take responsibility for their actions

b) Ignore the rules and boundaries set by the family

c) Blame others for the family’s problems

d) Disrespect and criticize other family members


7. What should family members do when someone makes a mistake?

a) Forgive each other and move on

b) Blame and criticize each other

c) Ignore the mistake and pretend it didn’t happen

d) Argue and fight with each other


8. Why is flexibility important in a good family life?

a) Family life can be unpredictable at times

b) Family members should never change their routine

c) Family members should always stick to their own ideas

d) Family members should never compromise or negotiate


9. What should family members do to have fun together?

a) Spend quality time together

b) Avoid each other and do their own thing

c) Ignore each other’s feelings

d) Blame and criticize each other for not having fun


10. What should family members do to create happy memories?

a) Spend quality time together and have fun

b) Ignore each other’s feelings and ideas

c) Blame and criticize each other for not having happy memories

d) Never try anything new or different


Advantages of good family life

1. Emotional Support: Family members in a good family life provide emotional support to each other during difficult times. This support helps to reduce stress and promotes mental well-being.

2. Improved Communication: Good family life involves open and respectful communication. This helps family members to understand each other better, express their thoughts and feelings, and resolve conflicts effectively.

3. Sense of Belonging: A good family life provides a sense of belonging and security. Family members feel loved, accepted, and valued, which promotes a positive self-image and self-esteem.

4. Shared Responsibility: Family members in a good family life share responsibilities and work together to achieve common goals. This promotes a sense of teamwork and helps family members to develop important life skills.

5. Stronger Relationships: A good family life promotes stronger relationships between family members. This can lead to lifelong friendships and a support system that lasts beyond childhood.

6. Positive Values: In a good family life, positive values such as honesty, respect, and compassion are reinforced. This helps family members to develop positive character traits and make good decisions in life.

7. Better Academic Performance: Family life has a significant impact on a child’s academic performance. Children from good family life environments tend to perform better academically due to the support, encouragement, and guidance they receive from their family.

8. Improved Health: Family members in a good family life environment tend to have better physical and mental health. This is due to the emotional support, healthy lifestyle habits, and reduced stress levels in the family.

9. Greater Happiness: A good family life promotes happiness and fulfillment in life. Family members enjoy spending time together, creating memories, and sharing experiences, which leads to a happier life.

10. Future Success: A good family life environment can have a significant impact on a child’s future success in life. Children who grow up in supportive and positive family environments tend to have better career prospects, relationships, and overall life satisfaction.




1. What kind of support do family members provide to each other in a good family life?

a) Emotional support

b) Physical support

c) Financial support

d) Educational support


2. What does good family life involve in terms of communication?

a) Open and respectful communication

b) Ignoring each other’s thoughts and feelings

c) Criticizing and blaming each other

d) Refusing to listen to each other


3. What sense does a good family life provide to family members?

a) Sense of belonging and security

b) Sense of loneliness and insecurity

c) Sense of anger and frustration

d) Sense of disconnection and isolation


4. What do family members in a good family life environment do?

a) Share responsibilities and work together to achieve common goals

b) Ignore responsibilities and do their own thing

c) Refuse to work together or help each other

d) Compete with each other for attention and recognition


5. What kind of relationships does a good family life promote?

a) Stronger relationships between family members

b) Weaker relationships between family members

c) Distant relationships between family members

d) Competitive relationships between family members


6. What kind of values are reinforced in a good family life?

a) Positive values such as honesty, respect, and compassion

b) Negative values such as dishonesty, disrespect, and cruelty

c) Ignorance, intolerance, and prejudice

d) Criticism, blame, and resentment


7. What kind of impact does family life have on a child’s academic performance?

a) A significant impact

b) No impact at all

c) A negative impact

d) An unpredictable impact


8. What kind of impact does family life have on a person’s health?

a) Family members tend to have better physical and mental health in a good family life environment

b) Family members tend to have worse physical and mental health in a good family life environment

c) Family members tend to have no impact on their physical and mental health

d) Family members tend to have an unpredictable impact on their physical and mental health


9. What does a good family life promote in terms of happiness?

a) Greater happiness and fulfillment in life

b) Greater unhappiness and dissatisfaction in life

c) No impact on happiness and fulfillment in life

d) An unpredictable impact on happiness and fulfillment in life


10. What kind of impact does family life have on a person’s future success?

a) A significant impact on a person’s future success

b) No impact at all on a person’s future success

c) A negative impact on a person’s future success

d) An unpredictable impact on a person’s future success


Enlightenment on good family life

1. What is a good family life? A good family life is characterized by love, respect, open communication, shared values, and a sense of belonging and security.


