Tag: Third Term


Class : JSS 1 / Basic 7 Subject : SECURITY EDUCATION Topic : CRIME PREVENTION   Term : Third Term   Week : Week   Reference Materials Scheme of Work Online Information Textbooks Workbooks 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum Previous Knowledge : The pupils have previous knowledge of REVISION which was the topic that was


Class : JSS 1 / Basic 7 Subject : SECURITY EDUCATION Topic : REVISION   Term : Third Term   Week : Week 1   Reference Materials Scheme of Work Online Information Textbooks Workbooks 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum Previous Knowledge : The pupils have previous knowledge of   which was the topic that was


THIRD TERM SCHEME SECURITY EDUCATION JSS 1     WEEKS                               TOPIC     1                                   REVISION   2                             CRIME PREVENTION     3                            PREVENTION OF CRIME IN THE SCHOOL   4                           CURBING EXAMINATION MALPRACTICE IN SCHOOL     5                           CURBING CULTISM IN

Basic science and Technology Third Term Primary 3 Examination

  SUBJECT: Basic science and Technology Third Term Primary 3   CLASS: Primary 3   Term : Third Term   Week 10   Topic  : Examination   Instruction : Answer the following questions Part A . Objectives Living things are things that have ___________ in them (a)  blood   (b) sweat     (c) action Non living

Forms of Force

Forms of Force   SUBJECT: Basic science and Technology Third Term Primary 3   CLASS: Primary 3   Term : Third Term   Week 9   Topic  : Forms of Force   Behavioural objectives : By the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to Explain the meaning of Forms of Force List

Light and Sound Energy

Light and Sound Energy   SUBJECT: Basic science and Technology Third Term Primary 3   CLASS: Primary 3   Term : Third Term   Week: Week 7 & 8   Topic  : Light and Sound Energy   Behavioural objectives : By the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to Explain the meaning


Energy   SUBJECT: Basic science and Technology Third Term Primary 3   CLASS: Primary 3   Term : Third Term   Week: Week 6   Topic  : Energy   Behavioural objectives : By the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to Explain the meaning of energy List examples of energy Previous lesson

Forms of Energy

Forms of Energy   SUBJECT: Basic science and Technology Third Term Primary 3   CLASS: Primary 3   Term : Third Term   Week: Week 5   Topic  : Forms of energy   Behavioural objectives : By the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to Explain the meaning of energy List examples


MODERN TECHNOLOGY   THIRD TERM E-LEARNING NOTE   SUBJECT: Basic science and Technology Third Term Primary 3   CLASS: Primary 3   Term : Third Term   Week: Week 4   Topic  : MODERN TECHNOLOGY   Sub Topic : Explain forms of MODERN TECHNOLOGY   Behavioural objectives : By the end of the lesson, the