Agricultural Science JSS 1 First Term Lesson Notes

List of Topics Covered Agricultural Science JSS 1, First Term Lesson Notes  Week 1: Introduction to Agriculture Definition and scope of agriculture. Importance of agriculture to the individual farmer, nation, and community. Meaning, Definition and Importance of Agriculture Agricultural Science JSS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 1 Week 2: Importance of Agriculture Emphasis on


NAME…………………………..………………………………….   .CLASS………………………….……….   THIRD TERM E-LEARNING NOTES JS 1 (BASIC 7) SUBJECT: BUSINESS STUDIES SCHEME OF WORK WEEK TOPIC Revision of Last term’s work. Pitman Shorthand (Consonants): (i) Meaning of consonants (ii) Basic shorthand principles (iii) the first six groups. (iv) Joining of consonants. (v) Phrasing (vi) Punctuation marks. Pitman Shorthand (Consonants and Vowels):

Production – Meaning of Production, Types of production:

NAME:………………………………………. CLASS:…………………….. SECOND TERM E-LEARNING NOTES JS 1 (BASIC 7) SUBJECT: BUSINESS STUDIES SCHEME OF WORK WEEK TOPIC 1. Revision Production – Meaning of Production, Types of production: industry – Extractive manufacturing and constructive industry. Commerce- Trade, Aids to Trade, Services. Effects of Production on the Environment/Society Factors of production: land, labour, capital, entrepreneur and

Constituted Authority In Nigeria

  Class: Basic 3 Subject: Civic Education Topic: Questions on Constituted Authority   Listen to the voice message and answer the following questions:   State the four types constituted authority.   Mention examples for each constituted authority stated above.   ____________ is the traditional leader in Yoruba land.   Name two traditional title leaders in

Animals and the Sounds they Produce

    Class:Basic 2     Subject:Verbal Reasoning   Topic:Animals and the Sounds they Produce     All animals make sounds be it small or big.Here are some examples of animals and the Sounds they produce.   Examples   1.Cock crows   2.Dog. barks   3.Bird whistles   The sound a man produces is to

Functional Rooms in the Home.

  Class: Basic 2       Subject: Home Economics   Topic:Functional Rooms in the Home.   #Contents:Meaning Of Functional Rooms in the Home.   Types of functional rooms in the home.   Different homes usually have a lot Of rooms.Functional rooms are useful rooms in the home.   However,the following are the rooms that


NAME:………………………………………………………………………. CLASS:…………………………………….   THIRD TERM:E-LEARNING NOTES JSS 1 (BASIC 7) SUBJECT: BASIC TECHNOLOGY NAME:……………………………………………………………………….CLASS:……………………………………. DEEPER LIFE HIGH SCHOOL THIRD TERM:E-LEARNING NOTES JS 1 (BASIC 7) SUBJECT: BASIC TECHNOLOGY SCHEME OF WORK WEEK TOPIC Basic Electronic Devices; (a) Basic Emission Theory; Simple thermionic, primary emission. Photo-electric emission, cold-cathode and secondary emissions, etc. Basic electronic devices (cont’d);