Identification of Computer Icons and their uses Computer Studies Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 4

Lesson Plan on Identification of Computer Icons and Their Uses

Subject: Computer Studies

Class: Primary 2

Term: Second Term

Week: 4

Age: 6-8 years

Topic: Identification of Computer Icons and Their Uses

Sub-topic: Common Computer Icons and Their Functions

Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Define computer icons.
  2. Identify at least five common computer icons.
  3. State the uses of these icons.
  4. Match icons to their corresponding functions.


  • Icon
  • Function
  • Toolbar
  • Shortcut
  • Identification

Set Induction

The teacher shows pictures of common objects (e.g., a clock, pencil, and book) and asks the pupils to identify them. The teacher explains that just as objects represent activities, computer icons represent commands or tasks.

Entry Behaviour

Pupils are familiar with basic computer parts such as the keyboard and mouse.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Pictures of computer icons (e.g., recycle bin, folder, printer).
  • A functional computer with a visible desktop screen.
  • Flashcards with icons and descriptions.

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

The teacher reminds pupils of their previous lesson on computer parts and their uses. Pupils are asked how they use a computer mouse to click on items.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Communication skills
  • Critical thinking
  • Digital literacy

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Basic Computer Studies for Primary Schools

Instructional Materials

  • Flashcards
  • A computer with an active desktop screen
  • Picture charts


Definition of Computer Icons

  1. Computer icons are small pictures or symbols on the computer screen.
  2. They help users identify and open programs or perform tasks quickly.
  3. Icons are shortcuts to commands or applications.

Common Computer Icons and Their Uses

  1. Recycle Bin
    • Use: Stores deleted files temporarily.
  2. Folder Icon
    • Use: Organizes files into groups.
  3. Printer Icon
    • Use: Sends documents to be printed.
  4. File Icon
    • Use: Represents individual documents or programs.
  5. My Computer/This PC Icon
    • Use: Gives access to files, folders, and drives.


Teacher’s Activities

  1. Display the desktop screen and point out common icons.
  2. Explain the function of each icon using simple terms.
  3. Show flashcards with icons and their uses.
  4. Allow pupils to match icons to their uses on the whiteboard.
  5. Ask questions to check understanding and provide corrections.

Learners’ Activities

  1. Listen attentively as the teacher explains the icons.
  2. Match icons to their functions using flashcards.
  3. Practice identifying icons on the desktop.
  4. Answer the teacher’s questions about the icons.

Evaluation Questions

(Choose the correct option for each question.)

  1. A small picture on the computer screen is called a ___.
    a) file b) icon c) folder d) bin
  2. The icon used to store deleted files temporarily is ___.
    a) recycle bin b) printer c) folder d) file
  3. The __ icon organizes files into groups.
    a) printer b) recycle bin c) folder d) monitor
  4. A document on the computer is represented by a ___.
    a) file icon b) folder icon c) recycle bin d) printer
  5. Which icon gives access to drives and folders?
    a) Recycle bin b) My Computer c) Printer d) File
  6. The recycle bin stores __ files.
    a) created b) deleted c) edited d) saved
  7. Which icon is used to print documents?
    a) Recycle bin b) Printer c) Folder d) File
  8. A folder icon is used to __ files.
    a) delete b) edit c) organize d) print
  9. The __ icon represents individual programs.
    a) recycle bin b) file c) printer d) folder
  10. __ icons make it easy to use the computer.
    a) Icons b) Pictures c) Files d) Folders

(Continue up to 15 questions.)

Class Activity Discussion (FAQs)

  1. What are computer icons?
    Small pictures that represent commands or programs.
  2. Why are icons useful?
    They save time and make computers easy to use.
  3. What does the folder icon do?
    It organizes files.
  4. Can we delete files using an icon?
    Yes, using the recycle bin.
  5. What is a shortcut?
    An easy way to access programs using icons.
    (Continue up to 15 FAQs.)


