Computer Studies / Information Communication Technology ICT 


First Term Computer science ICT Information Communication Technology 


SS 1







  1. AI means………….A. artefact intelligence B. artificial intellect C. artificial intelligence D. attitude intelligence.
  2. Which of the generation of computer was between 1975 and 1982? A. First B. Second C. Fifth D. Fourth
  3. Which of the generation of computer used vacuum tube? A. First B. Second C. Fifth D. Fourth
  4. Which of the generation of computers used VLSIC? A. First B. Second C. Fifth D. Fourth
  5. Which of the generation of computers begins Non Procedural programming? A. First B. Second C. Fifth D. Fourth
  6. What was the capacity of first computer? A. 1 bit B. 4 bit C. 8 Kilobyte D. 64 Kilobyte
  7. Which company developed the first commercial computer? A. Zuse B. Apple C. IBM D. Microsoft
  8. First generation computers used which type of memory? A. ROM B. RAM C. Cache D. All of the above
  9. Which language was developed by John Backus? A. ALGOL B. BASIC C. COBOL D. Ada
  10. The first computers were called _____________ because they used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory storage A. analog computers B. digital computers C. large-scale computers D. mainframe computers
  11. What is the full form of CPU? A. Central Processing Unit B. Control Processing Unit C. Complex Processing Unit D. Central Programmable Unit
  12. The term “algorithm” comes from which language? A. English B. Arabic C. Urdu D. Persian
  13. In binary language, which of the following is not a numeral? A. 0 B. 1 C. D D. 8
  14. Which of the following is an ordered pair? A. (2, 4) B. {2, 4} C. 2+4 D. 2-4
  15. In digital system, which of the following represents HIGH state? A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3
  16. Which of the following is not an output device? A. Printer B. Plotter C. Monitor D. Keyboard
  17. Magnetic disk was first used in ___________ computer A. First generation B. Second generation C. Fifth generation D. Fourth generation
  18. How many classifications of computers do we have?  A.  2    B.  4    C.   7  D.  3
  19. The generation of Computer that uses AI is     A. third   B.  second   C.  fifth    D.  first
  20. …… the smallest and the most popular class of computers.  A.  Micro  B.  Mini   C.  Super   D.  Mainframe.
  21. What type of computer combines both features of digital and Analogue computers?  A.  micro  B.  hybrid   C.  digital   D.  super
  22. Computers designed solely to solve a restricted class of problem is called    A.  general purpose   B.  special purpose   C.  digital    D.  analogue
  23. How many classifications of computers do we have?  A.  2    B.  4    C.   7  D.  3
  24. The generation of computer that uses AI is     A. third   B.  second   C.  fifth    D.  first
  25. …… the smallest and the most popular class of computers.  A.  Micro  B.  Mini   C.  Super   D.  Mainframe.
  26. What type of computer combines both features of digital and Analogue computers?  A.  micro  B.  hybrid   C.  digital   D.  super
  27. Computers designed solely to solve a restricted class of problem is called    A.  general purpose   B.  special purpose   C.  digital    D.  analogue
  28. In defining a computer, the following points should be noted except ____(a) It works under the control of stored instruction (b) It is radical in operation (c) it can accept data in a prescribed form (d) It supply the results as information in a specified form
  29.  Another name for programs is …………………………..
  30. A collection of components that work together to achieve a goal is known a ___  (a) Computer (b) System (c) Collector (d) Device
  31. The parts of the computer system we can see with our eyes and touch with our hand  is called the computer ……………    (a) Software (b) Hardware (c) Hardwood (d) Hardcopy
  32. The ability of the computer to hold data, instructions and information for future use is referred to as (a) Storage (b) Output (c) Input (d) Process
  33. ……………….. is a collection of computer programs that drives the hardware.(a) All Programs (b) Applications (c) Firmware (d) Hardware
  34. …………………….. consists of programs that instruct the computer to accomplish specific tasks for the user(a) Computer (b) Application software (c) System software (d) Network software
  35. The computer casing that contains the Central processing Unit (CPU) is called the ……. (a) Input unit (b) System unit (c) Memory unit (d) CPU unit
  36.  A computer is said to be capable of performing almost any task provided that the task can be reduced to a series of logical steps, this characteristics is known as……………….(a) Speed (b) Reliability (c) Versatility (d) Accuracy
  37. The software that controls the basic internal operations of the computer is known as ………..(a) system software (b) application software (c) software (d) internal softwareAmong the early computing device the twentieth century are______ except (a) Mark1 (b) ENIAC (c) EDVAC (d) laptop computer
  38. Palmtop of also known as __________ (a) web cam (b) Handheld (c) touch screen (d) Notebook.
  39. _________ is a personal computer in a form intended for regular use at a single location, as opposed to a mobile, laptop or portable computer (a) Notebook (b) laptop (c) desktop (d) Handheld.
  40. _______ company designed the ENIAC and the UNIVAC 1 (a) Eckert–Mauchly Computer Corporation (b) Eckert–Mauchly Corporation (c) Mauchly Computer Corporation (d) Eckerty Computer Corporation
  41. _______ is a portable personal computer with a clamshell form factor, suitable for mobile use (a) Desktop computer (b) Laptop Computer (c) Handheld PC (d) UNIVAC 1.
  42. ______was binary rather than decimal, and was a stored program computer. (a) UNIVAC 1 (b) EDVAC (c) ENIAC (d) UNIVAC
  43. Which of the following is a mobile input device? (a) Joystick (b) Smart card (c) optical mouse (d) touch screen
  44. With which of the following devices will a pointing arrow appear on the screen when used? (a) web cam (b) modem (c) touch screen (d) mouse.
  45. The device used to enter images and pictures into the computer is the (a) light pen (b) scanner (c) joystick (d) image pad.
  46. _______is a pointing device composed of a lever that moves in multiple directions to navigate a cursor or other graphical objects on a computer screen. (a) Mouse (b) Joystick (c) Keyboard (d) Mic
  47. Clicking, pointing and dragging are main functions of _____ (a) Keyboard (b) Joystick (c) Mouse (d) Light pen
  48. Which of the following is not a pointing device?   (a) Mouse  (b)  Light pen  (c)  Joystick    (d)  Keyboard
  49. keyboard is usually connected to __________(a) CPU        (b)  System Unit

