Advanced Fee Fraud (419) as a Threat to Personal Security and Preventive Measures Against It

Subject: Security Education

Class: Primary 5

Term: Third Term

Type: Lesson Notes

Week: Week 5b

Topic: Advanced Fee Fraud 419 as a treat to Personal Security

Previous Lesson


Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to

  • Understand what Advanced Fee Fraud (419) is and how it can threaten personal security
  • Identify common red flags of Advanced Fee Fraud and other scams
  • Learn various preventive measures against Advanced Fee Fraud and other scams




Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking and problem-solving
  • Communication and collaboration
  • Information and media literacy
  • Digital citizenship
  • Self-direction and self-regulation



Learning Materials:





Advanced Fee Fraud 419 as a treat to Personal Security

1. Advanced Fee Fraud (419) is a type of scam where fraudsters promise a large sum of money in exchange for a small fee.
2. The fraudsters often target individuals through email, social media, or phone calls.
3. They may ask for personal information, such as bank account details, to steal money from victims.
4. Victims of Advanced Fee Fraud may lose a large sum of money, which can have serious consequences for their financial wellbeing and personal security.
5. It’s important to be cautious of unsolicited messages or phone calls offering large sums of money, and to never give out personal information to strangers.
6. If you think you’ve been targeted by Advanced Fee Fraud, you should report it to the appropriate authorities, such as the police or the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).



The section of the Nigerian Constitution that specifically addresses Advanced Fee Fraud (419) is Section 419 of the Criminal Code Act. This section makes it illegal to obtain property or induce payment by false pretenses, which includes Advanced Fee Fraud. The penalty for this offense can be imprisonment for up to 14 years. Additionally, there are other laws and regulations, such as the Cybercrime (Prohibition, Prevention, etc.) Act 2015, which address fraud and other criminal activities carried out using electronic communication platforms.


1. What is Advanced Fee Fraud?
a) A type of scam where fraudsters offer a large sum of money in exchange for a small fee.
b) A type of cyber attack where hackers steal personal information.
c) A type of virus that infects computers and causes them to malfunction.
d) A type of insurance fraud where people claim compensation for false accidents.

2. How do fraudsters typically contact victims for Advanced Fee Fraud?
a) Through email, social media, or phone calls.
b) By sending letters through the mail.
c) By hacking into victims’ computers and leaving messages.
d) By asking for money in person on the street.

3. What kind of personal information do fraudsters often ask for in Advanced Fee Fraud scams?
a) Bank account details and other sensitive information.
b) Favorite colors and hobbies.
c) School subjects and grades.
d) Favorite foods and sports teams.

4. Why is Advanced Fee Fraud a threat to personal security?
a) Victims can lose a lot of money and suffer financial harm.
b) Victims can become physically injured or ill.
c) Victims can have their personal information stolen and misused.
d) Victims can be exposed to dangerous viruses and malware.

5. What should you do if you receive an unsolicited message offering a large sum of money?
a) Delete the message and ignore it.
b) Respond with your personal information to claim the money.
c) Contact the police or other authorities to report the scam.
d) Send money to the fraudster to secure the payment.

6. What is the penalty for Advanced Fee Fraud in Nigeria?
a) Imprisonment for up to 14 years.
b) A small fine.
c) Community service.
d) No punishment, as it is not a crime.

7. What is the name of the Nigerian law that addresses cybercrime, including Advanced Fee Fraud?
a) The Criminal Code Act.
b) The Nigerian Cybercrime Act.
c) The EFCC Act.
d) The Anti-Scam Act.

8. How can you protect yourself from Advanced Fee Fraud?
a) Be cautious of unsolicited messages and phone calls offering large sums of money.
b) Never give out personal information to strangers.
c) Report suspicious activity to the appropriate authorities.
d) All of the above.

9. What is the name of the agency responsible for investigating Advanced Fee Fraud and other financial crimes in Nigeria?
a) The Nigerian Police Force.
b) The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).
c) The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
d) The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).

10. Which of the following is NOT a common red flag of Advanced Fee Fraud?
a) The promise of a large sum of money in exchange for a small fee.
b) The use of urgent or threatening language to pressure the victim into paying.
c) The request for personal information, such as bank account details.
d) The offer of a legitimate business opportunity with clear terms and conditions.


Various Preventive Measures Against Advanced Fee Fraud 419

1. Be cautious of unsolicited messages or phone calls offering large sums of money, especially from unknown sources.
2. Never give out personal information, such as bank account details, to strangers.
3. Use secure passwords and protect your online accounts with two-factor authentication.
4. Install antivirus software and keep it up-to-date to protect against malware and viruses.
5. Regularly check your bank and credit card statements for unauthorized charges or transactions.
6. Educate yourself on common scams and red flags of fraud.
7. Use reputable online marketplaces and sellers when making purchases.
8. When in doubt, contact the appropriate authorities, such as the police or the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), to report suspected fraud.
9. Trust your instincts and don’t be afraid to say no or end a conversation if something feels off.
10. Share your knowledge with friends and family to help protect them from Advanced Fee Fraud and other scams.


1. What is the first step to take in preventing Advanced Fee Fraud?
a) Be cautious of unsolicited messages and phone calls offering large sums of money.
b) Respond to every message you receive to see if it’s legitimate.
c) Give out your personal information to anyone who asks for it.
d) Share your bank account details with friends and family.

