Simple Machine


Simple Machines Explained

Simple machines are basic tools that make work easier. There are six types of simple machines: the lever, pulley, wheel and axle, inclined plane, wedge, and screw.

Here are some examples of each type of simple machine:

  1. Lever: A lever is a long stick or bar that pivots on a support called a fulcrum. It can be used to lift heavy objects with less effort. Examples of levers include a see-saw, a crowbar, and a pair of scissors.
  2. Pulley: A pulley is a wheel with a groove that a rope or chain can run through. It is used to change the direction of a force or to lift heavy objects. Examples of pulleys include a flagpole, a clothesline, and a crane.
  3. Wheel and axle: A wheel and axle is a simple machine made up of a wheel and a rod called an axle. The wheel rotates around the axle, making it easier to move heavy objects. Examples of wheel and axle include a bicycle, a car, and a door knob.
  4. Inclined plane: An inclined plane is a sloping surface that makes it easier to move objects from a lower level to a higher level. Examples of inclined planes include a ramp, a slide, and a staircase.
  5. Wedge: A wedge is a simple machine with a triangular shape. It is used to split objects apart or to hold things in place. Examples of wedges include a knife, an axe, and a doorstop.
  6. Screw: A screw is a simple machine made up of a rod with a spiral thread that wraps around it. It is used to hold objects together or to lift things. Examples of screws include a light bulb, a jar lid, and a clamp.


Examples of simple machines:

  1. Levers:
  • A see-saw at a playground
  • A hammer pulling out a nail
  • A shovel lifting dirt
  1. Pulleys:
  • A flagpole raising a flag
  • A crane lifting heavy materials
  • A zip line pulling someone along
  1. Wheel and axle:
  • A bicycle wheel turning on an axle
  • A car tire rotating around an axle
  • A doorknob turning on its base
  1. Inclined planes:
  • A wheelchair ramp leading up to a building
  • A slide at a playground
  • A ramp used for loading heavy objects onto a truck
  1. Wedges:
  • A knife cutting through food
  • A doorstop holding a door open
  • An axe splitting wood
  1. Screws:
  • A lightbulb screwed into a lamp
  • A jar lid twisted on tightly
  • A clamp holding two objects together


  1. What is a simple machine? a) A machine with many complicated parts b) A basic tool that makes work easier c) A machine that requires electricity to operate
  2. Which of the following is an example of a lever? a) A bicycle wheel b) A see-saw at a playground c) A flagpole raising a flag
  3. What is a pulley used for? a) To split objects apart b) To hold things in place c) To change the direction of a force or to lift heavy objects
  4. What is an inclined plane? a) A sloping surface that makes it easier to move objects from a lower level to a higher level b) A wheel with a groove that a rope or chain can run through c) A simple machine made up of a rod with a spiral thread that wraps around it
  5. What is a wedge used for? a) To lift heavy objects b) To hold things in place c) To split objects apart
  6. What is a screw? a) A machine with many complicated parts b) A basic tool that makes work easier c) A simple machine made up of a rod with a spiral thread that wraps around it
  7. Which of the following is an example of a wheel and axle? a) A car tire rotating around an axle b) A slide at a playground c) A ramp used for loading heavy objects onto a truck
  8. What is a fulcrum? a) A long stick or bar that pivots on a support b) A wheel with a groove that a rope or chain can run through c) The point on which a lever rests or is supported
  9. What is the purpose of a ramp? a) To change the direction of a force or to lift heavy objects b) To hold things in place c) To make it easier to move objects from a lower level to a higher level
  10. Which of the following is an example of a screw? a) A flagpole raising a flag b) A jar lid twisted on tightly c) A see-saw at a playground




Uses of simple machine (blender).

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