Second Term Examination Social Studies Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 13
Second Term Examination
Subject: Social Studies
Class: Primary 2
Term: Second Term
Week: 13
General Instructions for Teachers and Students
Instructions for Teachers
- Ensure students are seated comfortably.
- Distribute the question papers and explain the instructions clearly.
- Monitor the exam to maintain fairness.
- Avoid giving hints or answers during the exam.
Instructions for Students
- Read all the questions carefully before answering.
- Answer each question on your own.
- Do not copy from others or share answers.
- Stay calm and do your best.
- Return your paper when you finish.
Integrity and honesty are important. Let this exam show what you have learned.
Part A: Objective Questions (30 Marks)
Instruction: Choose the correct answer from the options (a, b, c, or d).
- Someone hurt during an accident is called a ________.
a) Teacher
b) Victim
c) Friend
d) Helper - We can prevent accidents at home by keeping ________ away from children.
a) Toys
b) Sharp objects
c) Water
d) Clothes - The first thing to do when an accident happens is to ________.
a) Run
b) Stay calm
c) Shout
d) Play - A first aid kit is used to ________.
a) Cook food
b) Clean injuries
c) Make toys
d) Wash clothes - Falling on slippery floors is an example of an accident at ________.
a) School
b) The market
c) Home
d) The park - During accidents, it is important to call an ________ for help.
a) Adult
b) Child
c) Dog
d) Toy - Safety at school includes following ________.
a) Rules
b) Games
c) Stories
d) Food - Reassuring a victim helps them to feel ________.
a) Better
b) Scared
c) Angry
d) Hungry - Cleaning a minor cut with clean water is part of ________.
a) Cooking
b) First aid
c) Playtime
d) Teaching - Broken glass should be ________ away from children.
a) Hidden
b) Kept
c) Removed
d) Ignored - Accidents can happen when we are not ________.
a) Playing
b) Careful
c) Tired
d) Resting - It is important to learn ________ to prevent accidents.
a) Games
b) Safety rules
c) Stories
d) Numbers - ________ should not be played with in school.
a) Balls
b) Scissors
c) Pencils
d) Rulers - If a student falls and hurts themselves, the first thing to do is ________.
a) Laugh
b) Call for help
c) Ignore them
d) Shout loudly - Accidents can be ________ by following safety rules.
a) Increased
b) Avoided
c) Ignored
d) Forgotten - A slippery floor can cause ________.
a) Tiredness
b) Falling
c) Playing
d) Resting - To avoid burns, never touch ________ objects.
a) Cold
b) Hot
c) Soft
d) Smooth - Fire is dangerous because it can ________.
a) Burn
b) Freeze
c) Jump
d) Fly - A broken toy should be ________ to avoid injuries.
a) Played with
b) Fixed
c) Thrown away
d) Ignored - When someone gets hurt, we should always ________.
a) Shout
b) Help them
c) Laugh
d) Ignore them - We can prevent accidents by being ________.
a) Careless
b) Messy
c) Careful
d) Quiet - A sharp knife can cause ________ if not used properly.
a) Fun
b) Injuries
c) Laughter
d) Music - Safety rules in school help us to ________.
a) Learn
b) Fight
c) Play
d) Stay safe - When helping accident victims, we should remain ________.
a) Calm
b) Angry
c) Sad
d) Tired - Toys that are too small can be ________ for young children.
a) Fun
b) Dangerous
c) Safe
d) Helpful - First aid should be done by a ________.
a) Doctor
b) Teacher
c) Child
d) Adult - Accidents happen because we are not ________ about our actions.
a) Careful
b) Sad
c) Happy
d) Angry - We should not play with ________ during school hours.
a) Toys
b) Scissors
c) Books
d) Pencils - A victim who is bleeding needs ________ to stop the blood.
a) Water
b) Ice
c) A bandage
d) Food - We should always have a ________ at home in case of accidents.
a) Toy
b) First aid kit
c) TV
d) Game
Part B: Theory Questions (30 Marks)
Instruction: Answer the following questions briefly.
- Define an accident.
- Mention two ways to prevent accidents at home.
- List three safety rules for school.
- What should you do if someone falls in school?
- Write one use of a first aid kit.
- Why should we stay calm during accidents?
- Name two objects that can cause accidents at home.
- What is the first thing to do when you see an accident victim?
- Why is it important to inform an adult during accidents?
- What should you do if there is broken glass on the floor?
- How can you prevent a burn at home?
- What should you do if you see someone playing with fire?
- How can you help a victim who is bleeding?
- What can happen if we do not follow safety rules?
- Why is it important to have a first aid kit at home?
- How can slippery floors cause accidents?
- What should you do if you see a toy that is broken?
- Why should we be careful with sharp objects?
- How can safety rules help prevent accidents at school?
- Why should we avoid playing with sharp objects?
- What is the most important thing to do when there is an accident?
- How can you help someone who is hurt in school?
- Why is it dangerous to play with scissors in school?
- What should you do if you see someone hurt?
- How does a first aid kit help in an emergency?
- Why should we keep hot objects away from children?
- How can safety rules help us stay safe at school?
- What do you do if there is water on the floor?
- How can we stay safe while playing?
- What is the role of adults during accidents?
Part C: True or False Questions (30 Marks)
Instruction: Write True or False for each statement.
- Accidents only happen at home. ________
- We should always stay calm during accidents. ________
- Sharp objects can cause injuries. ________
- Cleaning a wound with dirty water is safe. ________
- First aid helps to treat small injuries. ________
- Playing with fire is safe. ________
- Safety rules prevent accidents. ________
- Teachers should be informed when accidents happen in school. ________
- Broken glass should be left on the floor. ________
- Helping accident victims shows kindness. ________
- Accidents do not happen in school. ________
- It is okay to play with knives. ________
- We should not ignore safety rules. ________
- A first aid kit is for treating small injuries. ________
- It is safe to play near the fire. ________
- We should help victims by staying calm. ________
- Broken toys should be fixed. ________
- Accidents are always caused by carelessness. ________
- We can prevent accidents by following rules. ________
- Slippery floors are safe. ________
- Always walk slowly to avoid falling. ________
- Playing with sharp scissors is safe. ________
- We should never call for help in emergencies. ________
- We should play with dangerous objects. ________
- It is okay to ignore safety rules at home. ________
- Safety rules apply to both home and school. ________
- Injuries should always be ignored. ________
- Children should be kept away from fire. ________
- First aid kits should be stored in a safe place. ________
- Accidents cannot happen during playtime. ________
End of Examination Paper
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