(PAPER 1)

Answer four questions in all: one question from Part A and Questions 7, 8, and 9.


  1. You have been sent on indefinite suspension for the part you played in a recent disturbance in which valuable school property was damaged. Write a letter to the principal of your school describing the part that you played and apologizing for your involvement.
  2. Write an article for publication in a national newspaper on why you think a woman should be your country’s next president.
  3. Write a letter to your elder brother working abroad describing the hardship you and your parents are facing at home and requesting him to give some financial assistance.
  4. You are the chief speaker in a school debate the topic of which is “Public secondary schools are better than the private ones”. Write your speech for or against the topic.
  5. Tell a story that ends with the advice. “Cut your coat according to your cloth”.
  6. You have just taken part in a local festival in your village. Write an article for publication in a cultural magazine describing the festival, its origin and importance to your people and the role you played.


  1.     Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it

A candidate in an examination hall is a close cousin of the boxer in the ring. Both are fighting for a prize or, at least, for some commendation. Their goal is to win, and victory brings fame while failure leads to disaster and frustration. Each victory paves the way for a promotion up the ladder, and the higher one goes the more exposed to the public glare one gets. A world boxing champion is like a Nobel Prize winner among academics; each is at the apex of his career, but the route to that position can be tortuous and rough. The examination candidate is not a very normal person for the simple reason that he is under severe pressure. Although he is alert and his pulse is fast, he is liable to commit elementary errors without knowing. Thus, he may repeat or omit one word, miss the spelling of another, or interchange the positions of two words. If he reads over, which he hardly ever does, he may see what was originally in his brain rather than what is on paper. So, most errors escape him. More alert than at ordinary times though his brain maybe, it can play funny tricks in the examination hall. Thus, while struggling with the question, he may suddenly recall an old joke or a long forgotten and obscure incident. Right there in the examination hall, while his pen is dancing furiously on the paper, the candidate may remember a beautiful tune as if his mind is saying: “Forget this task, enjoy some music. “Happily, these do not usually disrupt the exercise at hand: the task goes on while the candidate may smile to himself fat the strange recall of the joke or music.

The brain can play a different type of trick. A fact long stored up and remembered a short while before the examination can suddenly evaporate. All attempts to recall it may prove unsuccessful. Usually, till the paper ends, the fact remains elusive only to resurface much later when not needed.

The candidate does not fare better in an oral examination. His problems are heightened by the fact that his fate depends entirely on the examiner’s assessment of him rather than what he writes down himself. The facial appearance of the examiner is also a strong factor since a stern, unsmiling examiner can be intimidating. Yet, an examination candidate need not be frightened. He needs all the calmness he can muster. He should sleep soundly before the exercise trusting that all the preparations he made earlier will not fail him at the hour of need. The fact is that one forgets more when one is tired, especially when one panics unnecessarily.


(a) In what two ways is an examination candidate similar to a boxer? (b) Identify two direct results of pressure on the candidate, (c) Give two examples of the funny tricks the brain can play on the candidate, (d) Give two reasons why a candidate may have a greater problem at an oral examination than at a written paper, (e)”… .while his pen is dancing furiously on the paper” 

(i) What figure of speech is this? (ii) What does it mean? (f) A candidate in an examination

hall….”(\) What is the grammatical name given to the expression above as it is used in the passage? (ii) What is its function in the sentence? (g)For each of the following words, find another word or phrase which means the same and which can replace it as it is used in the passage: (i) paves; (il) apex; (iii) severe; (iv) elusive; (v) stern (vi) calmness.


Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it.

