Class : JSS 2



Topic :

  1. Write our 7 statement made by Jesus on the cross
  2. State 5 event that happened when Jesus yielded up His spirit
  3. Narrate the appearance of Jesus to the 2 disciples on their way to Emmaus

Luke 24 verse 13-34



Learning Objectives:

  1. To understand the significance of Jesus’ statements on the cross.
  2. To identify and describe the events that occurred when Jesus yielded up His spirit.
  3. To narrate the appearance of Jesus to the two disciples on their way to Emmaus.
  4. To reflect on the lessons learned from these events and their relevance to our faith.

Embedded Core Skills:

  1. Reading comprehension
  2. Critical thinking and analysis
  3. Oral communication
  4. Interpretation of biblical texts

Learning Materials:

  1. Bibles (preferably NIV or KJV translation)
  2. Whiteboard or flipchart
  3. Markers
  4. Handouts with relevant Bible verses


Class, today we will be discussing some important events related to Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. Let’s begin with our first topic:

  1. Seven Statements Made by Jesus on the Cross:
    • “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34)
    • “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23:43)
    • “Woman, here is your son… Here is your mother.” (John 19:26-27)
    • “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34)
    • “I thirst.” (John 19:28)
    • “It is finished.” (John 19:30)
    • “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” (Luke 23:46)
  2. Five Events that Happened When Jesus Yielded up His Spirit:
    • The curtain in the temple was torn from top to bottom, symbolizing the access to God for all people. (Matthew 27:51)
    • There was an earthquake, and rocks split apart. (Matthew 27:51)
    • The tombs of many holy people who had died were opened, and after Jesus’ resurrection, they were raised to life. (Matthew 27:52-53)
    • A centurion and the soldiers guarding Jesus confessed, “Truly this was the Son of God!” (Matthew 27:54)
    • Many women who had followed Jesus from Galilee stood at a distance, witnessing these events. (Matthew 27:55-56)
  3. The Appearance of Jesus to the Two Disciples on Their Way to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-34):
    • Two disciples were walking to the village of Emmaus, discussing the recent events of Jesus’ crucifixion and the reports of His resurrection.
    • Jesus joined them on the journey, but they did not recognize Him.
    • Jesus asked the disciples what they were discussing, and they shared their sorrow and confusion.
    • Jesus explained to them the prophecies concerning the Messiah and how they were fulfilled in Him.
    • As they reached their destination, the disciples urged Jesus to stay with them. While He was breaking bread with them, their eyes were opened, and they recognized Him.
    • Jesus vanished from their sight, and the disciples realized their hearts were burning within them while He was speaking to them on the road.
    • The disciples immediately returned to Jerusalem to share the news of Jesus’ resurrection with the other disciples.





  1. Fill in the blank: “Father, __________ them, for they do not know what they are doing.” a) forgive b) condemn c) abandon
  2. Fill in the blank: After Jesus yielded up His spirit, the __________ in the temple was torn from top to bottom. a) altar b) curtain c) window
  3. Fill in the blank: The event of an __________ occurred when Jesus yielded up His spirit. a) earthquake b) eclipse c) avalanche
  4. Fill in the blank: Many __________ who had followed Jesus stood at a distance, witnessing these events. a) men b) women c) children
  5. Fill in the blank: When Jesus yielded up His spirit, some of the __________ who were guarding Him confessed, “Truly, this was the Son of God!” a) disciples b) centurions c) Pharisees
  6. Fill in the blank: On their way to Emmaus, the two disciples were discussing the recent __________ and the reports of Jesus’ resurrection. a) miracles b) teachings c) crucifixion
  7. Fill in the blank: Jesus explained to the disciples how the prophecies concerning the __________ were fulfilled in Him. a) kingdom of God b) birth of a king c) destruction of Jerusalem
  8. Fill in the blank: When the disciples reached their destination, they urged Jesus to __________ with them. a) leave b) stay c) disappear
  9. Fill in the blank: As Jesus broke bread with the disciples, their __________ were opened, and they recognized Him. a) eyes b) hearts c) minds
  10. Fill in the blank: After Jesus vanished from their sight, the disciples immediately returned to __________ to share the news of His resurrection. a) Emmaus b) Galilee c) Jerusalem


Lesson Plan Presentation: Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Jesus’ Appearances

Subject: Christian Religious Studies

Class: JSS 2

Duration: 1 hour


  1. Introduction (5 minutes)
    • Greet the students and recap the previous lesson on Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection.
    • Explain the objectives of today’s lesson and its importance in understanding our faith.
  2. Jesus’ Statements on the Cross (15 minutes)
    • Present the topic of Jesus’ statements on the cross.
    • Share the seven statements made by Jesus, emphasizing their significance and the emotions behind each one.
    • Engage students in a brief discussion about the meaning and impact of these statements on Jesus’ mission.
  3. Events when Jesus Yielded up His Spirit (15 minutes)
    • Introduce the topic of events that occurred when Jesus yielded up His spirit.
    • Present the five events that took place, such as the tearing of the temple curtain, the earthquake, and the confession of the centurion.
    • Encourage students to reflect on the symbolism and significance of these events
  4. Appearance to the Two Disciples on the Road to Emmaus (20 minutes)
    • Read and explain Luke 24:13-34, which narrates the appearance of Jesus to the two disciples on their way to Emmaus.
    • Guide students through a detailed discussion of the encounter, highlighting the disciples’ initial lack of recognition and Jesus’ subsequent revelation.
    • Discuss the disciples’ reaction and the lessons we can learn from this appearance.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Facilitate the presentation and discussion of each topic.
  • Encourage active participation and engagement from the students.
  • Provide explanations, additional insights, and clarifications when needed.


Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen attentively to the presentation.
  • Participate actively in discussions and ask questions for clarification.
  • Take notes on important points and Bible references.
  • Engage in group or pair discussions to analyze and reflect on the topics.




  • Monitor students’ participation and engagement during discussions.
  • Evaluate students’ understanding through oral responses during class.
  • Assign a reflective writing task where students summarize the significance of Jesus’ statements, the events upon His death, and the appearance on the road to Emmaus.


Evaluation Questions:

  1. What are the seven statements made by Jesus on the cross?
  2. Describe three events that occurred when Jesus yielded up His spirit.
  3. How did the tearing of the temple curtain symbolize a significant change?
  4. Who confessed, “Truly, this was the Son of God!” after Jesus’ death?
  5. What were the two disciples discussing on their way to Emmaus?
  6. How did Jesus reveal Himself to the disciples on the road?
  7. Why did the hearts of the disciples burn within them during their conversation with Jesus?
  8. What was the immediate reaction of the disciples after recognizing Jesus?
  9. How does the appearance on the road to Emmaus inspire us in our faith journey?
  10. Reflect on the significance of Jesus’ Crucifixion and Resurrection



In conclusion, today’s lesson focused on Jesus’ statements on the cross, the events that happened when He yielded up His spirit, and His appearance to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. We explored the significance of each statement and discussed the impact of the events that occurred upon Jesus’ death. We also analyzed the encounter with the two disciples, emphasizing the lessons we can learn from it.


By understanding these events, we deepen our understanding of Jesus’ sacrifice, His mission, and the power of His resurrection. We learn about forgiveness, love, and the fulfillment of prophecies. These lessons are essential in strengthening our faith and shaping our character as Christians.


Remember to continue reflecting on these teachings, reading the Bible, and seeking a personal relationship with Jesus. Let His words and actions guide and inspire you in your daily life.


As we conclude this lesson, I encourage you to ask any remaining questions you may have. Let’s continue to grow together in our knowledge and faith.

