Tag: Primary 3

Road Accident Social Studies Basic 3

  CLASS: Basic 3 SUBJECT: Social Studies TOPIC: Road Accident CONTENT: Road accident is an unexpected event on the road which causes great damage or loss of lives. Accidents can hurt or injure us for a long time. Different accidents can lead to scrapes and scratches or broken bones but a fatal accident leads to

Which of the following is a component of a system unit?

CLASS: PRIMARY 3   SUBJECT: COMPUTER STUDY   TOPIC: REVIEW QUESTIONS   A system unit is ___________  (a) an engine of the computer (b) an input device (c) an output device   1. Which of the following is a component of a system unit? (a) Abacus (b) Mouse (c) Motherboard   2. Which of the

Meaning of Ornamental Crops

  CLASS: Basic 3 SUBJECT: Agricultural Science TOPIC: Meaning of Ornamental Crops   CONTENT:   Ornamental crops are crops which are planted mainly to add to the beauty of a place. They are grown for the display of their flowers. Other common ornamental crops include leaves, fruits stem and bark.   Ornamental crops may be

Alphabetical order(using third letters).

  CLASS:: Primary 3   SUBJECT:: Verbal-Reasoning.   TOPIC::Alphabetical order(using third letters).   Alphabetical order means arrangement of words in sequence of letters of alphabet. **Example* (i)assign. (4) (ii)ascent. (1) (iii)ashes. (2) (iv) aside. (3) **Questions* (1). (i) Christ. ( ) (ii)church. ( ) (iii)chord. ( ) (iv)charcoal( ) (2).(i)learn. ( ) (ii) lens. (

Types of footwear

  CLASS:: Primary 3 SUBJECT::: Home Economic TOPIC:: Types of footwear.     Content Types of footwear.   Footwear is a covering for a person’s feet. There are different kinds of footwear that people use. Sandals/trekkers are good for pupils or those who engage in a lot of walking. Shoes are dressy occasions or for

Uses of Input Devices

  CLASS: BASIC 3 SUBJECT: Basic Science and Technology TOPIC:  Uses of Input Devices   CONTENT:   KEYBOARD:   The keyboard has letter keys, number keys and symbol keys. It also has other keys to move around the screen and perform other things. The keys are used to type numbers, letters and words into the

TOPIC:  Weight (Revision

  CLASS: Basic 3 SUBJECT: Mathematics TOPIC:  Weight (Revision)   CONTENT:   Weight describes how light or heavy an object is.   STANDARD UNITS OF WEIGHT (i) The kilogram (kg) is used as a unit when we weigh heavy objects like bag of rice, bag of cement, etc. (ii) The gram (g) is used when

Ways of preventing drug Abuse self medication:

  CLASS: BASIC 3 SUBJECT: Civic Education TOPIC:  Ways of preventing drug Abuse   CONTENT:   These are some ways of preventing drug abuse:   1. Discourage self medication:   Do not take drugs on your own but only what is given to you by your parents, doctor or nurse.   2. Take prescribed drugs

Wh-Questions and Responses

  CLASS:: Primary 3 SUBJECT:: English-Grammar. TOPIC:’Wh-Questions and Responses.   Content::   Wh-question are words that begin with “wh” and are used to ask questions. They are÷÷÷ what,why,whom,who whose,where,which, how.   Examples of questions and responses are÷÷÷     Questions÷ (1)What is in the box? Response÷ There is a cat in the box.   (2)

Rights and Duties of a citizen in Nigeria

  SUBJECT:: Social Studies. TOPIC:: Rights and Duties of a citizen.     Content:::::   Citizen have duties and responsibilities to the communities that they live in.For the community to function well,citizen must perform their duties.   Here are some of the duties of a citizen to the community….. (a)Keeping the community clean. (b) Obeying