The most memorable experience of my life was an incident that occurred some thirty years ago when I was in the fourth form in the secondary school. In those days, the speech-making and prize-giving day was always a great event. It was always a day when the results of the promotion examinations were announced to the students after weeks of suspense. The afternoon commenced with all the students taking their seats in the large hall, and the members of staff, led by the principal, filing in. There were also three guests, each of them an important figure in the town. The principal and the dignitaries made speeches admonishing the students to work hard in order to attain their goal. Then the prize-giving commenced. Soon, it was the turn of my class. For the overall best student, my name was called. This was not unexpected, the position having become almost identified with me. Amidst the clapping, I stood up and moved towards the principal whose outstretched hand held a fat book. I was already before him when he peered through his heavy spectacles, surveyed my figure and held back the book. There was a sudden silence. Students were amazed at this turn of events. Then he explained, “You ‘II have your prize when you pay your outstanding fees”.I stood there almost petrified. Had I been warned of this disgrace, I would simply not have stood up let alone bother to go forward. There I was, the sorry focus of attention. I wished my legs would refuse their function but they did no such thing. On the other hand they refused to beat a retreat, at least, for those burning seconds. Then suddenly, spontaneously, the students started clapping and hailing me. Thus, my return journey was more loudly cheered than the outward journey. For the prize in English, my name was also called. Of course I sat still but the students hailed on. The prize was kept. For Mathematics, it was the same drama. Somehow the students’ behaviour saved the day for me. Poorly clothed, in torn tennis shoes and being a debtor, I was the talk of the school. The little fee I had paid that year was earned through doing menial jobs at weekends, supplemented with donations from some school mates. Father’s financial difficulties had been aggravated by a protracted court case. He had no alternative but to ask me to withdraw from school and look for a job. This I had refused to do.

I had borne the cross gallantly until that day when the principal’s action threatened to kill whatever courage remained in me. I ordered the tears to gush out to flood my sad face, but the ovations forced the spring to remain dry. I had the loudest ovation that day: the students’ response to my plight was my own prize.

(a)   Why were the students usually in suspense before the prize-giving day?

(b) Why was the announcement of the writer’s name as the winner of the best student prize not a surprise? 

(c) What two proofs are there in the passage to show that the writer was liked by his school mates? (d ) Why was his father unable to pay his school fees? (e) “whose outstretched hand held a fat book” (i)What grammatical name is given to this expression as it is used in the passage?

(ii)What is its function in the sentence? (f) “/ had borne the cross gallantly …” (i) What figure of speech is this expression? (ii)What does it mean as it is used in the passage? (g) For each of the following words, find another word or phrase which means the same and which can replace it as it is used in the passage: (i) memorable (ii) figure (iii) amazed (iv) menial (V) protracted (vi) plight


  1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it

We have often heard students making wild assertions that the public examining bodies are their worst enemies. Some, in fact, see the officials of these public examining bodies as wicked souls scheming day and night to devise ways of failing them. How correct are these assertions? The facts will speak for themselves.

The task of setting an examination paper begins long before the examination day. Indeed, months or years before then, seasoned experts in the various subjects are given the teaching and examination syllabuses and requested to set questions. These are compiled for subsequent scrutiny. Then a second set of experts is invited to examine the questions critically, make necessary modifications and come up with questions that conform with acceptable standards. The result of this exercise is a set of polished and unambiguous questions that are very fair to those being examined. These questions are then securely stored.

The next stage is the registration of candidates. This stage involves not just the examining body, but also the candidates, their parents, their teachers, principals and some other members of the public. This is so because apart from the candidate haying to fill in the forms, his principal has to endorse them while the parents have to provide the registration fee. Any mistake or inaction on the part of any of these may ruin the candidate’s chances. If, for instance, the candidate makes a mistake in his choice of subjects or in completing his forms, or if the principal does not forward the registration fee at the right time, his chances in the examination may be jeopardized.

Next is the conduct of the examination itself. Again, more officials from outside the examining body than from within it are involved. Think of the supervisors, the invigilators, and even the security officials. They are definitely more in number than the staff of the examining body, and any one of them could take an action that might result in the failure of candidates. Take the invigilator for instance. If he is negligent candidates could swap answer scripts under his very nose; and when this is detected by the markers, as it often is, the results of the candidates may be cancelled.

