Vocation Pry 1 First Term Exams



NAME OF PUPIL: ……………………………………………




(1) Measuring tape is used mostly by ______ (a) Tailor (b) Tools box (c) Farmer
(2) Which of the tools is used for cleaning? (a) Saw (b) Table (c) Marker
(3) A hairdresser work in a _______ (a) Salon (b) Hospital (c) School
(4) Who among these workers will use a clipper? (a) Hairdresser (b) Welder (c) barber
(5) A _______work in a law court (a) Mechanic (b) Carpenter (c) Lawyer
(6) Who make and repairs shoes? (a) Cobbler (b) Tailor (c) Hunter
(7) A _____takes photographs of a place and animals (a) Photographer (b) Actor (c) Army
(8) ______ is used by a painter to climb high walls? (a) Rope (b) Brush (c) Ladder
(9) Workers hold tools in their ……………….. (a) Legs (b) Hands (c) Mouths
(10) A farmer need ______ to cut grass (a) A cutlass (b) A measuring tape (c) A broom
(11) A hunter kills animals with a ______ (a) Stick (b) Bag (c) Gun
(12) What does a workers need to do his work? (a) Food (b) Tools (c) Vocation
(13) ______ is an example of a place of work (a) School (b) Children (c) Family
(14) A cleaner needs _____ to sweep the floor (a) Mop (b) Bucket (c) Broom
(15) _______ is the work people do (a) Vocation (b) Stone (c) Parent
(16) A ______ need higher level of education (a) Fishermen (b) Pastor (c) Profession
(17) A place used for repairing things is called a _______ (a) Workshop (b) Bicycles (c) Supermarket
(18) A person who cleans floors, windows etc is called ______ (a) Teacher (b) Babies (c) Cleaner.

Fill in the gaps with the correct answer
1. A …………………. treats sick people
2. Who helps pupils to learn? ……………………..
3. A farmer work on the …………………………..
4. The use of …………………… makes farmer work easy
5. A worker can keep his tools in a ……………………..
6. A ………………… is used for carrying load
7. …………………… is used to kill animals by hunter
8. A cleaner uses ………………. to clean the floor. (3 marks each)



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