Papier Mache Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 1

Papier Mache Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes: Week 1

Topic: Introduction to Papier Mache


By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Understand what papier mache is.
  2. Identify the materials used in making papier mache.
  3. Describe the basic steps in making papier mache.

Materials Needed:

  • Old newspapers or tissue paper
  • Water
  • Flour or glue
  • Mixing bowl
  • Paints and brushes
  • Balloons, cardboard, or other molds (optional)
  • Scissors

Lesson Content:

Primary 5 Pupils

1. What is papier mache?

Papier mache is a crafting technique that uses paper and glue to create shapes and objects.

2. What does “papier mache” mean?

“Papier mache” means “chewed paper” in French.

3. What materials do you need to make papier mache?

You need paper, glue or flour paste, and water.

4. How do you make the paste for papier mache?

Mix one part flour with two parts water until smooth. You can also mix glue with a little water.

5. What kind of paper is best for papier mache?

Old newspapers or tissue paper work well.

6. What is the first step in making papier mache?

Tear the paper into small strips.

7. How do you use the paper strips in papier mache?

Dip the paper strips into the paste and then place them on a mold.

8. What can you use as a mold for papier mache?

You can use balloons, cardboard, or any shape you like.

9. How many layers of paper should you use for papier mache?

Use several layers to make your project strong.

10. How long does it take for papier mache to dry?

It can take a day or more, depending on the thickness.

11. What do you do after the papier mache is dry?

You can paint and decorate it.

12. Can you name some things made from papier mache?

Masks, bowls, and sculptures are common papier mache items.

13. Where did papier mache originate?

Papier mache originated in China.

14. Why is papier mache popular in art projects?

It is easy to make, uses recycled materials, and is fun to decorate.

15. Is papier mache safe for kids to use?

Yes, it is safe and a great way for kids to be creative.

pupils on the topic of papier mache:

  1. Papier mache is made using _______ and glue. a) wood
    b) paper
    c) metal
    d) plastic
  2. The word “papier mache” comes from the _______ language. a) English
    b) French
    c) Spanish
    d) German
  3. To make papier mache, you need to tear the paper into _______. a) circles
    b) squares
    c) strips
    d) triangles
  4. The paste used in papier mache can be made with flour and _______. a) oil
    b) water
    c) milk
    d) sugar
  5. After covering the mold with paper strips, you need to let it _______. a) dry
    b) cook
    c) freeze
    d) melt
  6. You can use _______ to shape your papier mache project. a) a balloon
    b) a spoon
    c) a pencil
    d) a book
  7. Papier mache was first used in _______. a) China
    b) India
    c) Egypt
    d) Brazil
  8. The first step in making papier mache is to tear the paper into _______. a) small strips
    b) big circles
    c) tiny dots
    d) large squares
  9. After dipping the paper strips in paste, you _______ them onto the mold. a) throw
    b) press
    c) glue
    d) draw
  10. When the papier mache is dry, you can _______ it. a) eat
    b) paint
    c) break
    d) wash
  11. A common project made with papier mache is a _______. a) balloon
    b) mask
    c) shirt
    d) hat
  12. To make a strong papier mache object, you need to use _______ layers of paper. a) one
    b) two
    c) many
    d) few
  13. The paste should be _______ before using it on paper. a) dry
    b) sticky
    c) wet
    d) hot
  14. To prepare the flour paste, mix flour with _______. a) oil
    b) water
    c) vinegar
    d) soap
  15. Papier mache is often used to make _______ for festivals. a) toys
    b) masks
    c) shoes
    d) food
1. Introduction to Papier Mache:
  • Definition: Papier mache (French for “chewed paper”) is a crafting technique that involves creating objects using paper pieces and an adhesive, like glue or flour paste.
  • Historical Background: Originating in China, papier mache has been used for centuries in various cultures for making masks, sculptures, and decorative items.
2. Materials Used in Making Papier Mache:
  • Paper: Old newspapers, tissue paper, or any other paper that can be easily torn into strips.
  • Adhesive: A paste made from flour and water or a mixture of water and white glue.
  • Optional Items: Paints for decorating the finished product, balloons or cardboard for molds, and scissors for cutting paper.
3. Basic Steps in Making Papier Mache:
  • Step 1: Tear paper into small strips or pieces.
  • Step 2: Prepare the adhesive. If using flour paste, mix one part flour with two parts water until it reaches a smooth consistency. If using glue, mix it with a little water to make it easier to apply.
  • Step 3: Dip the paper strips into the adhesive, making sure they are fully covered.
  • Step 4: Apply the adhesive-covered paper strips onto a mold or shape them into the desired form. Layer the paper strips until the object is covered and has the desired thickness.
  • Step 5: Let the object dry completely. This may take a day or more, depending on the thickness.
  • Step 6: Once dry, the papier mache object can be painted and decorated as desired.


  1. Demonstration: Show pupils a finished papier mache object and explain how it was made.
  2. Group Work: Divide pupils into groups and have them create their own simple papier mache project, like a bowl or mask.
  3. Discussion: Talk about different uses of papier mache in various cultures and its role in festivals, decorations, and art.


  • Ask pupils to explain what papier mache is.
  • Have pupils list the materials needed to make papier mache.
  • Let pupils describe the steps involved in creating a papier mache object.


  • Pupils should bring old newspapers, balloons, and any other materials they might need for the next lesson.


Papier mache is a versatile and creative art form that allows pupils to explore their artistic skills while learning about different cultural practices. It encourages recycling and creativity, making it a valuable addition to the cultural and creative arts curriculum.