2. What kind of personal information should you never give out to strangers?
a) Bank account details.
b) Favorite foods.
c) School subjects and grades.
d) Favorite colors and hobbies.

3. What is two-factor authentication?
a) A security measure that requires two forms of identification to access an account.
b) A type of scam where fraudsters ask for two payments instead of one.
c) A type of computer virus that infects two devices at once.
d) A method of payment that requires two credit cards.

4. How can you protect your online accounts?
a) Use secure passwords and two-factor authentication.
b) Use the same password for all accounts to make it easier to remember.
c) Share your password with trusted friends and family.
d) Never change your password.

5. What is malware?
a) A type of software designed to harm a computer or device.
b) A legitimate business opportunity with clear terms and conditions.
c) A payment made in advance of receiving goods or services.
d) A type of financial scam targeting the elderly.

6. Why should you regularly check your bank and credit card statements?
a) To look for any unauthorized charges or transactions.
b) To check your balance.
c) To see how much money you’ve spent recently.
d) To check your credit score.

7. How can you educate yourself on common scams and fraud?
a) Read about them online or in the news.
b) Ignore all messages from unknown sources.
c) Delete any message that looks suspicious without reading it.
d) Give out your personal information to anyone who asks for it.

8. How can you verify the legitimacy of an online marketplace or seller?
a) Read reviews and ratings from other customers.
b) Never buy anything online.
c) Always trust what the seller says.
d) Use the same marketplace or seller every time to avoid scams.

9. What should you do if you suspect you’ve been targeted by Advanced Fee Fraud?
a) Contact the police or the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).
b) Respond to the message and send money to the fraudster.
c) Ignore the message and hope it goes away.
d) Share your personal information with the fraudster to get the promised payment.

10. Why is it important to share your knowledge about scams and fraud with friends and family?
a) To help protect them from falling victim to scams.
b) To make them feel scared and worried.
c) To make yourself look smart and knowledgeable.
d) To get them to share their personal information with you.


Is yahoo yahoo the same thing as 419?

Yes, Yahoo Yahoo is a colloquial term used in Nigeria to refer to Advanced Fee Fraud (419) and other forms of internet-based fraud. The term “Yahoo Yahoo” originated from the use of Yahoo! email services by fraudsters to carry out their criminal activities. While 419 is a specific type of scam that involves promising a large sum of money in exchange for a small fee, Yahoo Yahoo is a broader term that encompasses a range of fraudulent activities carried out online. Both 419 and Yahoo Yahoo are illegal and can have serious consequences for those who engage in them.


Lesson Plan Presentation

Lesson plan presentation on the topic “Advanced Fee Fraud (419) as a Threat to Personal Security and Preventive Measures Against It”:

Grade Level: Primary 5

Previous Lesson


  1. Introduction (5 minutes)
  • Greet the students and introduce the topic of Advanced Fee Fraud as a threat to personal security
  • Ask if anyone has heard of 419 or Yahoo Yahoo before and what they know about it
  1. What is Advanced Fee Fraud? (10 minutes)
  • Define what Advanced Fee Fraud is and give examples of how it works (e.g. promises of a large sum of money in exchange for a small fee)
  • Discuss how fraudsters often contact victims through email, social media, or phone calls
  • Highlight the importance of being cautious of unsolicited messages or phone calls offering large sums of money, especially from unknown sources
  1. Common Red Flags of Fraud (15 minutes)
  • Identify common red flags of Advanced Fee Fraud and other scams (e.g. urgent or threatening language, requests for personal information)
  • Discuss how victims of fraud can lose money and suffer financial harm
  • Emphasize the importance of never giving out personal information, such as bank account details, to strangers
  1. Preventive Measures Against Advanced Fee Fraud (15 minutes)
  • Discuss various preventive measures against Advanced Fee Fraud and other scams (e.g. using secure passwords and two-factor authentication, regularly checking bank and credit card statements for unauthorized charges)
  • Highlight the importance of educating oneself on common scams and fraud, using reputable online marketplaces and sellers, and trusting instincts
  1. Reporting Fraud (10 minutes)
  • Provide information on reporting fraud to the appropriate authorities, such as the police or the EFCC
  • Emphasize the importance of reporting suspected fraud to help prevent others from falling victim to the same scam

Learners Activities:

  1. Discussion of examples of Advanced Fee Fraud and other scams
  2. Group activities to identify red flags of fraud and preventive measures against it
  3. Individual reflection on personal experiences with fraud or scam attempts


  • Observation of participation and engagement during discussion and activities
  • Review of completed handouts or worksheets
  • Informal assessment through questioning and discussion

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is Advanced Fee Fraud, and how does it threaten personal security?
  2. What are some common red flags of Advanced Fee Fraud and other scams?
  3. What are some preventive measures against Advanced Fee Fraud and other scams?
  4. Why is it important to never give out personal information to strangers?
  5. How can you report suspected fraud to the appropriate authorities?


  • Summarize the key points of the lesson and emphasize the importance of being cautious and informed when it comes to online fraud and scams
  • Encourage students to share what they’ve learned with friends and family to help protect them from fraud and scams.


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