Tag: Primary 6

Verbal Reasoning Primary 6 Third Term Week 3

PRIMARY 6 SUBJECT: VERBAL REASONING NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… Answer all the questions   Part E: Study the word pattern and answer the questions that follow Example: Bear and cub                  Buffalo and _____          (a) calf (b) kid  (c) kitten (d) lamb            (e) puppy       Ans = calf (a) 21.)          Goose and gosling Kangaroo and _______       (a)

Verbal Reasoning Primary 6 Third Term Week 2

PRIMARY 6 SUBJECT: VERBAL REASONING Part C: The words below are written in codes. Study each word and its code word carefully and work out how the code is written. Examples are given below SUCCESS is written as SSUSCEC ABILITY is written as AYBTIL ANXIOUS is written as ASNUXOI Now use the code pattern to


SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE   NAME:………………………………………………………………………………… Instruction: Read the following questions and choose the right answer from the given alternatives.   Comprehension: THE PRODIGAL SON There was a certain man who had two sons. The younger of these said to his father, ‘Father, give me that share of your estate which I shall inherit.’ So his

Analogy : Busy is to bee, as sharp is to

An analogy is a comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification. It often highlights the similarities between the two, helping to illustrate a concept or idea by showing how it is similar to something more familiar. Analogies are commonly used in language to make complex ideas more understandable. 1. Hot

Primary 6 Third Term Weekly Lesson Plan

PRIMARY SIX THIRD TERM E-NOTE ENGLISH LANGUAGE WEEKS SUMMARY OF CONTENTS Week 1 Revision of second terms work   Week 2. A. Speech Work: Making verbal report and Statements B. Reading: Teaching of new words, meanings and Comprehension The Reward of Stealing  C. Structure: Writing e-mail text messages D. Grammar: Tenses of verbs E. Writing:

CLASS: PRIMARY 6 SUBJECT: FINE ART Third Term Examinations 

CLASS: PRIMARY 6 SUBJECT: FINE ART Third Term Examinations NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… 1.) The degree of lighten or darkness in an art work is called _____ (a) Shape (b) colour (c) value (d) form   2.) The response of vision to wave lengths of light is ____ (a) colour (b) line (c) shape (d) space   3.)

The mixture of red and yellow will give….. Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 6 Third Term Week 9 /10

    CLASS: PRIMARY 6   SUBJECT: CREATIVE ART   Topic : Revision   NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………   1.) Esie is a town in the present ________________ state of Nigeria (a) Edo (b) Kwara (c) Oyo   2.) Majority of traditional African art are in ______________ form (a) Craft (b) Mosaic (c) Sculpural   3.) Which of