Bible Knowledge basic six third Term





Read the following questions and pick the right answer from the given alternatives:

  1. Jesus was tempted _____ times by Satan.
    • (a) four
    • (b) three
    • (c) five
  2. The first temptation was to turn _________________.
    • (a) water to wine
    • (b) bread to stone
    • (c) stones to bread
  3. To forgive means to ____.
    • (a) pardon
    • (b) steal
    • (c) forget
  4. On the seventh day God ___.
    • (a) created Eve
    • (b) rested
    • (c) made heavens and firmaments
  5. ______ was the first king of Israel.
    • (a) Saul
    • (b) David
    • (c) Cain
  6. ______ was saved by God from the lion’s den.
    • (a) David
    • (b) Daniel
    • (c) Deborah
  7. The desire to do evil is known as ______.
    • (a) temptation
    • (b) mistake
    • (c) evil
  8. Paul’s original name was ______.
    • (a) Saul
    • (b) Samuel
    • (c) Sinner
  9. Saul was a ______ by birth.
    • (a) Jew
    • (b) Greek
    • (c) Lawyer
  10. Saul belonged to a religious group that felt holier than others and this group was called the _______.
    • (a) Samaritan
    • (b) Pharisees
    • (c) Gentiles
  11. Saul was on his way to ___ when he became blind.
    • (a) Samaria
    • (b) Israel
    • (c) Damascus
  12. A ______ is what a person hopes to achieve.
    • (a) faith
    • (b) goal
    • (c) secret
  13. Goals that we want to achieve within some days or weeks are referred to _____ term goals.
    • (a) short
    • (b) long
    • (c) second
  14. Goal setting gives _____ to our lives.
    • (a) confusion
    • (b) direction
    • (c) regret
  15. O Lord, give us ____ to make right decisions always.
    • (a) power
    • (b) energy
    • (c) wisdom
  16. _____ is the choice that one makes after thinking about what is the best thing to do.
    • (a) action
    • (b) promise
    • (c) decision
  17. “If anyone will not work, let him not eat,” is to lay emphasis on ________.
    • (a) spiritual providence
    • (b) the value of hard work
    • (c) prosperity ministry
  18. Success is one of the rewards of being very ___.
    • (a) lazy
    • (b) boastful
    • (c) hardworking
  19. Satan uses our weakness to tempt us to ______.
    • (a) fly
    • (b) cry
    • (c) sin
  20. ______ is the quality of being reasonable and not being excessive in whatever we do.
    • (a) moderation
    • (b) lottery
    • (c) influence
  21. Peter healed the cripple at the beautiful gate with the Holy Ghost power in the name of _____.
    • (a) Jesus Christ
    • (b) Father
    • (c) Jesus
  22. One of the biggest problems facing the Churches in Nigeria is _____.
    • (a) attendance
    • (b) construction
    • (c) dues
  23. The sin that killed Ananias and Sapphira was ___.
    • (a) adultery
    • (b) fornication
    • (c) lying
  24. Before Jesus started his ministry he fasted for _______ days and nights.
    • (a) forty
    • (b) fifty
    • (c) sixty
  25. John the Baptist was the ____ of Jesus.
    • (a) disciple
    • (b) elder brother
    • (c) forerunner
  26. The first trade Jesus learnt as a young man from his earthly father was ____.
    • (a) building
    • (b) carpentry
    • (c) fishing
  27. Jesus appointed _____ men to be with him during his ministry on earth as his disciples.
    • (a) 10
    • (b) 12
    • (c) 120
  28. The first miracle of Jesus was __________________.
    • (a) healing blind Bartimaeus
    • (b) healing the demoniac
    • (c) turning water to wine
  29. When the prodigal son returned home, his father _________.
    • (a) organized a party
    • (b) arrested him
    • (c) rejected him
  30. After healing ____ lepers, only one came back to appreciate Jesus.
    • (a) 8
    • (b) 10
    • (c) 12

Section B

  1. Mention four basic steps for achieving goals.
  2. List two types of goals.
  3. Mention four different situations that require good decision making.
  4. What is temptation?
    • b) What is forgiveness?
  5. Write out the three temptations of Jesus Christ and his response.

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