I love Jesus. He is my friend.

Subject :  Nursery Rhymes  Topic : Songs Term : Second Term  Week: Week 4 Class : KG 1     Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of various nursery Rhymes and songs     Behavioural objectives : At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to Sing the songs Recite

Grammar: Words and opposite: Antonyms

Subject :  English Grammar Topic : Grammar: Words and opposite: Antonyms Term : Second Term  Week: Week 4 Class : Basic 6 / Primary Six     Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of Grammar: Relationship among style, purpose and The audience   Behavioural objectives : At the end of the lesson, the pupils

Grammar: Relationship among style, purpose and The audience

Subject :  English Grammar Topic : Grammar: Relationship among style, purpose and The audience Term : Second Term  Week: Week 3 Class : Basic 6 / Primary Six     Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of Structure: Simple passages of dialogue and Conversation   Behavioural objectives : At the end of the lesson,

We should take care of the body everyday

CLASS: Basic 1 SUBJECT: Home Economics TOPIC: Assessment Test The human body has a neck which joins the head to the rest of the body. a) May be b) True c) False The _______ is a part of the body. a) Head b) Spoon c) Paper We should take care of the body every day.


  Subject: Rhyme  Topic: Evaluation questions    Fill in the gap with the correct answers.    1 . If I have wings like a ________ ? a) hen b) dove    2 . Pawpaw is a kind of _________ ? a)food b) fruit    3 . There are _____ magic words?  a) 3 b) 5

An owl hoots

  Class:Basic 2 Subject:Verbal Reasoning Test   Answer all questions   Write yes/No in the bracket below   Sample: A man talks (yes) A dog hoots (No)   An owl hoots ( )   A bird whistles ( )   A lion talks ( )   A bull bellows ( )   Write three words

Fill in the missing number

  Class: K-G2. Subject: Number -Readiness. Topic: Fill in the missing numbers. [ 10 ] [ ] [ ] [ 13 ] [ ] [ 15 ] [ ] [ 17 ] [ ] [ 19 ] [ ]. [ 1 ] [ ] [ ] [ 4 ] [ ] [ 6 ] [

Structure: Indefinite pronoun and indefinite Adverbs e.g. some, any, none

Subject :  English Grammar Topic : Structure: Indefinite pronoun and indefinite Adverbs e.g. some, any, none Term : Second Term  Week: Week 3 Class : Basic 6 / Primary Six     Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of Structure: Simple passages of dialogue and Conversation     Behavioural objectives : At the end