Probably, the most hated person to the candidates is the marker whom they, in their ignorance, regard as a wicked drunkard who delights in failing candidates. What candidates do not realize is that an examiner is trained to score points strictly according to a carefully prepared marking scheme from which he must not deviate. It is his constitution. Besides, his work is consistently checked by his team leader and the chief examiner. Should he be discovered to have marked inaccurately, he could be removed. So, contrary to candidates’ opinion, the examiner is a seasoned teacher, a careful scorer, a person always on his guard.

The final stage comes with the collation of results. This stage is mainly computerized, and computers do not make mistakes. A candidate’s results may not be processed if he is involved in a malpractice, has used a wrong examination number or no number at all, or if he fails to write all the papers that make up a subject. So, when a result is withheld, the fault is mostly that of the candidate.

How then should we view the activities of the public examining bodies? Definitely, we should view them with understanding, sympathy and appreciation.

(a) In one sentence, summarize the writer’s purpose in this passage, (b) In two sentences/one for each, state how the actions of the candidate and the invigilator can jeopardize the candidate’s chances of success, (c) In three sentences, one for each, summarize the steps taken by examining bodies to ensure that candidates are given a fair chance of success




Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved.


 (PAPER 3)

SECTION 1: From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same vowel sound as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined. An example is given below: 

Example: seat       A. sit   B. cite      C. set D. key The correct answer is D because only key contains the same vowel sound as the one underlined in seat.

  1. work A. port   B. talk    C. nurse D. lock
  2. grew  A. sew   B. who   C. pull D. know
  3. deep A. police   B. twice   C. kick         D. spill
  4. hill   A. chief   B. hike    C. save D. fit
  5. best A. regale   B. vehicle C. many           D. legal
  6. hunt A. rough   B. cough   C.huge  D. burnt
  7. flock A. love        B. onion C. bottle   D. saw
  8. force A. worse   B. pause C. bus D. yarn
  9. cat A. last B. cut C. bank D. plate
  10. car  A. clerk B. man   C. plait D. quay
  11. buy A. bury B. buoy C. sleight D. eight
  12. float A. oven  B. hoard C. poll D.         hop
  13. way A. says B. great C. plaque   D. height
  14. about A. round B. dough C. thought D. country
  15. fair A. dear  B. hear C,bier D. rare


SECTION 2: From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same consonant sound(s) as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined. An example is given below.

Example: vice A. cat B. dress C. show   D.  chalk .The correct answer is B because only dress contains the same consonant sound as the one underlined in vice.

  1. bang A. sand   B.   singe   C. hung D. bug
  2. these A. clothe B.   worth C. thank D. path
  3. vision A. attention B. repression C. intention D. illusion
  4. physicsA.verse B.    faction C. shepherd D. psychic
  5. check A. choir B. chaos C. chimney D. machine
  6. cool A. accuse B. ocean C. censure D. cellar
  7. slap A. phase B. post C. corps D. coup
  8. shame  A.   bench B. toss C. nation D. yacht
  9. toast A. begged   B. warned C. listen D. capped
  10. thin A. length   B. tin C. thyme D.  there
  11. asked A. axed B. grasped C. masked D. taxed
  12. apply A. help B. please C. tulip   D. print
  13. pneumonia   A. damn B. solemn C. hymn D. knew
  14. zoo A. resign B. assist   C. converse D. rice
  15. baby A. dumb B.   lamb    C. stab D. climb

SECTION 3: From the words lettered A to D. choose the word that rhymes with the given word. An example is given below.

Example: detain A. obtain B. detail C. claim D. relay

The correct answer is A because only obtain rhymes with detain.

  1. serial A. carrier B.   serious C. unreal D. rally
  2. deceit A. receipt B. appeal C. resit D. conceive
  3. could A. food B. blood C. wooed     D. wood
  4. curtail A. until B. fail C. defile D.   feel
  5. while  A. buy B.    boil C. bile D. boy 

SECTION 4: In each of the following questions, the main/

primary stress is indicated by writing the syllable on which it occurs in capital letters.

