Revision Basic Science Primary 4 Week 11 First Term Lesson Notes / Plans 

Term: First Term

Subject: Basic Science

Class: Primary 4

Term: First Term

Week: 11

Topic: Revision (Weather: Meaning, Instrument, Symbols, and Records)

Duration: 45 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students should have prior knowledge of basic weather concepts.

Key words: Weather, meaning, instrument, symbols, records

Behavioral Objectives:

  1. Students will define the concept of weather.
  2. Students will identify common weather instruments.
  3. Students will recognize weather symbols.
  4. Students will understand the importance of keeping weather records.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Observation
  • Classification
  • Communication
  • Record-keeping

Learning Materials:

  • Visual aids (images, charts)
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Weather instruments (if available)

Example 1: Defining Weather Question: What is the meaning of weather? Answer: Weather refers to the conditions in the atmosphere at a particular place and time, including temperature, humidity, wind, and precipitation.

Example 2: Identifying Weather Instruments Question: Name a tool we use to measure temperature in weather. Answer: A thermometer is used to measure temperature in weather.

Example 3: Recognizing Weather Symbols Question: What does a cloud with raindrops symbolize in weather forecasting? Answer: A cloud with raindrops symbolizes rainy weather in weather forecasting.

Example 4: Understanding Weather Records Question: Why is it important to keep weather records? Answer: Keeping weather records helps scientists and meteorologists track and understand long-term weather patterns, aiding in predictions and planning.

Example 5: Applying Knowledge Question: If you see a sun symbol on the weather forecast, what kind of weather can you expect? Answer: A sun symbol indicates sunny weather with clear skies on the forecast

  1. Weather refers to the conditions in the __________ at a particular place and time.
    • a) Oceans
    • b) Atmosphere
    • c) Mountains
    • d) Deserts
  2. A tool used to measure temperature in weather is called a __________.
    • a) Barometer
    • b) Compass
    • c) Thermometer
    • d) Hydrometer
  3. In weather forecasting, a cloud with raindrops symbolizes __________ weather.
    • a) Sunny
    • b) Snowy
    • c) Rainy
    • d) Windy
  4. Keeping weather records helps scientists track and understand __________ weather patterns.
    • a) Daily
    • b) Monthly
    • c) Long-term
    • d) Weekly
  5. The symbol for clear skies and sunny weather on a forecast is usually a __________.
    • a) Moon
    • b) Sun
    • c) Star
    • d) Cloud
  6. The amount of moisture in the air is known as __________.
    • a) Wind
    • b) Humidity
    • c) Temperature
    • d) Precipitation
  7. Weather instruments help us measure different aspects of the __________.
    • a) Earth
    • b) Ocean
    • c) Atmosphere
    • d) Soil
  8. A weather vane is used to measure the __________ of the wind.
    • a) Direction
    • b) Speed
    • c) Temperature
    • d) Humidity
  9. Weather records are essential for making accurate __________ about future conditions.
    • a) Predictions
    • b) Observations
    • c) Experiments
    • d) Measurements
  10. The symbol for a thunderstorm on a weather forecast is often represented by a __________.
    • a) Lightning bolt
    • b) Snowflake
    • c) Sun
    • d) Wind
  11. A hygrometer is a weather instrument used to measure __________ in the air.
    • a) Temperature
    • b) Wind speed
    • c) Humidity
    • d) Precipitation
  12. Weather conditions can change from day to day and __________.
    • a) Hour to hour
    • b) Month to month
    • c) Year to year
    • d) Week to week
  13. In weather forecasts, a symbol with a cloud and a snowflake represents __________.
    • a) Sunny weather
    • b) Rainy weather
    • c) Snowy weather
    • d) Foggy weather
  14. The study of weather and climate is known as __________.
    • a) Geology
    • b) Meteorology
    • c) Astronomy
    • d) Ecology
  15. Weather records include information on temperature, precipitation, wind speed, and __________.
    • a) Cloud types
    • b) Ocean currents
    • c) Soil composition
    • d) Mountain ranges


  1. Introduction (5 minutes):
    • Recap the importance of studying weather.
    • Discuss the relevance of weather in our daily lives.
  2. Presentation (15 minutes):
    • Display visual aids showing different weather conditions and symbols.
    • Introduce common weather instruments and their uses.
  3. Teacher’s Activities (15 minutes):
    • Explain the meanings of various weather symbols.
    • Demonstrate how to use basic weather instruments.
    • Discuss the importance of maintaining weather records.
  4. Learners’ Activities (10 minutes):
    • Engage students in a Q&A session about weather concepts.
    • Allow hands-on exploration of weather instruments


  • Participation in class discussions.
  • Observation of students’ interaction with weather instruments.


  • Assess students based on their ability to define weather terms.
  • Evaluate their understanding of weather symbols and instruments


  • Summarize key points about weather concepts.
  • Reinforce the significance of observing and recording weather patterns.


  • Ask students to keep a simple weather diary for a week, noting daily conditions.
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