2. Why is good family life important? Good family life provides emotional support, promotes stronger relationships, positive values, and better health and academic performance. It also sets the foundation for future success and happiness in life.


3. How can we promote a good family life? We can promote good family life by showing love and respect, communicating openly and honestly, sharing responsibilities and working together, reinforcing positive values, spending quality time together, and forgiving each other’s mistakes.


4. What are the benefits of good communication in a family? Good communication helps to prevent misunderstandings, promotes understanding, and helps family members to express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns in a respectful and open way. This promotes stronger relationships and reduces conflict in the family.


5. Why is forgiveness important in a family? Forgiveness is important in a family because it helps family members to move on from past mistakes or misunderstandings. It also promotes a sense of unity and understanding, and helps to prevent resentment and anger from building up in the family.


6. How can we promote positive values in a family? We can promote positive values in a family by reinforcing values such as honesty, respect, compassion, and responsibility. This can be done by setting a good example, encouraging positive behavior, and reinforcing positive actions and decisions.


7. How can we spend quality time together as a family? We can spend quality time together as a family by engaging in activities that promote bonding and create lasting memories. This can include playing games, going on outings, having family meals, or simply spending time talking and sharing experiences.


8. What can we do to promote a sense of teamwork in a family? We can promote a sense of teamwork in a family by sharing responsibilities, working together to achieve common goals, and offering support and encouragement to each other. This promotes a sense of unity and cooperation in the family.


9. Why is it important to take responsibility for our actions in a family? Taking responsibility for our actions in a family promotes accountability, respect, and understanding. It also helps to prevent blame and resentment from building up in the family, and promotes a sense of trust and reliability.


10. How can we promote better health in a family? We can promote better health in a family by encouraging healthy lifestyle habits, such as exercise, good nutrition, and getting enough rest. We can also promote mental health by providing emotional support, practicing good communication, and promoting positive values and behaviors.



1. What is a good family life characterized by?

a) Love, respect, open communication, shared values, and a sense of belonging and security

b) Criticism, blame, and resentment

c) Ignorance, intolerance, and prejudice

d) Competition, rivalry, and disrespect


2. Why is good family life important?

a) It provides emotional support, promotes stronger relationships, positive values, and better health and academic performance

b) It promotes negative values, resentment, and anger

c) It causes conflict, misunderstandings, and mistrust

d) It has no impact on a person’s life


3. How can we promote a good family life?

a) By showing love and respect, communicating openly and honestly, sharing responsibilities and working together, reinforcing positive values, and spending quality time together

b) By criticizing and blaming each other, ignoring each other’s feelings and needs, and competing with each other

c) By refusing to communicate, disrespecting and insulting each other, and refusing to work together

d) By focusing on individual needs and ignoring the needs of others


4. What are the benefits of good communication in a family?

a) It helps to prevent misunderstandings, promotes understanding, and helps family members to express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns in a respectful and open way

b) It causes conflict and misunderstandings

c) It leads to criticism and blame

d) It promotes disrespect and mistrust


5. Why is forgiveness important in a family?

a) It helps family members to move on from past mistakes or misunderstandings and promotes a sense of unity and understanding

b) It causes resentment and anger to build up in the family

c) It promotes criticism and blame

d) It leads to conflict and mistrust


6. How can we promote positive values in a family?

a) By reinforcing values such as honesty, respect, compassion, and responsibility through setting a good example, encouraging positive behavior, and reinforcing positive actions and decisions

