Class:  J.S.S 3             Subject: Christian religious studies          Time: 

` Answer all questions in this section

  1. The coming of the Holy spirit was a fulfilment of _______ prophecy (a) Isaiah (b) Micah (c)Jeremiah’s (d)Joel’s prophecy 
  2. Who preached among the disciples after the baptism of the holy spirit (a)James (b)John (c)Paul (d)Peter
  3. What was the people’s reactions to what happened to the disciples during the coming of the holy spirit (a) They were afraid (b)They were happy (c) Some were amazed, some mocked (d)They were hungry 
  4. The early church shared _____ in common (a)Food (b)Houses (c)Fellowship (d)Everything 
  5. How many people received the holy spirit on the day of the Pentecost (a) 3,000(b)1000(c)120 (d)140
  6. Which couple committed fraud in the early church (a) Joseph and Mary (b)John and Elizabeth (c)Ananias and Sapphira (d)Abraham and Sarah
  7. Sapphira died how many hours after her husband (a)One hours(b)Two hours (c)Three hours (d)four hours 
  8. Who were the people neglected in the distribution of food and other items (a) The widows (b)The orphans (c) The motherless (d) The lay preachers 
  9. How many deacons were selected for the distribution of food in the early church (a) Five (b)Six (c)seven (d)Eight 
  10. Who among the following was a deacon (a)John (b) Joel (c)Nicanor (d)Silas 
  11. The healing of the lame man was at the ________gate(a)Beautiful (b)Ugly (c)Golden (d)Diamond 
  12. Stephen was one of Jesus disciples (a)Yes (b)No (c)Not sure (d) None of the above 
  13.   Saul was on his way to where, when he met the lord (a)Jerusalem (b)Bethlehem (c)Egypt (d)Damascus
  14. Who was stoned to death (a) Peter (b)James (c)Stephen (d)John 
  15. Who was established the church (a)Jesus (b)Peter (c)John (d)Paul 
  16. Who warned Peter and John not to speak about Jesus Christ again (a)Caesar Augustus (b) The council (c)James and John (d)King Herod 
  17. _____ and ______ healed the crippled man (a)Stephen (b)Peter and John (c) Paul and Silas
  18. Why were Peter and John arrested (a)They insulted the Pharisees (b) They were deacon (c)We were not told (d)They healed the crippled man 
  19.    What happened to James after his arrest (a) He was handed over to the police (b)He was tried (d) He was beheaded (d)He was hanged 
  20.  What happened to Saul on his way to Damascus? (a)He was attacked by armed robbers (b)He was arrested by the Jewish army (c) He was arrested by God and became blind (d) He fell down and died 
  21. The feast of Pentecost takes place __________ days after Jesus’ resurrection (a) 10 (b) 20 (c) 30 (d) 40
  22. The holy spirit is the ___________ person in the trinity (a)First (b) Second (c) Third (d) Fourth 
  23. Jesus told is disciples to remain where, for the coming of the holy spirit (a) Jerusalem (b)Bethlehem (c)Judea (d)Egypt 
  24. Which among the following feast is not observed by the Jesus (a) Pentecost (b)Purim (c)Easter (d)Passover
  25. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to be our what? (a)Helper (b) Comforter (c)Teacher (d)All of the above 
  26. The feast of Pentecost is what type of festival? (a)The birth of Christ (b)holy spirit (c)agricultural (d) none of the above 
  27. The coming of the holy spirit took place on the day of _____ (a) Passover (b)Tabernacles (c) Purim (d) None of the above 
  28. How many people believed in God on the day of Pentecost (a)One thousand (b)Two thousand (c)Three thousand (d) Four thousand 
  29. The feast of Pentecost is also known as _______ (a)First fruit (b) Second Fruit (c) Appreciation fruit (d)Last fruit 
  30. The disciples received the holy spirits while praying in the _____room (a)Lower (b)Upper (c)Middle (d)dark 



Answer any FIVE questions from this part 

  1. Name the seven deacons 
  2. State three activities which the early church did together 
  3. Explain how to deal with cases of fraud today, in the church 
  4. State two reasons why deacons were selected in the early church
  5. State eight qualities of a deacon 
  6. State two reasons why Peter and John were arrested
  7. Mention four effects of peter’s speech on the crowd after the coming of the holy Spirit 
  8. Explain who the Holy Spirit is?  And mention three signs of the coming of the Holy Spirit 
  9. Narrate the arrest and martyrdom of Stephen 



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