Primary 3 civic Education Second Term Revision

Comprehensive Revision Exercise for Basic 3 Civics Education

Part A: Review and Revision

Here are 20 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) with answers to help you review the topics taught this term:

  1. What are national symbols?
    • National symbols are images or signs that represent the country, like the flag, coat of arms, and national anthem.
  2. What does the Nigerian National Flag look like?
    • The Nigerian National Flag has green and white colors with green on the top and bottom and white in the middle.
  3. What is the meaning of the Nigerian National Anthem?
    • The national anthem expresses the love and loyalty of Nigerians towards their country.
  4. What is the Nigerian Coat of Arms?
    • The Coat of Arms is a symbol that represents Nigeria, with a black shield, an eagle, and two horses.
  5. Why do we need to respect national symbols?
    • We respect national symbols to show love for our country and preserve its values.
  6. What is the constitution?
    • The constitution is a set of laws that guide how the government should work.
  7. What is the mace in the Nigerian National Assembly?
    • The mace is a symbol of authority used in the Nigerian National Assembly to show that meetings are official.
  8. What is the purpose of the Nigerian National Flag?
    • The flag represents the country’s unity, peace, and progress.
  9. What are some examples of government properties?
    • Examples include public schools, hospitals, roads, police stations, and public buses.
  10. Why should we respect government property?
    • We must respect government property because it belongs to everyone and helps make our lives better.
  11. What is the role of elders in society?
    • Elders guide and teach younger people, offering wisdom and advice.
  12. What does respect for constituted authority mean?
    • It means following the laws and respecting leaders in charge.
  13. Why is it important to show respect for elders?
    • Elders are valued for their experience and knowledge, and we should listen to and care for them.
  14. What is the Nigerian National Anthem’s significance?
    • It represents Nigeria’s identity, unity, and patriotism.
  15. What happens when we destroy government property?
    • Destroying government property harms everyone and wastes public resources.
  16. Why must we keep the environment clean?
    • Keeping the environment clean helps maintain public health and safety.
  17. What should we do if we see someone destroying government property?
    • We should report it to the authorities like the police.
  18. What is the duty of the government to its citizens?
    • The government provides essential services like health care, education, and security.
  19. Why is the National Anthem important for Nigeria?
    • It unites all Nigerians and reminds us of our responsibilities to the country.
  20. What does the term “national currency” refer to?
    • National currency refers to the money used in a country, like the Nigerian Naira.

Part B: Objective Questions (Fill-in-the-Blank)

Complete the sentences with the correct answer.

  1. The Nigerian National Flag has _______ and white colors.
    a) Blue
    b) Green
    c) Red
    d) Yellow
  2. The _______ is a symbol of authority in the Nigerian National Assembly.
    a) Flag
    b) Coat of Arms
    c) Mace
    d) Anthem
  3. National symbols represent _______ in a country.
    a) The government
    b) The people
    c) Unity
    d) All of the above
  4. The _______ helps guide the government in Nigeria.
    a) National Anthem
    b) Constitution
    c) Flag
    d) Currency
  5. _______ is a government property used for public transport.
    a) Public buses
    b) Private cars
    c) Trucks
    d) Taxis
  6. The Coat of Arms includes an _______ on top of a black shield.
    a) Elephant
    b) Lion
    c) Eagle
    d) Tiger
  7. The _______ helps maintain the country’s roads.
    a) Police
    b) Government
    c) Elders
    d) Teachers
  8. When we _______ public property, we show disrespect for the government.
    a) Build
    b) Repair
    c) Destroy
    d) Protect
  9. The National Anthem is sung to show _______ for the country.
    a) Disrespect
    b) Love
    c) Anger
    d) Sadness
  10. _______ are examples of government properties.
    a) Private cars
    b) Schools
    c) Churches
    d) Markets
  11. It is important to respect _______ because it is shared by all citizens.
    a) Personal property
    b) Government property
    c) Family property
    d) Shop property
  12. The _______ should be protected from damage or destruction.
    a) Police
    b) Government vehicles
    c) Homes
    d) Animals
  13. To respect national symbols, we must not _______ on them.
    a) Dance
    b) Write
    c) Sing
    d) Walk
  14. The National Anthem is usually sung during _______ ceremonies.
    a) School
    b) Family
    c) Government
    d) Religious
  15. Government-owned _______ provide healthcare for the citizens.
    a) Markets
    b) Schools
    c) Hospitals
    d) Parks
  16. The Nigerian National Flag represents _______ and progress.
    a) Fear
    b) Unity
    c) Anger
    d) Disrespect
  17. _______ help keep our streets and environment clean.
    a) Teachers
    b) Waste collectors
    c) Drivers
    d) Politicians
  18. The _______ represents Nigeria in its official identity.
    a) Government
    b) National Anthem
    c) Coat of Arms
    d) School
  19. We show respect for elders by _______ them.
    a) Ignoring
    b) Helping
    c) Arguing with
    d) Fighting
  20. The Nigerian currency is called the _______.
    a) Dollar
    b) Naira
    c) Pound
    d) Rupee