b) By reinforcing negative values such as dishonesty, disrespect, and cruelty

c) By ignoring values and beliefs altogether

d) By criticizing and blaming each other for not having positive values


7. How can we spend quality time together as a family?

a) By engaging in activities that promote bonding and create lasting memories, such as playing games, going on outings, having family meals, or simply spending time talking and sharing experiences

b) By ignoring each other’s needs and desires

c) By criticizing and blaming each other for not spending enough time together

d) By competing with each other for attention and recognition


8. What can we do to promote a sense of teamwork in a family?

a) By sharing responsibilities, working together to achieve common goals, and offering support and encouragement to each other

b) By ignoring responsibilities and doing our own thing

c) By competing with each other and refusing to work together

d) By blaming and criticizing each other for not working together


9. Why is it important to take responsibility for our actions in a family?

a) It promotes accountability, respect, and understanding, and helps to prevent blame and resentment from building up in the family

b) It promotes criticism, blame, and resentment

c) It leads to conflict and misunderstandings

d) It causes disrespect and mistrust

Lesson Plan Presentation

Lesson Plan Presentation


Topic: Good Family Life


Class: Lagos State Primary 3 Security Education


Duration: 45 minutes


Learning Objectives:

1. To define good family life and its characteristics

2. To understand the advantages of good family life

3. To identify ways to promote a good family life


Learning Materials:

1. Whiteboard and markers

2. Handouts with information on good family life

3. A video on the importance of good family life

4. A poster on positive values

5. A worksheet on identifying ways to promote a good family life


Embedded Core Skills:

1. Communication skills

2. Critical thinking skills

3. Interpersonal skills

4. Problem-solving skills

5. Decision-making skills


Introduction (5 minutes):

– Greet the students and introduce the topic of good family life

– Ask the students to share their thoughts on what a good family life is and its characteristics

– Write down their responses on the whiteboard


Body (30 minutes):

1. Defining Good Family Life:

– Explain the meaning of good family life and its characteristics, such as love, respect, open communication, shared values, and a sense of belonging and security

– Show a video on the importance of good family life

– Discuss the importance of having a good family life and how it affects our lives positively


2. Advantages of Good Family Life:

– Provide information on the advantages of good family life, such as emotional support, improved communication, shared responsibility, stronger relationships, positive values, better academic performance, improved health, greater happiness, and future success

– Ask the students to share their thoughts on the advantages of good family life


3. Promoting Good Family Life:

– Show a poster on positive values and explain the importance of promoting positive values in a family

– Discuss ways to promote good family life, such as showing love and respect, communicating openly and honestly, sharing responsibilities and working together, reinforcing positive values, spending quality time together, and forgiving each other’s mistakes

– Distribute a worksheet on identifying ways to promote a good family life and ask the students to work in pairs to complete the worksheet


Conclusion (10 minutes):

– Review the key points discussed during the lesson

– Ask the students to share their thoughts on what they learned and how they can apply it in their own families

– Provide feedback on their worksheets and give suggestions on how they can improve their ideas

– End the lesson with a summary and thank the students for their participation



– The worksheet will be collected and graded to assess the students’ understanding of the ways to promote a good family life.

– Participation and contribution to class discussions will also be assessed.




Weekly Assessment /Test

1. What are the characteristics of good family life?

a) Love, respect, open communication, shared values, and a sense of belonging and security

b) Criticism, blame, and resentment

c) Ignorance, intolerance, and prejudice

d) Competition, rivalry, and disrespect


2. Why is good family life important?

a) It provides emotional support, promotes stronger relationships, positive values, and better health and academic performance

b) It promotes negative values, resentment, and anger

c) It causes conflict, misunderstandings, and mistrust

d) It has no impact on a person’s life


3. What are the advantages of good family life?

a) Emotional support, improved communication, shared responsibility, stronger relationships, positive values, better academic performance, improved health, greater happiness, and future success

b) Conflict, criticism, and blame

c) Ignorance, prejudice, and intolerance

d) Disconnection, isolation, and loneliness


4. What can we do to promote a good family life?

a) Show love and respect, communicate openly and honestly, share responsibilities and work together, reinforce positive values, spend quality time together, and forgive each other’s mistakes

