Class: Grade 2 Time: 112hr. Subject: Basic science & Technology
- Animals that eat other animals are called ______ animal (a) domestic (b) carnivores (c) mammal
- ______ is the distance between two points (a) road (b) journey (c) length
- ______ is the upper layer of the earth surface where plant grow (a) soil (b) house (c) farm
- One of these is an instrument for measuring length (a) ruler (b) bathroom (c) scale (d) kitchen scale
- Millimeter, centimeter, meter and kilometer are metric unit of measuring _____ (a) mass (b) time (c) length
- _____ is the amount of matter that an object contains (a) mass (b) box (c) Christmas
- _____ is the standard unit of time in metric system (a) gram (b) meter (c) seconds
- The following are the modern instruments for measuring time except (a) wrist watch (b) pen (c) wall clock
- Living things are categorized into _____ and _______ (a) plant and animal (b) car and engine (c) book and bag
- Which of the following is a living things (a) cup (b) goat (c) car
- ____ is air in motion or when air is moving quickly (a) race (b) wind (c) aero plane
- How many types of soil do we have (a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 5
- ____ soil is a type of soil that contains visible large particle of sand (a) sandy (b) clayey (c) loamy
- Living things are things that ______ (a) have life (b) don’t breath (c) have no lives
- ____ is the passing of days, week, months and years (a) time (b) train (b) calendar
- What is length?
- Write 3 instruments for measuring length
- What is time?
- List 3 modern instruments for measuring time
- What is living things?
- State 3 characteristics of living things
- Define Soil
- Mention 3 types of soi
- What is wind?
- List 3 objects that can be carried by wind
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Class: Grade 2 Time: 112hr. Subject: Religion and National Value
- The Jews were expecting ________ savior (a) military or conquering (b) peaceful (c) magic
- The holy spirit is the _________ person in the trinity (a) third (b) sixth (c) tenth
- Emmanuel means _________ (a) friend of God (b) God is with us (c) son of my heart
- Prophet ________ prophesies that virgin would conceive and bear a son he shall be called Emmanuel (a) Matthias (b) Isaiah (c) Peter
- ________ family is also called the smallest or immediate family (a) nuclear (b) extended (c) grandparent
- Your mother’s brother is your ____ (a) aunt (b) uncle (c) nephew
- A marriage where the man marries more than one wife is called ____ (a) monogamy (b) polygamy (c) polyandry
- _______ is the study of the duties and rights of a citizen of a country (a) civic education (b) Agric Science (c) creative arts
- _______ is an agency set up by the government to protect and defend the country and its citizen (a) security agency (b) football association (c) traders
- Your fathers sister is your ______ (a) step sister (b) nephew (c) aunt
- The holy ghost came upon the apostles of Jesus on the day of __________ (a) thanksgiving (b) Pentecost (c) war
- Love for one’s country (a) human right (b) rule of law (c) patriotism
- One of the following is a security agency (a) trader (b) Nigeria armed force (c) national pledge
- The comforter promised by Jesus Christ is the ______ (a) mother of people (b) holy ghost (c) prophets
- As a citizen of Nigeria we have the right to ______ (a) education (b) kill (c) steal
- What is family?
- Write 2 types of family
- What is right?
- Mention 3 rights of a citizen of a country
- What is security agency?
- List 3 security agency in Nigeria
- Who is the holy spirit State 3 work of the holy spirit in the apostles
- What is marriage
- State 3 types of marriage
Class: Grade 2 Time: 112hr. Subject: P.V.S
- The _________ is the outer covering of the body (a) hair (b) skin (c) cloth
- One of the following is not a material used for caring for our body (a) water (b) chemical (c) soap
- Food that gives us energy to do work is called ________ (a) work food (b) play food (c) energy giving food
- Another name for food that gives us energy is ______ (a) carbohydrate (b) protein (c) snacks
- The two types of hair are _________ and ________ (a) natural and artificial hair (b)big and small hair (c) full and empty hair
- Which of the following is an energy giving food
- Body building food is also known as __________ (a) protein (b) carbohydrates (c) engineer
- Which of the following is a body building food (a) rice (b) mango (c) bean
- The hair on the head protect it from ______ (a) common sense (b) injury (c) good health
- Another name for body building food is _______ (a) carbohydrate (b) protein (c) oxygen
- We get _______ from fruits (a) vitamins (b) salt (c) chemical
- Good hygiene means keep in the body _____ (a) dirty (b) clean (c) sick
- Which of the following is not used when we are bathing (a) water (b) soap (c) lipstick
- Vegetables can be classified into two such as fruit vegetable and ______ vegetable (a) leafy (b) tubers (c) air
- Cassava, yam, rice are examples of ________ food (a) energy giving food (b) protein food (c) vitamin food
- Write 5 materials used in caring or cleaning our bodies
- Write 5 examples of energy giving food
- List 5 example of fruits
- State 5 examples of body building foods
- Write 2 uses of mouth
- Mention 3 dangers for not caring for the mouth
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Class: Grade 2 Time: 112hr. Subject: English Language
Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follows:
Hello, I’m pleased to meet you. How are you? My name is kehinde. I am in primary three and I am in primary three and I am eight years old. This is my school, it is very big and we have three new school buses.
There are so many activities in the school this year. Some of the activities are very near. This term there will be handwriting competition for primary three. Halima will be in the competition. There will be held in two weeks’ time and then we will be having our sport day the following week. Musa and I will be in that competition.
