Second Term Social Studies Primary 6 Exams

SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUD. CLASS: PRIMARY 6 Edu Delight Tutors Second Term Social Studies Primary 6 Exams SECTION A 1.Conflict means ________(a) cooperation (b) non-cooperation (c) support (d) meeting 2. All of these are causes of conflict except (a) failure to tolerate one another (b) respect of others opinions and culture (c) failure to supply promised goods

Second Term Basic Science Primary 6 Exams

SUBJECT: BASIC SCIENCE CLASS: GRADE 6 Second Term Basic Science Primary 6 Exams Edu Delight Tutors SECTION A 1. The ____pumps blood to all part of the body. (a) kidney (b) heart (c) brain (c) liver 2. _____ are blood vessels carrying oxygen-rich blood away from the heart to other parts of the body (a)

Second Term PHE  Primary 6 Exams

SUBJECT: P.H.E CLASS: GRADE 6 Second Term PHE  Primary 6 Exams Edu Delight Tutors  SECTION A 1. Hockey is a game played by two teams of __________players each (a) 22 (b) 11 (c) 5 (d) 7 2. In hockey, ____ are the goal poachers; they collect the ball from the mid fielders. (a) goal keeper

Second Term Mathematics  Primary 6 Exams

SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS CLASS: PRIMARY 6 Second Term Mathematics  Primary 6 Exams Edu Delight Tutors  1. The tax deducted on the taxable income of a citizen is 15k on every naira. Find the tax paid by a man whose taxable income is N3000 (a) N1500 (b) N450 (c) N2000 (d) N15000 2. I have N1000. How

Second Term English Literature Primary 6 Exams

Edu Delight Tutors   SUBJECT: LITERATURE CLASS: GRADE 6 Second Term English Literature Primary 6 Exams 1. Tom dreamt that he killed a giant _____on his way to the stream (a) snake (b) rat (c) lion (d) squirrel 2. Tom’s favourite soup was ____ (a) snail soup (b) fish soup (c) cow meat soup (d)

Second Term English Studies Primary 6 Exams

  Edu Delight Tutors SUBJECT: ENGLISH STUD. CLASS: PRIMARY 6 SECTION A! Instruction: Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions on the passage. The vulture and the tortoise were close friends. But it was the vulture who usually paid visits to the tortoise. Nevertheless, their friendship blossomed though the tortoise never knew the

Second Term CRS Primary 6 Exams

SUBJECT: C.R.S CLASS: GRADE 6 Second Term CRS Primary 6 Exams Edu Delight Tutors 1. A ________ is what a person hopes to achieve . (a) keeper (b) goal (c) engineer (d) setting 2. To achieve anything , there must be a (a) person (b) plan (c) number (d) king 3. _______ refers to what

Second Term Civic education Primary 6 Exams

SUBJECT: Civic Education  Edu Delight Tutors CLASS: GRADE 6 SECTION A 1. A _______ is an individual who has the legal right to live permanently in a particular country, enjoying the full right (a) Nigeria (b) citizen (c) president (d) senator 2. Foreigners acquire or obtain the citizenship of a particular country by the process


Edu Delight Tutors SUBJECT: AGRIC.SCI. CLASS: PRIMARY 6 1. Air in motion is known as _________(a) wind (b) air pressure (c) harmattan (d) season 2. The instrument used for determining the direction of wind is called ________(a) anemometer (b) barometer (c) wind vane (d) speedometer 3. In Nigeria, the south-west wind brings _________ (a) dry

Primary 3 Examination First Term All Subjects

Edu Delight Tutors Primary 3 Examinations First Term All Subjects First Term 1st TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: BASIC 3 SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS 0.12 + 3.45 = (a) 2.57 (b) 0.57 (c) 3.57 (d) 3.33 0.92 – 0.51 = (a) 0.41 (b) 0.14 (c) 11.43 (d) 1.35 What is the Square of 5? (a) 10 (b) 5 (c)