Tag: Primary 3

Advantages of Choosing a Leader

TOPIC: Advantages of Choosing a Leader Edu Delight Tutors     Subject   :  Civic Education   Class  : Basic  / Primary 2  / Class 2   Term : Second   Term   Week  : Week 5   Topic  : Advantages of Choosing a Leader   Previous Knowledge : The pupils have previous knowledge of The way

The way leaders are chosen in the locality

TOPIC: The way leaders are chosen in the locality Edu Delight Tutors     Subject   :  Civic Education   Class  : Basic  / Primary 2  / Class 2   Term : Second   Term   Week  : Week 4   Topic  : The way leaders are chosen in the locality   Previous Knowledge : The pupils

Primary 3 civic Education Second Term Examinations

Respect for constituted authority. Subject   :  Civic Education   Class  : Basic 3 / Primary 3  / Class 3   Term : Second   Term   Week  : Week 11   Topic  : Examination for second term. Civic Education Primary 3   Previous Knowledge : The pupils have previous knowledge of Respect for Elders in the

Primary 3 civic Education Second Term Revision

National Symbols are signs or objects of recognition at national level…. (true /false) À state has its own authority (true /false) National Symbols are also the same as private logo (true /false) The colour of the Nigerian flag is green, white and red (true /false) Nigeria is a nation (true /false) The first line of

Respect for Government Property .

. Respect for Government Property .   Subject   :  Civi Education   Class  : Basic 3 / Primary 3  / Class 3   Term : Second   Term   Week  : Week 10   Topic  : Respect for Government Property .   Previous Knowledge : The pupils have previous knowledge of Respect for constituted authority that

Respect for constituted authority.

Respect for constituted authority. Subject   :  Civic Education   Class  : Basic 3 / Primary 3  / Class 3   Term : Second   Term   Week  : Week 9   Topic  : Respect for constituted authority.   Previous Knowledge : The pupils have previous knowledge of Respect for Elders in the society  that was taught 

Respect for elders in the society.

Respect for elders in the society. Edu Delight Tutors Subject   :  Civic Education   Class  : Basic 3 / Primary 3  / Class 3   Term : Second   Term   Week  : Week 8   Topic  : Respect for elders in the society.   Previous Knowledge : The pupils have previous knowledge of Demonstrate respect

How To Demonstrate Respect for National Symbols

Respect for other symbols. Edu Delight Tutors Subject   :  Civic Education   Class  : Basic 3 / Primary 3  / Class 3   Term : Second   Term   Week  : Week 7   Topic  : How To Demonstrate Respect for National Symbols   Previous Knowledge : The pupils have previous knowledge of Respect for other


Respect for other symbols. Edu Delight Tutors Subject   :  Civic Education   Class  : Basic 3 / Primary 3  / Class 3   Term : Second   Term   Week  : Week 6   Topic  : Respect for other symbols.   Previous Knowledge : The pupils have previous knowledge of Different between national symbols and other

Differences between National Symbols and Other Symbols.

Differences between national symbols and other symbols. Edu Delight Tutors Subject   :  Civic Education   Class  : Basic 3 / Primary 3  / Class 3   Term : Second   Term   Week  : Week 5   Topic  : Differences between national symbols and other symbols.   Previous Knowledge : The pupils have previous knowledge of