From the words lettered A to D, choose the one that has the correct stress. An example is given below. Example: democratic A. DE—mo—era—tic B. de—Mo-cra-tic C.de-mo-CRA-ticD. de-mo-cra-TIC

The correct answer is C because the main/primary stress of the word democratic is on the third syllable. 

  1. matrimony A. ma-TRI-mo-ny B. ma-tri-MO-ny C. ma—tri—mo—NY D. MA—tri—mo—ny 37.advertisement A ad-ver-TISE-ment B. adver-tise-MENT C. ad-VER-tise-ment D. AD-ver-tise-ment
  2. formidable A. FOR-mi- da- ble B. for- Ml- da- ble C. for- mi- DA- ble D. for-mi-da-BLE
  3. category A. cat—E—go—ry   B.   CAT—e—go-ry C.   cat-e-GO-ry D, cat-e-go-RY
  4.   delicacy A.    del—I—ca—cy B.    del—i—CA-cy C.   del-i-ca-CY D. DEL-i-ca-cy


SECTION 5: In the following options lettered A to D, all the words except one have the same stress pattern. Identify the one with the different stress pattern and shade your answer in the usual way. An example is given below. Example: A. away B. apart C. behind D. river

Options A, B, C, are all stressed on the second syllable while option D is the only one stressed on the first syllable.

  1. A. success B. extent C. colleague D. acute
  2. A. despite B. petrol C.   vomit   D. wardrobe
  3. A. component B. importance C. distribute D. revenue
  4. A.   benefit B. deposit C. difficult D. prevalent
  5. A. schedules, country C. finance D. fountain.


SECTION 6: In each of the following sentences, the word that receives the emphatic stress is written in CAPITAL LETTERS. From the questions lettered A to D, choose the one to which the given sentence is the appropriate answer. An example is given below. Example: My mother’s FRIEND hates pet. A. Does your mother’s boss hate pets? B. Does your mother’s friend love pets? C. Does your mother’s friend hate toys? D. Does your father’s friend hate pets?

The correctansweris Abecause My mother’s FRIEND hates pets answers the question, Does your mother’s boss hate pets?

  1. Tamuno confessed that he STOLE the car. A. Did Thomas confess that he stole the car? B. Did Tamuno confess that he borrowed the car? C. Did Tamuno deny that he stole the car? D. Did Tamuno confess that he stole the lorry?
  2. Dad requested the DRIVER to open the door? A. Did Mum request the driver to open the door? B. Did Dad order the driver to open the door? C. Did Dad request the gardener to open the door? D. Did Dad request the driver to shut the door?
  3. The housemaid locked the baby in the FRIDGE. A. Did the steward lock the baby in the fridge? B. Did the housemaid cool the baby in the fridge? C.Did the housemaid lock the cat in the fridge? D.  Did the housemaid lock the baby in the toilet?
  4. Musa found the money UNDER Mum’s mattress.A.   Did Musa found the money inside Mum’s mattress?B.   Did Musa steal the money under Mum’s mattress?C.    Did Ayo find the money under Mum’s mattress?D. Did Musa find the wristwatch under Mum’s mattress? 
  5. The AMBASSADORS are visiting Nigeria tomorrow.A.  Are the ambassadors visiting Ghana tomorrow?B.  Are the athletes visiting Nigeria tomorrow? C. Are the ambassadors visiting Nigeria next week? D. Are the ambassadors leaving Nigeria tomorrow?


