Making scribbling letter c Class:K.G 1 Subject: Scribbling Topic: Test Question. (1) Make pattern ccSpread the Word, Share This!FacebookWhatsAppTelegramMoreLinkedInTwitterTumblr More Useful LinksCREATIVITY ACTIVITY TERM ONEGood mannersGood manners It is good to show love to one anotherRecognition of letter (A)Write in words 1 To 5Recommend Posts :Letter Work First Term KG 1Basic Science Mention four parts of your body K.G 2 Exams SamplesSECOND TERM EXAMINATION K.G. IIScheme of work For Kindergarten (KG)All Subjects Kindergarten First Term Lesson Notes LessonEating Habits. Five sense organs in the bodyCircle the right letters of the alphabetClass:K.G 1 Subject: Rhymes Topic: TestWrite capital letter A and small letter a Tags:First Term, KG 1, KG 2