French JSS 1 First Term Lesson Notes
Weekly Brief: French JSS 1 First Term Topics
Week 1:
- Les parties du corps
Vocabulary for different body parts and their descriptions.
Week 2:
- Parler de taille
Discussing height and how to describe someone’s stature.
Week 3:
- Décrire les cheveux
Describing different hair types and styles.
Week 4:
- Parler de la beauté
Discussing beauty and how to describe someone’s appearance.
Week 5:
- Parler de couleur d’origine/complexion
Talking about skin color and complexion.
Week 6:
- Parler du visage
Describing facial features.
Week 7:
- Parler des caractéristiques de personnalité (Les qualités)
Discussing personal qualities and positive traits.
Week 8:
- Parler des caractéristiques de personnalité (Les défauts)
Discussing personal faults and negative traits.
Week 9:
- Parler des caractéristiques de soi
Describing one’s own characteristics.
Week 10:
- Parler des caractéristiques de quelqu’un
Describing the characteristics of other people.
Week 11:
- Revision of All Topics Covered
Reviewing and consolidating knowledge from previous weeks.
Week 12:
- Examination
Assessing understanding of all topics covered during the term
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