Subject : Civic Education
Topic :Traffic Regulations and Control In Nigeria
Class :BASIC 4 / Primary 4
Term :Third Term
Week :Week 2
Instructional Materials :
Improved Street light 🚦
The Highway code
Listen to a traffic news or report on Lagos traffic radio
- Pictures of traffic or road signs
Previous Knowledge :
The pupils have been taught The traffic rules and the meaning of three colours on the street light
Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to
- Mention the three colours on the traffic light and their functions
- Explain the meaning of traffic regulation
- Say the functions of street light
- Say the importance of street traffic light
Content :
Road traffic rules are sets of rules and regulations that must be obeyed by every road users in order to maintain sanity, orderliness and safety on the road
Traffic simply refers to the vehicular movements in a particular area or on the road .
Traffic congestion is an increasing problem in cities and suburbs, and most people spend more and more of their time commuting to work, school, shopping, and social events, as well as dealing with traffic jams and accidents.
By the late 1990s rush-hour traffic patterns no longer flowed simply into the city in the morning and out of the city in the evening. Traffic became heavy in all directions, both to and from cities as well as between suburban locations.
Suburban business locations required huge parking lots because employees had to drive; there were few buses, trains, or trolleys to carry scattered workers to their jobs. The hope of reduced congestion in the suburbs had not been realized; long commutes and traffic jams could be found everywhere.
Various road signs and traffic signs are used to make vehicular movement very easy .
The Importance of Traffic Rules and Regulations
- It makes orderliness the order of the day on the road
- Traffic rules and regulations make sanity to prevail on our major highways
- It ensures that safety is guaranteed on our major highways
- If the traffic rules and regulations are properly enforced or obeyed, it may curb the occurrence of accidents on our major highways
- Strict obedience to traffic rules and regulations may help to decongest heavy traffic on the road

Examples of Traffic symbols and Signs
1. Traffic light : The is the most commonly seen or used of all traffic signs and symbols. The traffic light obviously displays three colours with are used to communicate with the pedestrians and other road users. The three colours are
- Red means stop
- Yellow (amber) means wait or ready to go
- Green means go

- No U turn : this sign is used to let motorists know that there is no U turn on a specific lane or route

- T junction : This particular road sign is very useful where a particular road leads to the joining or a major road that looks like the shape of letter T

4. Pedestrian Crossing : This road sign is used to tell motorists that pedestrians (people that walk by the road side) may likely want to cross the road at that specific spot and hence motorists need to slow down for the pedestrians

- Stop : This road sign is used to tell motorists that they must come to a complete stop.

NO PARKING A No Parking sign means you cant park but you can make a temporary stop to drop off the bus or pick up passengers .
CHILDREN CROSSING The Children crossing sign is used to indicate that drivers should be very careful when approaching a spot of the road because pupils or children cross the road at that specific location .
On the TRAFFIC LIGHT , Red MEANS Stop , Yellow (Amber ) MEANS Ready and Green means Go .
A Zebra crossing is a pedestrian crossing marked by white stripes in the road, at which drivers of vehicles must stop if a pedestrian is waiting to cross
The topic is presented step by step
Step 1: The class teacher revises the previous topics
Step 2. He introduces the new topic
Step 3: The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise
Evaluation :
- What are road signs
- Mention two importance of traffic rules
Conclusion :
He gives a brief note and he goes round to mark
Assignment :
- Draw the traffic light
About The Author
Edu Delight Tutors
Am a dedicated educator with a passion for learning and a keen interest in technology. I believe that technology can revolutionize education and am committed to creating an online hub of knowledge, inspiration, and growth for both educators and students. Welcome to Edu Delight Tutors, where learning knows no boundaries.