SECTION 7: From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that contains the sound represented by the given phonetic symbol. An example is given below. Example:/ Ic/A. yell    B.holy   C.    boy D. idiot

The correct answer is C because only boy contains the     

sound represented by the given symbol. Therefore, answer space C would be shaded. 51.‘181 A. increases, perform C.   tidy D.    divert

  1. / ᴧ / A. colour B.   loss   C. though    D.   collar
  2. /       / A. rude   B. fun   C.   push D.   rush 

54.13:1 A. heart    B. clerk C. part     D.   earth

  1. / I   / A. amoeba B. woman C. rescind D. police
  2. / f/ A. cheat   B.   match    C.   clash D.   forge
  3. /  ʒ / A. regime  B. fragile  C. huge D. gender
  4. / θ/ A. writhe B. smooth C. northern D. worth 

59./s/  A. resound B. cease C. houses D.   design 

  1. / z / A. worse   B.   goose    C.   bats   D. whose



Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved.



SECTION I: In each of the following sentences, there is one underlined word and one gap. From the list of words lettered A to D, choose the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined word and that will, at the same time, correctly fill the gap in the sentence.

  1.   “Hello Musa” is a…………..opening for a friendly letter, but it is inappropriate for a formal letter.       A.   casual B. serious        C. happy      D. suitable.
  2.   We blamed Obi for breaking the door, but when Ade confessed that he did it, Obi was…..               A. rewarded B. exonerated           C. released  D. jailed.
  3.   Parking on this street is ………………..on weekdays but permitted at weekends. A. rejected B. sanctioned C. abolished D. prohibited.
  4.   They had to…………….the old building to construct the five-star hotel. A. close B. remove C. demolish D. damage.
  5.   If we can commence the meeting on time, we should be able to…………………by 4. 00 p.m. A. return B. vacate C. convene D. adjourn.
  6.   The children expected to be praised for putting out the fire, but they were………………..for taking such a risk .A.  rebuked           B. accused        C. despised      D. sentenced.
  7.   A child got stuck trying to squeeze through an iron fence, but some adults managed to…………..him. A. extract B. push       C. save D. extricate.
  8.   They ended the discussion on amicable terms though they were………………to each other at the beginning. A. unacceptable       B. hostile           C. unknown       D. annoying.

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that best completes each of the following sentences.

  1.   The class prefect’s……………of the quarrel is different from yours. A. statement B. account 
  2. outline D. summary.
  3. I refused to……….my statement because it was true. A. retract       B. make C. withhold D. voice.
  4.   But for the timely……….of the police, there would have been a riot. A. interference B. intrusion C. intervention D. interruption.
  5. The boys were about to trade blows, but I managed to hold one of them back while my friend……..the other .A.  restrained B. subdued C. coaxed D. captured.
  6. We are waiting to hear the weather……….. for tomorrow. A. broadcast B. declaration C. report D. forecast.
  7. I will tell you the secret if you promise not to………….it. A. divulge B. show C. scatter D. relay.       D. forecast.
  8. The hilltop was a hundred meters above sea level and from that…………….the whole town could be seen beautifully laid out. A. magnitude B. altitude C. latitude D. longitude.
  9. Until now Etim has always started  the fights, but this time Adamu is clearly the……A. oppressor B. fighter C. aggressor D. underdog.
  10. If found guilty, a person may appeal to a higher court in the hope that it will…………the verdict. A. discharge B. revise C. dismiss D. reverse.
  11. The visit of the patron of the club……….the morale of the players. A. elated B. induced 
  12. boasted D. boosted.


SECTION 3: After each of the following sentences, a list of possible interpretations of the sentence is given. Choose the interpretation that you consider most appropriate for each sentence.

