Meaning of Art Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 2

Subject: Cultural and Creative Arts
Class: Primary 1
Term: First Term
Week: 1
Age: 6 years
Sex: Mixed

  1. Meaning of Art
  2. Identification of Forms of Art
  3. Functional Artwork and Uses

Duration: 1 Hour

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Explain the meaning of art by giving ideas generally from their mind to become reality.
  2. List forms of art such as drawing, painting, singing, and writing.
  3. Give examples of functional artwork and create some functional artwork, explaining their uses.

Key Words:

  • Art
  • Forms
  • Drawing
  • Painting
  • Singing
  • Writing
  • Functional

Set Induction:

Show pupils pictures of different art forms and ask them what they see and like about each picture.

Entry Behaviour:

Pupils are familiar with basic creative activities like drawing and singing from previous experiences.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Flashcards with pictures of different art forms
  • Drawing paper and coloured pencils
  • Sample artworks (e.g., decorated pots, painted stones)
  • Music player with songs

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge:

Discuss everyday creative activities the pupils might have done, like drawing, singing songs, or writing simple sentences.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Observation
  • Creativity
  • Fine motor skills
  • Expressive skills

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Primary 1
  • Basic Arts for Primary Schools

Instructional Materials:

  • Flashcards
  • Drawing paper and coloured pencils
  • Sample artworks
  • Music player

Content Explanation:

  1. Meaning of Art:
    • Art is using your imagination to create something beautiful or interesting.
    • Examples include drawing pictures, painting, singing songs, and writing stories.
  2. Forms of Art:
    • Drawing: Making pictures with pencils or crayons.
    • Painting: Using colours and brushes to make pictures.
    • Singing: Using your voice to make music.
    • Writing: Creating stories or poems with words.
  3. Functional Artwork and Uses:
    • Decorated Pots: Can be used to plant flowers.
    • Painted Stones: Can be used to decorate gardens.
    • Greeting Cards: Can be given to friends and family on special occasions.


  1. Art is using your _______ to create something beautiful. a. book b. mind c. hands d. eyes
  2. _______ is making pictures with pencils. a. Singing b. Drawing c. Writing d. Dancing
  3. _______ is using colours and brushes to make pictures. a. Drawing b. Painting c. Writing d. Singing
  4. Using your voice to make music is called _______. a. drawing b. painting c. singing d. writing
  5. Creating stories or poems with words is called _______. a. singing b. painting c. writing d. drawing
  6. Decorated pots can be used to _______ flowers. a. draw b. paint c. plant d. sing
  7. Painted stones can be used to decorate _______. a. gardens b. books c. clothes d. cars
  8. Greeting cards can be given to _______ on special occasions. a. animals b. toys c. friends d. cars
  9. Drawing, painting, singing, and writing are forms of _______. a. games b. art c. sports d. food
  10. Art helps us turn ideas from our _______ into reality. a. hands b. feet c. mind d. eyes

Class Activity Discussion:

  1. Q: What is art? A: Art is using your imagination to create something beautiful or interesting.
  2. Q: What are some forms of art? A: Drawing, painting, singing, and writing.
  3. Q: How do you make a drawing? A: By using pencils or crayons to make pictures.
  4. Q: What do you need for painting? A: Colours and brushes.
  5. Q: How do you sing? A: By using your voice to make music.
  6. Q: What can you use to write stories? A: Words.
  7. Q: What is a functional artwork? A: Art that has a practical use, like decorated pots or greeting cards.
  8. Q: What can you use a decorated pot for? A: To plant flowers.
  9. Q: What is the use of painted stones? A: To decorate gardens.
  10. Q: Why is art important? A: It helps us turn ideas from our mind into reality and express our creativity.


Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic, “Introduction to Colours”.

Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topics, “Meaning of Art, Identification of Forms of Art, and Functional Artwork and Uses”.

Step 3: The teacher shows flashcards of different art forms, explains the meaning of art, and demonstrates how to create functional artwork.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Show flashcards with pictures of different art forms.
  • Explain each form of art.
  • Demonstrate how to create simple functional artworks like greeting cards.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Observe the teacher.
  • Identify different forms of art from flashcards.
  • Create their own functional artwork, such as drawing a picture or making a simple card.


Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is art?
  2. Name a form of art.
  3. What do you use to make a drawing?
  4. What is painting?
  5. How do you sing?
  6. What is writing?
  7. What can you use a decorated pot for?
  8. What is the use of painted stones?
  9. What can you give on special occasions?
  10. Why is art important?


The teacher goes round to mark the pupils’ work, providing feedback and necessary corrections.

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