Tag: Third Term

A Motor Park

Subject :  English Composition    Term : Third Term   Class : Primary 4   Week: Week 1   Previous lesson :    Review of previous lesson on composition, most especially second term Scheme of work     Topic : A Motor Park   Behavioural objectives : At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be

Basic Science JSS 2 BASIC 8

Basic Science  JSS 2 First Term Scheme of work With Lesson Notes       BASIC SCIENCE JSS2 SECOND TERM       Basic Science  JSS 2 Third Term Scheme of work With Lesson Notes     .

Basic Science and Technology Primary 3 Third Term

Basic science and Technology Third Term Primary 3     Weekly Topics For Third term Basic 3 basic Science and Technology     Week 1 Living Things . Plants and animals      Week 2 :  Characteristics of living things     Week 3 : Forms of Technology      Week 4 : Modern Technology

Exploring Your Environment. Walking along the road

Subject :  Basic Science and Technology Term : Third Term Week: Week 10 Class : Basic 1 / Primary 1 Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of      Exploring Your Environment   that was previously treated as a topic     Topic : Walking along the road     Behavioural objectives :

Exploring Your Environment

Subject :  Basic Science and Technology Term : Third Term Week: Week 9 Class : Basic 1 / Primary 1 Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of      Water Transportation   that was previously treated as a topic     Topic : Exploring Your Environment     Behavioural objectives : By the

Water Transportation

Subject :  Basic Science and Technology Term : Third Term Week: Week 8 Class : Basic 1 / Primary 1 Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of     Technology in Transportation   that was previously treated as a topic     Topic : Technology in Transportation : Land and Air Transportation  

Technology in Transportation

Subject :  Basic Science and Technology Term : Third Term Week: Week 6 Class : Basic 1 / Primary 1 Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of     Technology in Home : Electric Gadgets   that was previously treated as a topic     Topic : Technology in Transportation : Land and Air

Technology in Home : Electric Gadgets

Subject :  Basic Science and Technology Term : Third Term Week: Week 5 Class : Basic 1 / Primary 1 Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of      The Concept of Technology   that was previously treated as a topic     Topic : Technology in Home : Electric Gadgets    

The Concept of Technology

Subject :  Basic Science and Technology Term : Third Term Week: Week 4 Class : Basic 1 / Primary 1 Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of     The uses of head pan   that was previously treated as a topic     Topic : The Uses of a Basket     Behavioural