Casting and Rehearsal Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Subject: Cultural and Creative Arts

Topic: Understanding Casting and Rehearsals

Sub-topic: Meaning of Casting, Casting Process, Casting Personnel, and Types of Rehearsals

Duration: One week

Term: First Term

Week: Week 8

Previous Knowledge: Students have learned about the basics of theater and performance arts.

Learning Objectives:

  1. To understand the meaning of casting in a play production.
  2. To comprehend the casting process and its significance.
  3. To identify the key responsibilities of casting personnel.
  4. To explore the different types of rehearsals in a play production.


Embedded Core Skills:

  • Communication skills
  • Critical thinking
  • Collaboration and teamwork
  • Problem-solving
  • Creative expression

Learning Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Visual aids (pictures of auditions and rehearsals)
  • Examples of resumes
  • Audio or video clips of different types of rehearsals
  • Handouts with key terms and concepts


Day 1: Understanding Casting

  • Introduction to the topic of casting in a play production.
  • Definition of casting and its importance.
  • Discussing the role of actors in a successful production.
  • Using real-life examples of successful plays and the impact of casting.


  • Casting is selecting the actors for a play.
  • It’s super important for a successful play.
  • A casting director (CD) does the casting.

Casting Process

  1. The CD reads the play and notes what actors are needed.
  2. They decide how to audition (open call or by appointment).
  3. Actors read from the script or do a short monologue.
  4. Audition time and place are announced.
  5. The CD decides how to announce the result.
  6. Actors bring their resumes.
  7. The CD explains the play and roles.
  8. Actors may choose their roles.
  9. The CD watches and takes notes.
  10. Equal time is given to actors.
  11. The CD looks for surprises in actors’ skills.
  12. How actors work together is observed.
  13. Improvisation is included in the audition.
  14. A callback audition may happen.
  15. Everyone is thanked.
  16. Casting is based on talent, not relationships.

Casting Personnel

  • Producer: Plans the production and employs the director.
  • Director: Supervises and guides the actors and rehearsals.
  • Choreographer: Plans and directs the dance in a production.


  • Rehearsal is practice for a play.
  • Director oversees rehearsals.
  • Rehearsals are crucial for success.

Types of Rehearsals

  1. Read-through: Everyone reads the script together.
  2. Blocking: Director plans actors’ movements.
  3. Polishing: Actors practice lines and actions.
  4. Technical: Focuses on lights, sets, and sounds.
  5. Dress: Final rehearsal with costumes and makeup.

Day 2: The Casting Process

  • Explanation of the steps involved in the casting process.
  • Discussing the role of the casting director (CD).
  • Identifying and understanding audition criteria.
  • Learning about different types of auditions (e.g., open call and appointment-based).
  • Emphasizing the significance of resumes and preparation.

Day 3: Auditions and Decision-Making

  • Understanding the audition announcement process.
  • Exploring the role of the director during auditions.
  • Learning about open-mindedness and assessing actor abilities.
  • Discussing the incorporation of improvisation in auditions.
  • Explaining the concept of a callback audition.

Day 4: Casting Personnel

  • Introduction to casting personnel in a play production.
  • Roles of the producer, director, and choreographer.
  • The importance of collaboration among casting personnel.
  • Real-life examples of successful casting teams.

Day 5: Types of Rehearsals

  • Exploring the importance of rehearsals in a play production.
  • Introduction to different types of rehearsals.
  • Detailed explanation of read-through rehearsals and their purpose.
  • Understanding blocking rehearsal and the role of the director.
  • Learning about polishing rehearsal, technical rehearsal, and dress rehearsal.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Engage students in discussions.
  • Use visual aids to make concepts more accessible.
  • Share real-life examples and stories.
  • Facilitate group discussions and activities.
  • Monitor and guide students’ learning.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Participate in class discussions and ask questions.
  • Work in groups to understand the casting process.
  • Practice reading from a script during class activities.
  • Observe and analyze videos of different types of rehearsals.
  • Prepare and perform short scenes to understand the rehearsal process.


  • Daily class participation and engagement.
  • Group discussions and presentations.
  • Short quizzes at the end of each day to review key concepts.
  • Casting is the process of choosing _______ for a play production. a) costumes b) actors c) scripts d) directors
  • Who is responsible for selecting the actors for a play production? a) Producer b) Director c) Choreographer d) Scriptwriter
  • What is another name for an “open call” audition? a) Cattle call audition b) Silent audition c) Closed audition d) Quick audition
  • During an audition, actors may either read from the script or prepare a _______. a) dance routine b) song c) monologue d) dialogue
  • The director schedules and announces the time and venue for an _______. a) intermission b) audition c) awards ceremony d) rehearsal
  • Casting decisions are based on _______ and not on pre-existing relationships. a) friendships b) family ties c) talent d) appearance
  • Who is responsible for the general planning of the entire production process? a) Director b) Casting director c) Producer d) Choreographer
  • The director guides the actors during _______. a) opening night b) rehearsals c) auditions d) casting
  • What type of rehearsal focuses on the technical elements of the production, like lighting and sound cues? a) Polishing rehearsal b) Blocking rehearsal c) Dress rehearsal d) Technical rehearsal
  • Read-through rehearsals help everyone get a feel for the flow of the play and take place at the _______ of the rehearsal process. a) middle b) end c) beginning d) final stage
  • During blocking rehearsal, the director determines _______. a) costume changes b) actor’s makeup c) actors’ movements on stage d) the audience seating
  • In a dress rehearsal, actors appear in _______. a) casual clothing b) full costumes and makeup c) their street clothes d) swimwear
  • What is the role of the choreographer in a play production? a) Directing the actors b) Creating dance compositions c) Choosing the script d) Operating the lights
  • Rehearsals give the cast the opportunity to learn their lines, refine their movements, and find the _______ of the play. a) choreography b) script c) emotional truth d) director’s instructions
  • The casting personnel in a play production is made up of the producer, director, and sometimes the _______. a) audience b) costume designer c) choreographer d) musicians

Ten Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is casting in a play production?
  2. Why is casting important for a successful play?
  3. Who is responsible for the casting process?
  4. What are some factors considered during auditions?
  5. What is the difference between an open call and appointment-based audition?
  6. Why do actors need to bring resumes to auditions?
  7. What is a callback audition, and why is it important?
  8. Who are the key members of casting personnel in a play production?
  9. How do rehearsals contribute to the success of a play?
  10. Can you describe the purpose of read-through rehearsals?

Conclusion: By the end of this week, you will have a comprehensive understanding of casting in play production, the casting process, the roles of casting personnel, and the importance of different types of rehearsals. You’ll be well-prepared to appreciate the hard work that goes into creating successful theatrical performances.

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