WEEK 5 & 6


(A) Copper Copper producing areas: Northern Zambia, Southern Zaire (Shaba Province), Zimbabwe and Namibia.

Mining Centres: (1) Ndola (Zambia) (2) Kolwozi in Zaire.

Methods of Mining

(1) Open cast method

(2) Shaft or underground method.

Transportation and Marketing (1) By rail through Zimbabwe (2) By road to Dares salaam in Tanzania.

Major markets are U.K, Japan and Germany.

Problems of Copper Mining

(1) Poor transportation system

(2) Inadequate fuel

(3) Inadequate labour

(4) High risk in mining

(5) Unstable prices of copper.

Other minerals associated with copper include gold, silver and lead

Copper is one of the most important metals in modern society, used in a wide variety of applications including electrical wiring, electronics, construction materials, industrial machinery and more. However, mining for copper carries significant risks and challenges due to the complex nature of working with this metal, as well as a number of environmental and economic factors.

The most important copper-producing areas in Africa are northern Zambia, southern Zaire (Shaba Province), Zimbabwe, and Namibia. The major mining centres in these regions are Ndola in Zambia, and Kolwozi in Zaire.

Importance of Copper Mining

(1) Production of wire

(2) Used as alloy with other metals e.g. brass

(3) As raw materials for industries

(4) It generate employment

(5) It generate foreign exchange for the nation

(6) Development of towns.

The primary methods of copper mining are open-cast and underground. Open-cast mining involves the extraction of ore from the ground using large earth moving equipment, while in underground mining, shafts or tunnels are dug into the ground to access the ore veins.

Once the copper has been mined, it needs to be transported to market for use. This is typically done by rail through Zimbabwe, or by road to the nearby town of Dares Salaam in Tanzania. The main markets for copper are in the UK, Japan, and Germany.

While copper mining can be highly profitable, it also comes with a number of significant challenges. These include poor transportation infrastructure and systems, fuel shortages and high costs, inadequate labour supply and skills, and high risk associated with the mining process itself. Additionally, the volatility of copper prices can make it difficult for mining companies to manage their operations effectively.

Other minerals that are often found in areas where copper is mined include gold, silver, and lead.


Producing countries: (a) South Africa (largest) (b) Ghana (c) Zimbabwe (d) Cote d’lvolre.

Mining Centres: Johannesburg – Witwatersrand (South Africa), Gwelo (Zimbabwe), Durkwa, Tarkwa (Ghana).

Mining Methods (1) Open cast method: This method is used where the gold is near the surface

(2) Shaft or underground method: This is the most important. It is used to obtain gold from hard rocks and it is practice where the gold is deep below the surface.

(3) Placer mining, Dredging or panning method: This is mining from alluvia or placer deposits. This simply involves digging out the sand or gravel from the river bed and swirling it round in a shallow pan.

Transportation and marketing: Gold in South Africa is transported by rail to Durban, East London, Japan, U.S.A. and Britain.

Importance of Gold

(1) Most valuable mineral, for jewelries

(2) It generate employment

(3) It provides raw materials for industries

(4) Development of countries

(5) It generates foreign exchange for the nation.

Gold is one of the most important minerals in modern society, and is used in a wide variety of applications such as jewelry, electronics, construction materials, industrial machinery, and more. However, mining gold also comes with significant challenges due to the complex nature of extracting this valuable metal from deep underground.

The main producing areas for gold in Africa are South Africa, Ghana, Zimbabwe, and the Ivory Coast. The main mining centers in these regions include Johannesburg in South Africa, Gwelo in Zimbabwe, and Durkwa and Tarkwa in Ghana.

There are two primary methods of gold mining: open-cast or underground mining. Open-cast mining involves digging large pits in the ground to access the gold deposits, while underground mining involves digging tunnels deep into the earth, often hundreds of meters below the surface.

Once extracted, gold needs to be transported to market for use in different industries and applications. This is typically done through rail or road networks in South Africa and other countries such as Japan and Germany.

Problems of Gold Mining

(a) It causes environmental pollution

(b) High risk involvement

(c) High cost of production

(d) Inadequate labour


Producing Areas: Nigeria, Libya, Algeria and Egypt. Mining Centres: In Nigeria (Port Harcourt and Warri); in Algeria (HassiMessaoudi); in Libya (Hofra, Zottou).

Method of Mining:

By drilling.

Transportation and Marketing

(a) Through pipelines to refineries

(b) By crude oil tankers. U.S.A., Germany and Japan are the major markets for petroleum.


(a) It generate foreign exchange to the nation

(b) Petrol, gas, kerosinee.t.c. for domestic and industrial uses

(c) It generates employment

(d) Development of towns

(e) It provides raw materials for industries.

Problems of Petroleum

(1) Unstable prices

(2) Transportation

(3) Environmental pollution

(4) High cost of exploration

(5) Possible earthquake in future

(6) loss of agricultural lands.

Class Activity: On a sketch map of Africa, locate and name all the mineral resources


(i) State five importance of mineral resources in Africa

(ii) State five problems facing mining in Africa

(iii) Explain the various method of Gold mining in South Africa

(iv) List the major markets for copper and petroleum in Africa

(v) Describe the process of oil drilling in Nigeria.

Overall, the content of this post is well-organized and clearly presented. The writer’s use of detail and examples helps to effectively convey their ideas, while the incorporation of relevant images helps to further enhance the post’s clarity and readability. However, there are some minor errors in grammar and usage that could be improved upon. Overall, this post is a solid effort and would earn a score of 4/5

To improve the overall quality of this post, some possible areas for revision might include ensuring proper use of tenses, eliminating unnecessary repetition, and ensuring that all sentences are grammatically correct. Additionally, it would be helpful to include more concrete examples or details in order to further enhance the post’s clarity and cohesion. Overall, however, this is an effective post and demonstrates a solid understanding of the importance of mineral resources in Africa. Well done!

ASSIGNMENT:Draw a sketch map on Africa and locate gold mining region in South Africa and One town each in the region.

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