  1. Although Aliyu was acquitted by the court for want of evidence, the police still kept a tab on him. This means that they A. kept him under close observation. B. set a trap to catch him again. C. attached a tag to his clothes .D.  kept him behind bars.
  2. When it came to the question of an increase in allowances, the striking workers spoke with one voice. This means that the workers A. became frightened B. appointed one of them as their spokesman. C. repeated their demand in a chorus. D. were unanimous in their position.
  3. The restaurant owner offered Olu a drink on the house. This means that A. the drink was taken to Olu’s house. B. Olu was invited to the owner’s house. C. the drink was free of charge. D. Olu was served inside the restaurant.
  4. When the Choir Master introduced Jane as a brilliant singer, everyone know that he was speaking with his tongue in his cheek. This means that he A. was ignorant of the quality of Jane’s singing. B. did not intend to be taken seriously. C. wanted to deceive Jane. D. wanted to deceive everyone but failed.
  5. When the accountant made those remarks he knew that he was putting his job on the line. This means that the accountant was A. risking losing his job. B.   announcing his resignation. C.   urging people to take to his profession. D. revealing secrets about his job.
  6. The newly acquired air-bus plane is a white elephant. This means that the plane is A. very costly but worthless. B. very useful       C. as big as an elephant. D. the biggest plane on the fleet.
  7. Despite the measures taken by the government, the economy of the country is still in the doldrums. This means that A. the economy is recovering.         B. the government is tackling the problem vigorously. C. the economic problems are widely known. D. the economy is not making any progress.
  8. The new teacher urged the lazy students to turn a new leaf. This means that the teacher urged the students to
  9. improve their behavior.   B. turn to the next page of their book. C. stir the leave in the compost pit .D. Strike a balance between play and hard work.
  10. Amina always flies off at a tangent when a serious matter is being discussed. This means that Amina A. gets overexcited. B. keeps digressing. C. keeps the discussion lively. D. has nothing to contribute.
  11. You should take what he tells you with a pinch of salt. This means that you should A. reject everything he says because he is a liar. B. pay close attention to him C. doubt what he says. D. question him closely.


SECTION 4: From the words letter A to D below each of the following sentences, choose the word that is nearest in meaning to the underline word.

  1. The bride was praised by her mother-in-law for her impeccable behavior. A. spotless B. appropriate C. beautiful D. faultless
  2. Ogene was not the least cowed by the bully’s threats. A. secret B. worried C. encouraged D. intimidated
  3. The dissidents held several clandestine meetings before the attack A. secret B. important C. impromptu D. exclusive 32  The principal warned the final-students about the consequences of procrastination. A. haste B. delay C. protesting D. rioting.
  4. The incessant chatter of the pupils irritated the teacher. A. excited B. meaningless C. unceasing D. illogical.
  5. With his cogent argument in favour of the proposal he was able to check further opposition.  
  6.   insistent .B.  urgent C. convincing D. uncompromising.
  7. The professor’s explanation of that point was quite lucid A. lengthy B. complicated C. clear 
  8. surprising.
  9. The foreman believed that with the augmented workforce, the construction job would take one more month to complete. A. skilled B. enlarged. C. hired D. determined.
  10. The children were warned not to be unduly inquisitive. A. naughty B. playful C. troublesome 
  11. curious
  12. The accused vehemently denied the charges against him. A. ignorantly. B. stupidly. C. deliberately. D. strongly

SECTION 4: From the words lettered A to D below each of the following sentences, choose the word that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word as it is used in the sentence.

  1. The criminal was incarcerated A. arrested     B. pardoned    C.   imprisoned    D.    cautioned
  2. The Manager soon found out that my sister was a competent typist A. patient   B.   capable 
  3. hardworking D.  careless
  4. At the inception of his administration, the Governor was very popular. A. end B. beginning 
  5. dissolution D. peak
  6. The businessman anticipated the collapse of the bank A. prevented B. caused C. foresaw 
  7. pre-empted
  8. The plaintiff was dissatisfied with the decision of the court. A. solicitor B. accused 
  9. complainant D. respondent
  10. The judge was incorruptible A. frank   B. unreliable C. incorrigible D.   honest
  11. Mr. Preye is a stern father. A. wicked B. loving   C. conservative   D. strict
  12. My first son is an unusually audacious boy A. daring B. clever  C. cowardly D. mischievous
  13. Amina often makes derogatory remarks about her husband A. arrogant B. belittling C. laudable D. discreet

SECTION 5: From the words or group of words lettered A to D, choose the word or group of words that best completes each of the following sentences.