b) Criticize and blame each other, ignore each other’s feelings and needs, and compete with each other

c) Refuse to communicate, disrespect and insult each other, and refuse to work together

d) Focus on individual needs and ignore the needs of others


5. What is the importance of communication in a family?

a) It helps to prevent misunderstandings, promotes understanding, and helps family members to express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns in a respectful and open way

b) It causes conflict and misunderstandings

c) It leads to criticism and blame

d) It promotes disrespect and mistrust


6. What is the importance of forgiveness in a family?

a) It helps family members to move on from past mistakes or misunderstandings and promotes a sense of unity and understanding

b) It causes resentment and anger to build up in the family

c) It promotes criticism and blame

d) It leads to conflict and mistrust


7. How can we promote positive values in a family?

a) By reinforcing values such as honesty, respect, compassion, and responsibility through setting a good example, encouraging positive behavior, and reinforcing positive actions and decisions

b) By reinforcing negative values such as dishonesty, disrespect, and cruelty

c) By ignoring values and beliefs altogether

d) By criticizing and blaming each other for not having positive values


8. What are the benefits of spending quality time together as a family?

a) It promotes bonding, creates lasting memories, and helps to strengthen relationships

b) It causes conflict and misunderstandings

c) It leads to criticism and blame

d) It promotes isolation and disconnection


9. What is the importance of teamwork in a family?

a) It promotes unity, cooperation, and shared responsibility

b) It causes conflict and competition

c) It promotes criticism and blame

d) It leads to disconnection and isolation


10. How can we promote better health in a family?

a) By encouraging healthy lifestyle habits, such as exercise, good nutrition, and getting enough rest, and by promoting mental health through providing emotional support, practicing good communication, and promoting positive values and behaviors

b) By ignoring healthy lifestyle habits and neglecting mental health

c) By criticizing and blaming each other for poor health

d) By promoting negative values and behaviors


11. What is the impact of good family life on academic performance?

a)  It leads to better academic performance

b) It has no impact on academic performance

c) It causes conflict and distractions that lead to poor academic performance

d) It depends on individual effort and ability


12. What is the impact of good family life on mental health?

a) It promotes positive mental health and emotional well-being

b) It has no impact on mental health

c) It causes stress and anxiety

d) It depends on individual circumstances


13. Why is respect important in a family?

a) It promotes harmony and understanding

b) It causes conflict and misunderstanding

c) It leads to criticism and blame

d) It promotes disconnection and isolation


14. How can we reinforce positive values in a family?

a) By setting a good example, encouraging positive behavior, and reinforcing positive actions and decisions

b) By criticizing and blaming each other for not having positive values

c) By ignoring values and beliefs altogether

d) By promoting negative values and behaviors


15. What are the advantages of open communication in a family?

a) It helps to prevent misunderstandings, promotes understanding, and helps family members to express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns in a respectful and open way

b) It causes conflict and misunderstandings

c) It leads to criticism and blame

d) It promotes disrespect and mistrust


16. What is the importance of sharing responsibility in a family?

a) It promotes unity and shared effort

b) It causes conflict and competition

c) It promotes criticism and blame

d) It leads to disconnection and isolation


17. Why is love important in a family?

a) It promotes positive relationships and emotional well-being

b) It causes conflict and misunderstanding

c) It leads to criticism and blame

d) It promotes disconnection and isolation


18. What is the impact of good family life on future success and happiness?

a) It sets the foundation for future success and happiness in life

b) It has no impact on future success and happiness

c) It causes stress and anxiety that lead to poor future outcomes

d) It depends on individual circumstances and effort


19. What is the importance of forgiveness in resolving conflicts in a family?

a) It promotes understanding and unity

b) It causes resentment and anger to build up

c) It promotes criticism and blame

d) It leads to disconnection and isolation


20. What can we do to promote a sense of belonging and security in a family?

a) By showing love and respect, communicating openly and honestly, and spending quality time together

b) By criticizing and blaming each other, ignoring each other’s feelings and needs, and competing with each other

c) By refusing to communicate, disrespecting and insulting each other, and refusing to work together

d) By focusi ng on individual needs and ignoring the needs of others.


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