Category: Online lesson Notes and Scheme of work


SECOND TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: PRIMARY 4                                                         SUBJECT: BIBLE KNOWLEDGE     NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… 1.)   The act of communicating to God is known as _______ (a) question (b) pledge (c) prayer   2.)   ________ and _________ are conditions necessary for sins (a) acknowledgement and repentance (b) pardon and truth (c) prayer and answer   3.)   When


WHY STAFF ARE NOT UNITED. THE IMPLICATIONS AND CORRECTIONS An important cause of stagnation in schools is division… When there is division in a school the school CAN NEVER grow… I am not mincing words, teachers having factions, management staff against teaching staff A school owner important work is to stop divisions among staff no

Why Parents Leave Schools

Why parents leave schools…  Parents leave schools because of close substitutes at cheaper fees. Please a close substitute is not another school close by. A close substitute is a school that offers your kind of value but charge lower fees A proprietor once asked me what to do when schools around keep taking his parents…


SECOND TERM EXAMINATION   CLASS: PRIMARY 3                                                             SUBJECT: VERBAL REASONING       NAME:……………………………………………………………………………………     Underline the word that does not belong to the group in each set   1.)   Boat                                  ship                                         car                                           canoe   2.)   rabbit                                man                                         hammer         


SECOND TERM EXAMINATION PRIMARY 3                                                              SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS   NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… SECOND TERM EXAMINATION PRIMARY 3 HOME ECONOMICS 1.)   Clothes are worn to protect the body from the___________ (a) danger                        (b) friends                 (c) teachers               (d) parents 2.)   Clothes refers to all kinds of ________ for covering the body (a) spoon (b) materials (c) pants

TRCN to Weed Out Unprofessional Teachers by December 31, 2019

TRCN sets to weed out Unprofessional Teacher Come December 31st, 2019 The Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN) has reiterated that December 31, 2019 remains the cutoff for any teacher not registered and licensed by TRCN to be barred from classrooms. During a recent press briefing, TRCN Registrar Prof. Josiah Ajiboye emphasized that enforcement across

What to avoid when educating your child

What to avoid when educating your child: Avoid giving your child everything he asks. He’ll grow up thinking he has the right to get everything he wants. Avoid laughing when your child pronounces insulting words. He’ll grow up thinking that disrespect is entertainment. Avoid being insensitive to bad behavior that he can display without scolding

Human Physiology

There are three types of intelligence. 1. Intelligent Quotient (IQ): this is what helps one to “know book”, solve maths; memorize things and recall subject matters. 2. Emotional Quotient (EQ): this is what makes someone to be able to maintain peace with others; keep to time; be responsible; be honest; respect boundaries; be humble, genuine

Sample Educational Websites

  What are search engines? Search engines are programs that allow you to search for information. There are hundreds of search engines on the internet.   How to get to the search engine? The only thing you need to do is to type the address you want in the address bar.   Examples of search

Uses of Fine Art

 1. Art provides craft works. We use these craft works at home2. It makes public places and our environment beautiful 3. Art is used in the designing of products, logo and badges of industries and companies 4. Art helps us to know the history of people and places 5. Art is our means of income