Answer the following:

  1. Define computer icons.
  2. List three common icons.
  3. State the use of the folder icon.
  4. What does the recycle bin store?
  5. Draw the file icon.
  6. What icon is used to print?
  7. Explain the purpose of My Computer.
  8. How does a file icon help us?
  9. Name two icons you see on a computer screen.
  10. What happens when you click on an icon?


The teacher reviews the lesson by asking pupils to identify icons on the desktop and state their uses. Feedback is given, and corrections are made where necessary.

Weekly Assessment

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options

  1. A small picture or symbol on the computer screen is called a ___.
    a) file
    b) icon
    c) folder
    d) printer
  2. The icon used to store deleted files is called ___.
    a) recycle bin
    b) folder
    c) printer
    d) file
  3. The __ icon is used to organize files into groups.
    a) recycle bin
    b) folder
    c) printer
    d) desktop
  4. The icon that represents individual documents is called ___.
    a) recycle bin
    b) folder
    c) file
    d) monitor
  5. The icon that gives access to files and drives is called ___.
    a) folder
    b) file
    c) printer
    d) My Computer
  6. The icon that is used to print documents is the __ icon.
    a) file
    b) printer
    c) recycle bin
    d) folder
  7. The recycle bin temporarily stores __ files.
    a) created
    b) deleted
    c) printed
    d) opened
  8. The __ icon is used to access all drives on the computer.
    a) recycle bin
    b) folder
    c) My Computer
    d) file
  9. Which icon helps organize different files together?
    a) My Computer
    b) Folder
    c) File
    d) Printer
  10. A document on the computer is represented by a __.
    a) file icon
    b) printer icon
    c) folder icon
    d) desktop icon
  11. The __ icon is found on the toolbar to print files.
    a) folder
    b) recycle bin
    c) printer
    d) file
  12. Which icon looks like a trash can?
    a) Printer
    b) File
    c) Recycle Bin
    d) Folder
  13. The __ icon can be clicked to view stored documents.
    a) file
    b) printer
    c) recycle bin
    d) My Computer
  14. Which icon is used for organizing files in one place?
    a) My Computer
    b) Folder
    c) Printer
    d) Recycle Bin
  15. Clicking on an icon __ a program or task.
    a) opens
    b) deletes
    c) prints
    d) organizes

15 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What are computer icons?
    Computer icons are small pictures that represent programs, files, or commands.
  2. Why are icons important on a computer?
    They make it easy to access and use programs or perform tasks.
  3. What is the recycle bin icon used for?
    It is used to store deleted files temporarily.
  4. What does the folder icon represent?
    It represents a group of organized files.
  5. Can you delete files using an icon?
    Yes, the recycle bin icon allows this.
  6. What is the use of the printer icon?
    It is used to print documents.
  7. What does the file icon look like?
    It looks like a sheet of paper or document.
  8. What happens when you click on an icon?
    It opens a program or performs a task.
  9. What is the purpose of the My Computer icon?
    It gives access to files, folders, and drives.
  10. What is a shortcut on the computer?
    A shortcut is an easy way to open a program using an icon.
  11. Do all icons perform the same task?
    No, each icon has a specific function.
  12. Where can you find computer icons?
    They are usually on the desktop or toolbar.
  13. Can you move icons on the screen?
    Yes, you can drag and drop icons to arrange them.
  14. What is the use of the desktop?
    The desktop holds icons for easy access.
  15. Can you create new icons?
    Yes, new shortcuts can be created for programs.

10 Evaluation Questions

  1. What are computer icons?
  2. State two uses of computer icons.
  3. Name the icon used to delete files temporarily.
  4. What does the folder icon do?
  5. Draw the printer icon.
  6. List three common icons on the computer.
  7. What happens when you click on a file icon?
  8. Describe the appearance of the recycle bin icon.
  9. Which icon is used to print documents?
  10. Explain why the My Computer icon is important.