Topic: The Last Supper

Lesson Objectives:

  1. Understand the significance of the Last Supper in Christian beliefs.
  2. Identify the key people involved in the Last Supper.
  3. Explain the events that took place during the Last Supper.

Lesson Outline:

  1. Introduction
    • Greet the students and recap previous lessons on Jesus’ life and teachings.
    • Explain that today’s lesson will focus on an important event called the Last Supper.
  2. What is the Last Supper?
    • Define the Last Supper as the final meal Jesus shared with his disciples before his crucifixion.
    • Explain that this event is significant to Christians because it represents the institution of the Holy Eucharist. [mediator_tech]
  3. The Key People:
    • Introduce the main characters involved in the Last Supper:
      • Jesus: The central figure and the Son of God.
      • Twelve Disciples: Mention their names and explain that they were Jesus’ closest followers.
      • Judas Iscariot: Briefly mention that he betrayed Jesus.
  4. Events during the Last Supper:
    • Jesus and the Disciples Gather: Explain that Jesus and his disciples gathered in a room to share the Passover meal.
    • Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet: Describe the act of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples as a lesson in humility and service.
    • The Bread and Wine: Explain how Jesus took bread, blessed it, and said it was his body. Then, he took wine, blessed it, and said it was his blood. This became the foundation of the Holy Eucharist.
    • Predicting His Betrayal: Mention how Jesus revealed that one of his disciples would betray him, which made them all sad.
    • Peter’s Denial: Explain how Jesus foretold that Peter would deny knowing him three times, and it happened later during Jesus’ trial.
  5. Discussion and Reflection:
    • Engage the students in a class discussion about the importance of the Last Supper.
    • Ask questions like:
      • Why do you think Jesus washed his disciples’ feet?
      • What is the significance of the bread and wine?
      • How do you think the disciples felt during the Last Supper?
  6. Conclusion:
    • Summarize the key points discussed during the lesson.
    • Emphasize the importance of the Last Supper in Christian beliefs.
    • Encourage the students to ask questions and clarify any doubts they may have.
  7. Assessment (Optional):
    • Assign a small activity like drawing or writing a short paragraph about the Last Supper.
    • Review their work and provide feedback and praise.

Note: This lesson plan can be adjusted and expanded based on the curriculum and time available for teaching