  1. For such a serious offence, Etim was lucky to…………….with a fine A. get over B. get on C. getaway D. get  off
  2. The members of the Association were just rounding……….their discussion when the police arrived. 
  3. up   B. off     C.of   D.in
  4. I could not attend the meeting, so I asked my sister to stand…….for me. A.   up    B. by   C. in   
  5. on

51.1 tendered for that contract, but my application…………….A. fell in B. fell off C. fell through

  1. fell down
  2. He is Mr. Belle’s son,……………?   A.   isn’t he    B.   isn’t it       C.   is it       D.    he is
  3. You will help me with my assignment,……….? A. can you B. could you C. would you D. won’t you

54.1 bought my……….today A. very green first party dress B. green very party first dress C. first green very partydress  D. very first green party dress.

  1. Although he was not born in Yorubaland,…………A. he can’t speak the language B. he can’t write the language C.  he can speak the language  D. but he can speak the language
  2. Adaku and Udoka were curious………..who was coming to see their father.  A. at B. about C. in D. of
  3. Moji says she is better at Maths………..A.   as me   B. than I am     C. as I am     D. with me

58.1 have never……….humiliated in my life A. being so B. so being C. been so D. so been

  1. He……….the scene before the accident occurred A. leaves B. has left C. left D. had left
  2. The proposer’s argument was………convincing than that of his opponent  A. much more B. most      C. much  D.   more much
  3. The cloth is………bright for my liking     A. very   B. so     C.   quite     D.   too
  4. By the time they arrive, we………the work A. shall have finished B. could have finished  C. will finish  D. have finished
  5. This engine is……that one A. superior than B. more superior than C. more superior to D. superior to
  6. Janet could not attend the party because she……….with the flu over the weekend. A. came up B. came down  C. came away D. came in
  7. The new student made a good impression……..the rest of the class. A. with   B. at   C. on    D. for
  8. Could I borrow………………..cash please? A. a little   B.   a few   C.   much     D.   few
  9. It is……..this background that we can understand the issues clearly. A. for   B. against   C. with D. on
  10. The teacher told the pupils to commit the poem…………..memory. A. to B. in C. onto D. inside

70…………..we waited, Ayo read the letter over again. A. While B. When C. Where   D. Why

  1. I expect everybody to respect…………….. A. itself   B. ourselves   C.   himself   D.   oneself
  2. You are…….for having that painful experience A. none the best B. none the worst C. none the worse D. nonetheless

73…………is not good for children. A. To have skipped breakfast B. Skip breakfast   C. To have been skipping breakfast   D. Skipping breakfast

  1. The manager is leaving the company to…………….a new appointment elsewhere. A. take over  B.  take on  C. take up      D.   take off
  2. Since we were not given all the things we requested, we should………….with what we have.    
  3.   make up  B.   make out       C.    make do       D.     make over
  4. Nigerians will have…………to blame for withdrawing from the competition at the last minute A. themselves B. one another  C.   each other  D. ourselves
  5. Many people do not……….their religious professions. A. live by   B. live to  C. live with   D. live on

78……………..a new teacher, she does not know much about the behaviour of the students. A. Being B. Having been   C.   Been    D.   Having being

  1. The principal hoped that he…………..to help the students. A. can be able B. is able  C. would be able D. must be able
  2. The lecturer arrived exactly………….time to give the talk A.   on     B.   with      C.    by      D.    in
  3. Olumide initially disliked Mathematics, but……time he began to like it. A. by B. on C. with   
  4. at
  5. The judge says that no one is……….the law A. over B.   above    C. after    D. across
  6. The officer…………..that he was not supposed to talk to the press on the matter. A. will know    B. shall knowC.  could have known   D.    should have known
  7. He is a dare-devil; I really……….be surprised that he has escaped. A. ought to B. oughtn’t 
  8.   could D.    couldn’t
  9. This is Bisi’s handwriting; there………be no argument about it. A. will B. may   C. might   D. can
  10. Many people do not……….their religious professions.  A. live by   B. live to   C. live with    D. live on