Part C: Theory Questions (Short-Answer)

  1. What are national symbols?
  2. Why is the Nigerian National Anthem important?
  3. Explain what the Nigerian Coat of Arms represents.
  4. List three examples of government properties.
  5. What is the role of the Nigerian Constitution?
  6. Why should we respect government properties?
  7. What is the significance of the Mace in the National Assembly?
  8. How can we show respect for the Nigerian National Flag?
  9. Why is it important to respect elders in the society?
  10. How does the Nigerian National Flag represent the country’s values?
  11. What happens if we destroy public property?
  12. How can we help maintain government properties?
  13. What is the duty of the government to its citizens?
  14. Why is it important to abide by the rules that govern public properties?
  15. What should we do when we see someone destroying government property?
  16. Explain the role of national currency in the economy.
  17. What are the consequences of not respecting national symbols?
  18. How can you demonstrate respect for government property?
  19. What is the importance of the Nigerian Mace in the National Assembly?
  20. What does the term “constituted authority” mean?

Part D: True or False Questions

  1. The Nigerian National Anthem is a symbol of the country’s unity. (True/False)
  2. The Coat of Arms includes a lion and an eagle. (True/False)
  3. Government property includes public roads and hospitals. (True/False)
  4. It is okay to steal government property for personal use. (True/False)
  5. The Nigerian National Flag has red and white stripes. (True/False)
  6. Respecting government property is important because it helps improve our country. (True/False)
  7. The Mace is used for decorating the National Assembly. (True/False)
  8. Elders in society should be respected for their experience. (True/False)
  9. National symbols should only be respected by politicians. (True/False)
  10. We should help take care of public properties by reporting any damages. (True/False)
  11. The Nigerian National Anthem is not important. (True/False)
  12. Government property is owned by the citizens. (True/False)
  13. The National Anthem is sung to show disrespect to the country. (True/False)
  14. Destruction of government property benefits the people. (True/False)
  15. Elders do not have any special role in society. (True/False)
  16. We must protect the environment to keep it clean for all. (True/False)
  17. Destroying public property is a sign of respect. (True/False)
  18. The Nigerian National Flag represents peace and unity. (True/False)
  19. The Nigerian government is responsible for maintaining public services. (True/False)
  20. National symbols help define the identity of a country. (True/False)

Part E: Fill-in-the-Gaps Questions

  1. The Nigerian _______ is green and white.
  2. The _______ of Arms includes an eagle and a shield.
  3. We must _______ government properties to preserve them.
  4. The _______ is a symbol of authority in the Nigerian National Assembly.
  5. It is important to respect the _______ to show patriotism.
  6. The _______ provides essential services to its citizens.
  7. The Nigerian _______ represents the country’s identity.
  8. Elders in the society offer _______ and guidance.
  9. The _______ symbolizes the unity of Nigeria.
  10. Government properties like hospitals and schools are meant for _______.
  11. We must report when someone _______ government property.
  12. The _______ Anthem expresses Nigeria’s love for the country.
  13. The Nigerian _______ includes a green and white design.
  14. Public _______ help people and should be treated with care.
  15. The _______ teaches us the rules and laws of the country.
  16. Respect for government property helps _______ our society.
  17. The _______ should not be destroyed during protests.
  18. National symbols help to _______ the country’s unity.
  19. The _______ is an important part of the Nigerian government system.
  20. Destroying public property leads to _______ consequences for everyone.

This comprehensive revision exercise will help students review all key topics covered during the term, making them ready for exams and reinforcing their understanding of important civics concepts.