Choose the correct answer from the options.
1. Body Building food do not include ………………………..
[a] yam [b] meat [c] fish
2. There are ………………… groups of food
[a] 3 [b] 5 [c] 6
3.S The ……………… is used for tasting food
[a] Lip [b] tooth [c] tongue
4. The _____________ is a material used for caring for the mouth
[a] petrol [b] stick [c] soap
5. Which of these is not a type of toilet
[a] latrine [b] air toilet [c] water closet
6. Which of these is not a type of brushes
[a] round [b] long [c] short
7. Always wear ……………….. cloth
[a] stinking [b] clean [c] dirty
8. One of the danger of not caring for mouth is _____________
[a] discoloration of teeth [b] activities of mouth
[c] celebration of the mouth
9. ________ is a type of hair infectious
[a] rashes [b] pimple [c] dandruff
10. __________ is the sense organ for hearing
[a] eyes [b] nose [c] ear
11. All these are head infection except ……………………….
[a] ringworm [b] bump [c] typhoid
12. …………………….. is an example of skin
[a] water skin [b] oily skin [c] powder skin
13. One of the process of cleaning bedroom is ……………………….
[a] scrubbing [b] mopping [c] all of the above
14. ………………….. can enter the fingernails if they are not trimmed
[a] germs [b] ants [c] salt
15. We are expected to ……………… our body daily
[a] bathe [b] beat [c] slap
Attempt all questions in this section
1. What is adequate / balanced diet.
b. Mention 5 food crops
c. List 5 materials for cleaning toilet
2. Name 10 local food around us
b. Write 3 examples each of these Carbohydrate, protein, vitamin and oily food
3. Mention the uses of each of the following parts of the body.
i. Nose ii. Eyes iii. Ears iv. mouth
4. Name 4 professions that make use of clothes
5. State 3 reasons for cleaning kitchen.
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