List Six simple farm tools you know.

  Class : Pry 4 Subject: Agricultural science Topic:(Assessment test). Instructions: Answer all the questions correctly. 1.Simple farm tools are tools use in the______a.Farm 2.Beans is an example of _____crops a.fruit c.flower 3.There are _____types of simple farm tools.a.2 b.3 c.5. 4.should we maintain farm tools a. Yes b. No c.not sure.

Fill in the blanks with the Contractions of words in the brackets

  Class: Basic 4 Subject: English Studies   Test   Fill in the blanks with the Contractions of words in the brackets   (1)It ___________ (is not) going to rain today (2) You __________ (are not) going there without my permission. (3)Jane __________(is not) sure of herself. Fill in the blanks with the suitable Adjectives.

Communication requires the

  Class: Basic 4 Subject: Social Studies  Test   (1) Communication requires the _________and__________ (a) modern,/traditional (b)sender / receiver (2)Town crier is an example of ___________’  (a) Modern means of communication  (b) traditional means of communication. (3) Television is an example of__________ means of communication .(a) traditional (b) modern . (4) Communication is the process

Mastering Personal Pronouns: Fun Quizzes for Primary 2

What is a personal pronoun? Answer: A personal pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun, representing a person, animal, thing, or concept. How many types of personal pronouns are there? Answer: There are three main types of personal pronouns: subject pronouns, object pronouns, and possessive pronouns. What are subject pronouns used

Write figures from 1 to 150

  Class: Nursery 1 Subject: Number readiness          Test   1. Write figures from 1 to 250   1.2.3.   4   6   8   14   19   24   29   30   31   33   58     67   77   81     99  

We see with our eyes

  Class: Nursery 1 Subject: Health habit        Test  1. We can see with our_______. (a) eye (b) nose 2. We write with our_______.(a) leg (b) hand 3. We brush our_________ everyday. (a) teeth (b) head 4. Is it good to wash your hand after using the bathroom (a) yes (b) No 5.


  SUBJECT:: English  Language. TOPIC Questions.   Comprehension    Read the passage carefully and answer the questions    PIG AND LION   There was famine in the forest. Animals could not find food to eat. They were hungry. Lion went to pig to borrow some money to buy food. Lion could not pay back on

Simple machine makes work easier

  SUBJECT:: Basic Science Questions. 1. Simple machine makes work easier A. May be B. True C. False 2. Example of animal that live in water is A. Chicken B. Fish C. Ram 3.——– is a domestic animals A. Tiger B. Snake C. Cat 4. ——— is an example of a living things A. Table