Mummy bought Halima a new tennis shoes, he is so happy because it is his best color- blue. Daddy hasn’t bought mine, but he promised to buy it before the day of the sport competition.
- Who is telling us about his school
- What class is he in
- How many activities did the person tell us about
- Which activities will the person be participating in?
- What competition is Halima involved in?
Underline the noun in the sentence below
- I left my book and ruler at home
- People from Nigeria are kind
- Mr. Joseph travelled to Lagos the day before.
- Bag ______________
- Box ______________
- Fly ______________
- Knife ______________
- Bush ______________
- Class _______________
- Baby _______________
- Brother ________________
- Father ________________
- _____________ actress
- _____________ girl
- Cock ________________
Choose the correct pronouns to complete the sentences
- I like the shirt __________ is very fine (he, it, she)
- Victoria saw ________ in the market (them, our, she)
- Mrs. Johnson gave ___________ presents (mine we, us)
Complete the sentences with the correct form of adjectives in the brackets
- My father is __________ than that man (taller, tallest, tall)
- Her mother is the __________ in the village (fatter, fattest, fat)
Write a composition on the topic “MYSELF”
Class: Grade 2 Time: 112hr. Subject: QUANTITATIVE RESONING
830 | 831 | 832 | 833 | 834 |
757 | 758 |
1240 | 1244 |
1027 | 1031 |
989 |
2000 | 2001 |
200 | 199 | 198 | 197 | 196 |
250 |
700 | 697 | 696 |
998 | 997 | 996 |
2006 | 2003 | 2002 |
100 | 188 |
256 265 800 789 100 99 + 1
- 195 159
- 1000 989 + 1
- 605 600 + 5
- 476 492
- 900 870 + 30
- 17. 18. 19.
- 22.
- 24.
- =
Class: Grade 2 Time: 112hr. Subject: Verbal Reasoning
- 2. 3.
- 5.
d B C D E F
- P 7. T
- g 9. w
- n
C | L | A | S | S | R | O | O | M |
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 8 | 8 | 7 |
- M = 12. C = 13. CALL =
- CARS = 15. 23455 =
n a =
- ybo 17. eb
= =
- tan 19. si
= =
- fodo
- _______ at ( u, z, e) =
- _______ tar ( a, s, w) =
- ba ______ e ( a, k, e) =
- dri _____ k ( t, u, n) =
- L ____ on ( c, b, i) =
Use a suitable vowel in the space to write a word correctly
__ sk = Ask
- St ____ ry =
- Pap ____ r =
- J ____ mp =
- Sh ____ p =
- B ___ th =
Class: Grade 2 Time: 112hr. Subject: CCA
Class: Grade 2 Time: 112hr. Subject: hand writing
A noun is a name. it can be a name of a person, an animal, a place or anything.
Class: Grade 2 Time: 112hr. Subject: Yoruba
Ka gbolohun keeke wonyi ki o si dahun awon ibere ti o je yo.
Bolanle ra aso
Asa gbe adie ojo
Damola wo aso olopa
Ade wo fila pupa
Ebi n pa ope ati bade
- Kini Bolanle ra? ______________________________________________________
- Ki lo gbe adie Ojo? _______________________
- Iru aso wo ni Damola wo ? _________________________
- Ta ni o wo fila pupa? ___________________________
- Tani ebi n pa? ____________________
Ko awon onka wonyi ni nomba
- Eewa –
- Eejile logun –
- Ogun –
- Ogbon –
- Aarundinlogbon –
Ko awon oruko ojo wonyi ni ede Yoruba
- Sunday –
- Monday-
- Wednesday –
- Friday –
- Saturday –
Class: Grade 2 Time: 112hr. Subject: Mathematics
Write in words
- 210 __________ (a) twenty one and zero (b) two one and ten (c) two hundred and ten
- 3602 _______ (a) three thousand, six hundred and two (b) thirty-six and two (c) three hundred and six hundred and two
- 888 ________ (a) eighty-eight (b) eighty – eight and eight (c) eight hundred and eighty- eight
Write the place value by completing the number
- 2705= ___ thousand ____ hundred ___ tens ____ units
- 1382 = ___ thousand ____ hundred ___ tens ____ units
- 5987 = ____ thousand ____ hundred ____ tens ____ units
- 12 of 24 = _______ (a) 6 (b) 12 (c) 8
- 14 of 12= ________ (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 24
- If I divide my twelve sweets into three equal parts. What fraction will each part be? ______ (a) 13 (b) 12 (c) 14
- Oladimeji has eight crayons. What is a quarter of those crayons (a) 2 (b) 8 (c) 4
- The number at the top of a fraction is called ____ (a) load (b) heavy load (c) numerator
Circle the smaller numbers
- 999 and 1234
- 506 and 605
- 854 and 584
- 8239 and 8920
- Find the sum of the following
H T U b. H T U C. H T U
7 8 3 9 3 4 6 4 3
+ 2 0 1 +1 7 6 + 5 1 3
- What is 12 of 20 = _____________
- What is 23 of 9 = ____________
- What is 12 of 10 = ___________
Put the following signs where necessary = < >
- 5504 ______ 5054
- 999 _______ 899
- 2000 ______ 1860
Add these sums
- 900 + 80 + 2= __________
- 100 + 50 + 5 = __________
- 300 + 20 + 6 = __________
Write in words
- 7259 ____________________________________
- 3080 ____________________________________
- 687 _____________________________________
Class: Grade 2 Time: 112hr. Subject: hand writing
A noun is a name. it can be a name of a person,
an animal, a place or anything.