87……………..a new teacher, she does not know much about the behaviour of the students. A. BeingB. Having been  C.   Been    D.   Having being

  1. The principal hoped that he…………..to help the students. A. can be able B. is able  C. would be able D. must be able
  2. The lecturer arrived exactly………….time to give the talk A.   on     B.   with      C.    by      D.    in
  3. Olumide initially disliked Mathematics, but……time he began to like it. A. by B. on C. with   
  4. at
  5. The judge says that no one is……….the law A. over B.   above   C. after    D. across
  6. The officer…………..that he was not supposed to talk to the press on the matter. A. will know    B. shall know  C.  could have known   D.    should have known
  7. He is a dare-devil; I really……….be surprised that he has escaped. A. ought to B. oughtn’t C.   could D.   couldn’t
  8. This is Bisi’s handwriting; there………..be no argument about it. A. will B. may   C. might   D. can

SECTION 6: In the following passages, the numbered gaps indicate missing words. Against each number in the list below each passage, four options are offered in columns lettered A to D. Choose the word that is the most suitable to fill the numbered gap in the passages.


Jide bought his car last year and now there is the need to renew the —95 — . The first time he went to Mr. Olumide, the — 96 — , he was advised to — 97 — a — 98 — rather than — 99 — cover. Mr Olumide had carefully explained the merits and demerits of both types, which include the fact that one was far more — 100 —than the other.

Now Jide has cause to smile because of his entitlement to a no-claim —101 —. Being a careful owner-driver, he has not been involved in any—102— during the period. Unfortunately, the same could not be said for his friend, Jackson, whose car was a total —103—after a—104—with a truck. He could not even make any claim for—105—, because he was not—106—at all.

Jackson’s experience clearly points to the need for insurance—107—to educate prospective—108—on the benefits of insurance.

A                                     B C D

  1.     roadworthiness chassis insurance policy vehicle dues
  2.     road superintendent insurance broker drawing instructor licensing officer
  3.     take out take up take on take in
  4.     yearly licence yearly premium cheaper deal comprehensive policy
  5.     second rate   first party third party third rate
  6.     expensive   prohibitive exclusive impressive
  7.     deduction   bonus dividend reward
  8.     incident event accident quarrel
  9.     wash-out   write-up knock-up write-off
  10.     collision Collusion contact confrontation
  11.     damage           repair damages improvement
  12.     endorsed recognized insured authorized
  13.     agents           vendors administrators dealers
  14.     customers buyers clients applicants


The persistent fuel —90— in the country paralyzed all aspects of life especially in the cities. The streets were often — 91— of the usual hustle and —92— that characterized city life. A visitor might erroneously think it was a public holiday, until he came near a —93—. There he would find long —94— of haphazardly parked vehicles waiting to buy the non-existent fuel from the idle — 95—.

Another look at the bus stops would reveal groups of people anxiously trying to get to their places of work. Even car owners used the few—96— buses, the drivers of which had increased the—97— by anything from 100 to 500 percent.

Though this could be very annoying, —98— should not blame the drivers for the—99— rates because the drivers had to pay through the nose to procure fuel at the — 100—.


  1.     paucity Scarcity withdrawal subsidy
  2.     full derailed deserted devoid
  3.     struggle bustle juggle   tussle
  4.     market place park filling station   fuel depot
  5.     columns crowds lines   queue
  6.     hands pumps motors               tanks
  7.     inaccessible available agreeable   pliable
  8.     fees levies fares   money
  9.     transporters voyagers conductors   passengers
  10.     exorbitant moderate exquisite   fair
  11.   backdoor black market fuel depot   open market
