Subject : Social Studies Topic :  RESOURCES UTILIZATION Class : Primary 6 / Basic 6 Term : Second Term Week : Week 1 Instructional Materials : Textbook   Reference Materials Scheme of Work Online Information Textbooks Workbooks 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum   Content : WEEK: WEEK 1 CLASS: PRIMARY 6 TIME: 40 MINUTES TOPIC: RESOURCES


  NEW SCHEME PRY 6 SOCIAL STUDIES 2ND TERM WEEK 1 TOPIC: REVISION OF LAST TERM EXAMINATION    WEEK 2 TOPIC: RESOURCES UTILIZATION SUB TOPIC(S): Importance of natural resources Over utilization of natural resources Dangers of over utilization of natural resources Problems of underutilization of natural resources   WEEK 3 TOPIC: LABOUR FORCE SUB TOPIC(S): Meaning

Sort and Classify numbers of objects in a group

WEEK 1   TOPIC: Whole number. BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, Pupils should be able to: sort and classify numbers of objects in a group or 2. Identify number of objects in a group or collection. Count correctly up to

Mention five sources of information.

Class: Basic 4 Subject: Basic science & Technology Topic: Assessment Test Instructions: Answer all questions 1-10 correctly. 1.___is the process of powering and starting a computer system. A.warming B.booting C.frying 2.There are____types of booting.A.4 B.3 C.2 3.____booting is done by pressing the ON buttons.A.Warm B.Cold C.Hot 4.___booting is done without pressing the ON buttons.A.Hot B.Warm

Basic 4 Mathematics Assessment Test

Class: Basic 4 Subject:Mathematics Topic: Assessment Test Instructions: Answer all questions correctly. 1.An angle less than 90 degrees is called ___angle.A.obtuse B.acute C.reflex. 2.Two straight lines meeting at a point forms_____A.angle B.point C.Polygon 3.A right angle is equal to____degrees. A.90 B.60 C.180. 4.An angle greater than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees is called

Removal of unwanted plant from the farm is called…..

Class: Basic 4 Subject:Agric science Topic: Assessment Test Instructions: Answer all questions correctly. 1.Removal of unwanted plant from the farm is called_____a.drilling b.weeding c. Ploughing. 2.weeds cause____to our plants . a.harm c.happiness. 3.____are crops planted to give our body vitamins and minerals. a.vegetables b.yams c.beans. 4.We must___blunt edges of farm tools. a.smoothen b.sharpen c.clean.

Basic 2 Home Economics Answer all questions

Class: Basic 2 Subject:Home Economics Test Answer all questions 1.A____________is a place where we live?(a)home(b)office(c)toilet 2.The__________is where we prepare our food(a)dinning (b)kitchen(c)sitting 3.The sitting room can also be referred to as__________ (a)dinning room(b)living room (c)bathroom 4.The act of washing our body is known as__________(a)bathing (b)cooking(c)frying 5.We preserve our food to food to avoid wastage(a)true(b)false (c)maybe

Basic 2 Verbal Reasoning

  Class: Basic 2 Subject:Verbal Reasoning Test Answer all questions Choose the correct preposition given in bracket to fil in the blank 1.Was he guilty__________stealing (of, from) 2.l was there___________he came? (to, before) 3.He divided the orange_________ two equal parts(into,over) Group of words are given underline the rhyming word to each question. Example: Plight, train,

Class: Primary 6 Verbal Reasoning Test

  Class: Primary 6 Subject : Verbal Reasoning Topic : Test Instruction : Write out the word from option lettered A to D the one that describes what the other three words are 1. (A) Engineering (B) law (C) medicine (D) profession ………………………….. 2. (a) day (b) month (c) period (d) year ………………………… 3. (a)