What is desalination?

  Class: Basic 5 Subject: Social Studies Topic: Tests Instructions: Read and answer the following questions correctly. 1. Buildings with two floors are called ________________. (a) Bungalows (b) Duplexes (c) Skyscrapers 2. What is desalination? 3. The first railway line in Nigeria was from ___________ to _____________. 4. Mention the two major forms of land

Tick says the clock

Lesson Plan: Primary 1 English Grammar Subject: English Language Topic: Rhymes Sub-topic: Understanding and Reciting Simple Rhymes Duration: 1 lesson (30 minutes) Term: 1 Week: 2 Previous Knowledge: None Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students should be able to recite the rhymes “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star,” “Pawpaw is a Kind of Fruit,”


  Class: Nursery 1 Subject: Number readiness          Test     Subtraction 1. 6 – 3 = 2. 4 – 2 = 3. 7 – 1 = 4. 9 – 5 = 5. 10 – 6 =   Fill in the missing letter 1. t__n 2. e__even 3. sixt__ __n 4. ni__eteen

Mention two objects at home.

    Class: K-G2.   Subject: Science.   Questions.   1) What colour is the cap?(a) blue (b) yellow.   2) What colour is the circle? (a) red (b) blue.   Mention two objects at home.   3) ______________.   4) ______________.   5) Is it good for the school environment to be dirty? (a)

The headquarters of ECOWAS is in

  CLASS:: Primary 3 SUBJECT:: Social— Studies TOPIC:: Assessment Test. Fill in the correct answer:::: Questions. (1)The Economic community of West Africa state was founded on______. (a) May 29th 1975. (b)May 18th 1975. (c)May 28th 2975. (2)The headquarters of ECOWAS is in _____ (a)Oyo(b)Abuja (c)Lagos. (3)Africa is divided into______regions . (a)ten (b) eight (c)five .

Letters of the alphabets  Small case or small letters 

Letters of the alphabets  Small case or small letters  a.   b.    c.   d.   e.     f.   g.   h.  i.   j.    k.  l.  m.    n.  o.      p.   q.   r.    s.     t.     u.     v.    w.     x.     y.       z Class:K.G 1 Subject: Reading Readiness

Write out Figures From 1 To 5

Class:K.G 1 Subject: Number readiness Topic: Test Write out Figures 1 to 5 1 2 3 4 5 Colour figure 1 to 5 1 2 3 4 5 Count from figure 1 to 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Class:K.G 1 Subject: Social norms Topic: Test

  Class:K.G 1 Subject: Social norms Topic: Test         Question. (1) what is the name of your head Mistress        (a) Mrs Bode        (b) Mrs Kalu   (2) Is it good to have a friend          (a) yes. (b) no   (3) What is

Letter A sounds haaaa

  Class:K.G 1 Subject: Reading readiness Topic: Test         Question. (1) Write letter a–d   (2) Say letter a to c sound        Letter a for ______        Letter b for ______        Letter c for ______   (3) Read letter a—z
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