    Monitor            (d)  ALU

  50.     ____are used in controlling cursor movement on the screen.   (a)button    (b) wheel

    (c) motion technique     (d) Battery life


  51.     ____ include the same letter, number, punctuation, and symbol keys on a traditional typewriter.     (a) numeric keys     (b) Alphabetic keys     (c) Alphanumeric keys   (d) special character


  52.     ___ keys on the keyboard that perform certain actions in windows once they are pressed.     (a) Command       (b) Cursor       (c) control      (d) numeric
  53.     ____ display shades of one colour.      (a) Monochrome monitor   (b) Color Monitor

    (c) Composite Monitor    (d) Monitor


  54.     _____ monitors produce images in three mixed colours, which are red, green and blue that is why these are also called RGB monitors.  .      (a) Monochrome monitor   (b) Monitor

    (c) Composite Monitor    (d) Color Monitor


  55.     ____ is a specialized printer designed to print onto very large pieces of paper.  (a) Scanner   (b) Printer    (c) Plotter     (d) Monitor


  56.     ____ is a computer peripheral that converts computer digital sound files into audible sound.    (a) Printer    (b) Speaker    (c) Monitor     (d) plotter


  57.    ____ are used to get prints of important documents on a paper.  (a) Scanner   (b) Printer    (c) Plotter     (d) Monitor




  1.  What is artificial intelligence, and what are its key components?
  2. How has artificial intelligence been developed over the years?
  3. What are some of the current applications of artificial intelligence?
  4. What are some of the ethical concerns surrounding artificial intelligence?
  5. What is the future of artificial intelligence?
  6. What are the origins of computing and how did it evolve?
  7. What are some of the key inventions in computing history?
  8. How did computers become more powerful over time?
  9. What impact have computers had on society?
  10. How will computing continue to evolve in the future?
  11. List the classifications of computers according to type.
  12. Explain the difference between the classifications of computers according to type.
  13. List the classifications of computers according to type.
  14. Explain the difference between the classifications of computers according to type.
  15. What is a digital computer?
  16.  What are the examples of digital computers?
  17.  What is a hybrid computer?
  18.  What are the advantages of digital computers?
  19.  What are the disadvantages of hybrid computers?
  20.  Give a comprehensive definition of a Computer
  21. List the three basic operations of a computer.
  22. State two broad classes of a computer system.
  23. Define a computer system
  24. Outline 5 parts of a computer system.
  25. Output devices are the peripherals of the computer that transfer information from the computer to the user. Explain



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