Category: Online lesson Notes and Scheme of work


CLASS: PRIMARY 1   SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS   NAME:…………………………………   Place Value tens and units 28 =   Tens and Units 22 =             Tens and Units Arrange in order: 3.)   2 7 3 4 5 6 =  ___________________________ 4.) 5 2 3 6 7 8  =  ___________________________ 5.) 10 9 12 11 8 7  =

English  Evaluation Questions.

  SUBJECT:: English Language. TOPIC:: Evaluation- Questions.   Primary 3 Questions Replace the bold words with a suitable adverb. (1)The dancer danced with grace _______   (2)My sisters go to south East Asia once a year   (3)The waiter carried the glass with care on the tray.   One of the four words in each

Social Studies Evaluation Questions

  SUBJECT:: Social- Studies. TOPIC::Evaluation Questions.   Questions (1)Who is a citizen   (2)State two qualities of a good citizen.   (3)What are laws.   (4)What is first Aid   (5)List four items in the first aid box   (6)Write out the full meaning of (NPF)   (7)Write out the full meaning of (FRSC)  

Basic 2 Subject: Basic Science Test

  Class: Basic 2 Subject: Basic Science Test     Choose the correct answer to fill in the blank spaces from the option A-C   Answer all questions   1.___________is a field event in which the contestants jump for distance.(a)High jump(b)long jump(c)75 metres Dash   2.___________is a ball game played on a rectangular court between

Basic 2 Mathematics Test Answer all questions.

  Class: Basic 2 Subject:Mathematics Test   Answer all questions.   Complete the following using “heavier than”or “lighter than”   1.The television is_____________ the radio   2.The box is_____________the school bag.   3.The table is____________the stapling machine.   Complete the following using”hold less” or “hold more”   4.The pot_____________than the bottle   5.The cup_____________than the

Subject Basic science Topic:( Assessment test)

  Class:Pry 4 Subject:Basic science Topic:( Assessment test) Instructions: Answer all the questions correctly. 1.Computer hardware are the part of computer system we can_____and____(see and touch,not see and not touch,not feel and not see) 2._______is an input unit.(keyboard, printer,mouse). 3.Monitor is a ______ unit.(input,display, output). 4.The following are storage devices EXCEPT______(hard disc,Memory cards,microphone) 5._______is a

Subject Mathematics Topic:(Assessment test)

  Class: Pry 4 Subject: Mathematics Topic:(Assessment test) Instructions:Answer all the questions correctly. 1.convert 10km to metres gives______.a.10,000m b.100m c.1000m. 2.Express 8600m in kilometers=________a.860km b.8.6km c.86km 3.Add 15dm 9cm to 4dm 9cm=_____a.20dm 7cm b.20dm 6cm c.20dm 8cm. 4.Subtract 8dm 9cm from 17dm 6cm=______a.8dm 5cm b.8dm 6cm c.8dm 4cm. 5.How many grammes makes one kilogrammes? =_______grammes

List Six simple farm tools you know.

  Class : Pry 4 Subject: Agricultural science Topic:(Assessment test). Instructions: Answer all the questions correctly. 1.Simple farm tools are tools use in the______a.Farm 2.Beans is an example of _____crops a.fruit c.flower 3.There are _____types of simple farm tools.a.2 b.3 c.5. 4.should we maintain farm tools a. Yes b. No c.not sure.

Communication requires the

  Class: Basic 4 Subject: Social Studies  Test   (1) Communication requires the _________and__________ (a) modern,/traditional (b)sender / receiver (2)Town crier is an example of ___________’  (a) Modern means of communication  (b) traditional means of communication. (3) Television is an example of__________ means of communication .(a) traditional (b) modern . (4) Communication is the process

Study the pattern and complete these

Edu Delight Tutors (Montessori) 16, tutors ROAD, LAGOS ISLAND, LAGOS. SECOND TERM EXAMINATION 2014/ 2015 CLASS: PRIMARY 1 SUBJECT: QUANTITATIVE REASONING NAME: Fill in the missing number 113 ________ ________ ________ 117 118 119 Re-arrange in order (smallest first) 56 55 54 53 52 = _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 29 28 30 27 26