Properties and Classification of Wood Basic Technology JSS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Basic Technology JSS 1 First Term Lesson Notes – Week 5

Subject: Basic Technology

Class: JSS 1

Term: First Term

Week: 5

Age: 10 – 12 years

Topic: Properties of Materials – Wood I


  • I. Identification of Wood
  • II. Classification of Wood

Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Identify different types of wood.
  2. Classify wood based on their characteristics.
  3. Explain the uses of different types of wood.
  4. Understand the importance of wood as a building material.


  • Wood
  • Softwood
  • Hardwood
  • Identification
  • Classification

Set Induction:

Show the students pictures of wooden items like tables, chairs, and doors. Ask them what they know about the materials used to make these items.

Entry Behaviour:

Students are familiar with wood as a material used in everyday objects like furniture and doors.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Samples of wood (e.g., softwood and hardwood)
  • Pictures of trees and wooden items
  • Charts showing the classification of wood

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

Students have seen or used wooden materials in their daily lives and have an idea of its importance.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Observation
  • Critical thinking
  • Classification skills
  • Problem-solving

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Basic Technology Textbook for JSS 1

Instructional Materials:

  • Samples of softwood and hardwood
  • Pictures of different types of wood
  • Classification charts


I. Identification of Wood
Wood is a natural material obtained from trees. It is one of the oldest materials used for making furniture, buildings, and other products. The appearance, texture, and strength of wood can vary depending on the type of tree it comes from.

  • Hardwood: Comes from deciduous trees (trees that shed their leaves annually). Examples include mahogany, oak, and teak.
    • Characteristics: Dense, strong, and durable.
    • Uses: Furniture, flooring, and construction.
  • Softwood: Comes from coniferous trees (trees that have needles and produce cones). Examples include pine, cedar, and spruce.
    • Characteristics: Lighter, less dense, and easy to work with.
    • Uses: Paper, furniture, and construction.

II. Classification of Wood
Woods are classified into two major groups based on the types of trees they come from: hardwood and softwood.

  1. Hardwood:
    • Comes from broad-leafed trees.
    • Examples: Mahogany, Oak, Iroko, Teak.
    • Characteristics: Strong, durable, and used for high-quality furniture and construction.
  2. Softwood:
    • Comes from needle-leafed or cone-bearing trees.
    • Examples: Pine, Cedar, Spruce.
    • Characteristics: Lighter, cheaper, and used for general construction, paper production, and lightweight furniture.

Key Differences Between Hardwood and Softwood:

  • Hardwood:
    • Dense and heavy.
    • More durable and long-lasting.
    • Used for high-end furniture.
  • Softwood:
    • Lighter and less dense.
    • Easier to work with.
    • Used for paper, lower-cost furniture, and general construction.


  1. Wood is obtained from __________.
    a) metals b) trees c) water d) animals
  2. __________ is an example of hardwood.
    a) Pine b) Oak c) Cedar d) Spruce
  3. Softwood comes from __________ trees.
    a) broad-leafed b) cone-bearing c) small d) giant
  4. Mahogany is used to make high-quality __________.
    a) toys b) furniture c) paper d) clothes
  5. __________ is an example of softwood.
    a) Teak b) Cedar c) Oak d) Mahogany
  6. Hardwood is generally __________ than softwood.
    a) lighter b) cheaper c) denser d) softer
  7. Softwood is commonly used for making __________.
    a) floors b) paper c) tiles d) metals
  8. The trees that produce softwood have __________ instead of leaves.
    a) needles b) flowers c) fruits d) branches
  9. Wood that is easy to work with and lighter in weight is called __________.
    a) hardwood b) softwood c) plastic d) iron
  10. Wood can be classified into __________ groups.
    a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
  11. __________ is a softwood used for making paper.
    a) Pine b) Oak c) Teak d) Mahogany
  12. The trees that produce hardwood shed their __________ annually.
    a) fruits b) flowers c) leaves d) cones
  13. A characteristic of hardwood is that it is __________.
    a) light b) dense c) weak d) cheap
  14. Softwood is generally __________ than hardwood.
    a) heavier b) stronger c) lighter d) thicker
  15. The classification of wood is based on the type of __________ it comes from.
    a) tree b) soil c) climate d) animal

Class Activity Discussion:

  1. What is wood?
    Wood is a natural material obtained from trees used for construction, furniture, and other products.
  2. What is the difference between hardwood and softwood?
    Hardwood comes from broad-leaved trees and is denser, while softwood comes from needle-leaved trees and is lighter.
  3. Why is softwood easier to work with than hardwood?
    Softwood is less dense and lighter, making it easier to cut and shape.
  4. What are some examples of hardwood?
    Mahogany, Oak, and Teak.
  5. Where is softwood commonly used?
    Softwood is used for making paper, lightweight furniture, and in general construction.
  6. What makes hardwood more durable than softwood?
    Hardwood is denser and stronger, which makes it more durable.
  7. What is softwood used for?
    It is used for making paper, plywood, and general construction materials.
  8. How can we identify hardwood?
    Hardwood is dense, heavy, and usually comes from trees that shed their leaves annually.
  9. Why is hardwood more expensive than softwood?
    Hardwood is denser, more durable, and takes longer to grow, making it more expensive.
  10. Can softwood be used for making furniture?
    Yes, but it is used for lightweight or lower-cost furniture.
  11. What types of trees produce softwood?
    Coniferous trees that have needles and cones.
  12. Why is hardwood used for flooring?
    Because it is strong, durable, and long-lasting.
  13. What type of wood is used for making high-quality furniture?
    Hardwood like Mahogany and Oak.
  14. How can we identify softwood?
    Softwood is lighter, less dense, and comes from cone-bearing trees.
  15. What are some uses of hardwood?
    Hardwood is used for making durable furniture, flooring, and high-quality wood products.


Step 1: The teacher revises the previous lesson on “Workshop Safety II.” Workshop Safety II Basic Technology JSS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 4
Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic on the properties of materials, focusing on the identification and classification of wood.
Step 3: The teacher asks students to observe the samples of wood and guides them in identifying the differences between hardwood and softwood.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Show samples of hardwood and softwood and explain their characteristics.
  • Guide the students to classify different types of wood based on their characteristics.
  • Provide visual aids, like pictures and charts, to enhance understanding.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Observe the samples of wood and describe their characteristics.
  • Participate in class discussions on how to identify and classify wood.
  • Take notes on the differences between hardwood and softwood.


  1. What are the two major types of wood?
  2. Explain how hardwood and softwood differ in their characteristics.
  3. Mention two examples of hardwood and two examples of softwood.
  4. What type of wood is easier to work with?
  5. Why is hardwood used for making high-quality furniture?

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is softwood?
  2. Name one example of hardwood.
  3. Mention one characteristic of hardwood.
  4. What are two uses of softwood?
  5. Name a tree that produces softwood.
  6. How can we identify hardwood?
  7. What is softwood used for?
  8. Why is hardwood more durable than softwood?
  9. Which type of wood is used for paper production?
  10. What are the two classifications of wood?


The teacher reviews the key points on the identification and classification of wood, ensuring that students understand the differences between hardwood and softwood. The teacher checks the students’ notes and corrects any mistakes.

 More Useful Links :


Explore the properties and classification of wood in Basic Technology JSS 1. Learn how to identify different types of wood and understand their uses in construction and furniture-making.