Examination Social Studies Jss 3 Second Term Lesson Notes





  1. The following are importance of national unity and integration, except (a) achieving societal goals (b) attracting foreign investment (c) economic growth (d) tarnishing societal image (e) tourism attraction
  2. The major revenue generating commodity for Nigeria is (a) cocoa (b) cotton (c) crude oil (d) hide and skin (e) palm oil
  3. Which among the following geopolitical zones has the highest number of states (a) north east (b) north central (c) north west (d) south east (e) south south
  4. The following are factors that hinder economic growth in Nigeria except (a) corruption (b) due process (c) insurgency (d) pipeline vandalism (e) poor leadership
  5. All these are human right organizations except (a) human rights commission (b) legal aid council (c) national agency for the prohibition of trafficking in person (NAPTIP) (d) national democratic coalition (e) prison service
  6. Social studies can best be defined as the study of (a) how man produces what he wants (b) man in his environment and how he interacts with others in the society (c) man and his family (d) man’s life experience.
  7. Which of these is not a function of social studies? (a) it enables us to understand our culture (b) it encourages our participation in social and civic duties (c) it helps us to understand our environment (d) it helps us to know how to fight our enemies.
  8. The following are methods of teaching social studies except (a) filtration (b) discussion (c) excursion (d) observation.
  9. The following are environmental problems except (a) cloud (b) drought (c) erosion (d) flood.
  10. is the smallest unit in the society. (a) church (b) family (c) school (d) hamlet
  11. Nigeria has two major rivers, they are (a) Niger and Benue river (b) Benue and Kastina river (c) Anambra and Cross river (d) Lagos and Kwara river.
  12. Which of these is not a necessary condition for marriage. (a) financial readiness (b) physiological fitness (c) social stability (d) psychological readiness.
  13. The total way of life and living patterns of the people is defined as (a) identity (b) religious (c) culture (d) religion.
  14. The following are material aspects of culture except (a) arrow (b) language (c) houses (d) cloth.
  15. The aspects of culture which we cannot see in concrete form is termed as (a) non-material (b) material (c) communal (d) national.
  16. The marriage of one man to one woman is called (a) endogamy (b) polygamy (c) exogamy (d) polyandry.
  17. The publicly accepted and legally approved union between a man and a woman is known as (a) love (b) courtship (c) marriage (d) friendship.
  18. One of these is the objective of socialization (a) educating new entrants about the behavioral pattern of the society (b) instilling in the new entrants the spirit of participating in the affairs of the society (c) preparing the new entrants to understand and respect the culture of the society (d) all of the above.
  19. The process of learning by which an individual acquires the necessary knowledge, skills, customs, and values that make them fully fit into the society is referred to as (a) civilization (b) stratification (c) culture (d) socialization.
  20. All of these are problems associated with examination malpractices, except (a) decreases job efficiency (b) denies innocent candidates the opportunity for admission (c) discourages good students from studying very hard (d) decreases the value placed on grades and certificates.
  21. Which of these is not an indigenous means of communication? (a) town crier (b) gunshot (c) the use of smoke (d) courier.
  22. Your mother’s sister is your (a) cousin (b) nephew (c) niece (d) aunt.
  23. The following offenses are common in Nigeria except (a) drug pushing (b) election malpractices (c) examination malpractices (d) slavery.
  24. Marriage between a woman and several husbands at a time is known as (a) adultery (b) polyandry (c) polygamy (d) polygyny.
  25. All of these are consequences of drug trafficking except (a) bad image for the country (b) death penalty in some cases (c) increase in wealth and continued good life (d) disgrace to the family.
  26. One of the following is a measure of solving the problem of cultism (a) by taking away civic education, moral instruction, and the consequences of cultism from the school curriculum (b) by counseling students on upholding good moral standards and discipline (c) by respecting members and giving them national recognition and honor (d) by giving students good home training.
  27. The oldest means of communication in Nigeria is (a) town crier (b) letter (c) radio (d) telephone.
  28. The main purpose of marriage is to (a) bear children (b) have a companion (c) improve social status (d) get wealth from in-laws.
  29. One of the features of an ideal integrated society is (a) corruption (b) interdependence (c) conflict (d) tribalism.
  30. Social studies can best be defined as the study (a) how man produces what he wants (b) man in his environment and how he interacts with others in the society (c) man and his family (d) man’s life experience.
  31. The following are methods of teaching social studies except (a) filtration (b) discussion (c) excursion (d) observation
  32. The following are environmental problems except (a) cloud (b) drought (c) erosion (d) flood.
  1. Nigeria has two major rivers, they are (a) Niger and Benue river (b) Benue and Kastina river (c) Anambra and Cross river (d) Lagos and Kwara river.
  2. Most Nigerians contribute to the national economic life through (a) agriculture (b) import and export (c) commerce (d) industry.
  3. Which of these is not a necessary condition for marriage? (a) financial readiness (b) physiological fitness (c) social stability (d) psychological readiness.
  4. The total way of life and living patterns of the people is defined as (a) identity (b) religious (c) culture (d) religion.
  5. The following are material aspects of culture except (a) language (b) arrow (c) houses (d) cloth.
  6. The aspects of culture which we cannot see in concrete form is termed as (a) non-material (b) material (c) communal (d) national.
  7. The marriage of one man to one woman is called (a) endogamy (b) polygamy (c) exogamy (d) polyandry.
  8. The nearest planet to the sun is (a) Earth (b) Mars (c) Jupiter (d) Mercury
  9. Scientists that travel to space are called, (a) Astronauts (b) Astronomers (c) Astrologers (d) Climbers
  10. The act of making corrections either by adding or deleting data is known as (a) Saving (b) Editing (c) Printing (d) Retrieving
  11. Chemical formula for water is (a) H₂O (b) H₂O: (c) OH: (d) HO₂
  12. One of the following is not a characteristic of a computer. (a) Speed (b) Slow (c) Accuracy (d) Versatility
  13. Accidents in the workshop can be occurred by (a) Neglecting safety rules (b) Following the procedure (c) Using the right tools (d) Safe working habits
  14. The removal of metabolic waste from the body is called (a) Reproduction (b) Excretion (c) Respiration (d) Growth
  15. Attitudes which are morally and legally unacceptable in society are known as (a) Right attitude (b) Negative Behavior (c) Cultism (d) None of the above
  16. Which of the following is not a consequence of human trafficking (a) Physical consequences (b) Spiritual consequence (c) Psychological consequence (d) Social Consequence
  17. One of the ways of promoting positive behavior is by (a) Punishment (b) Value disorientation (c) Disrespect (d) Love of pleasure
  18. Early marriage is an example of (a) Human trafficking (b) Cultism (c) Harmful traditional practice (d) Negative behavior
  19. Which of the following is not a factor responsible for human trafficking (a) Poverty (b) Ignorance (c) Employment (d) Greediness
  20. Inefficiency is an effect of (a) Harmful traditional practice (b) Attitude to work (c) Human trafficking (d) Negative behavior
  21. A major factor that determines the growth and development of an organization is (a) Punctuality to work (b) Regularity (c) Attitude to work (d) Integrity of negative behavior
  22. Which of these is not a type of negative behavior (a) Dishonesty (b) Ostentatious living (c) Disregard for time (d) Hard work
  23. The following are preventive measures of human trafficking except (a) Advocacy (b) Ignorance (c) Legislation (d) Education
  24. A form of behavior that involves people telling lies to achieve their aims is known as (a) Integrity (b) Disregard for time (c) Dishonesty (d) Love
  25. The following are examples of natural environment except (a) Mountains (b) Rivers (c) Grassland (d) Bridges
  26. The following are forms of accidents in school except (a) Burns from fire or chemicals (b) Cuts from blade (c) Hitting of student eyes by a teacher (d) Taking the victim to the sick bay
  27. The situation where people interact in large or small groups is known as (a) Cultism (b) School (c) Group behavior (d) Press club
  28. Any substance which when taken alters the body system either positively or negatively is known as (a) Hard drug (b) Drug abuse (c) Soft drug (d) Drug

Marking Guide For Physical and Health Education Examination Questions for J.S.S. Three

SECTION B Theory. (Read the following instructions carefully).

This section contains six questions, please answer any complete four of your choice

1a. Describe negative/uneasy peace

1b. Define peace.

2a. Define the term conflict.

2b. Differentiate between violent and non-violent conflict (with two points only).

3a. List five causes of conflict and

3b. explain any three of them.

  1. Define national economy

4b. Explain the following economic terms shortly:

i. Natural resources. ii. Human resources

5a. List 5 preventive measures to human trafficking.

5b. What are harmful traditional practices?

  1. What is population?

6b. Define the following: (i) Family (ii) Community.

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