Food Processing. 1st term exams. Pry 4. Exams






1.) The top most layer of the earth which supports plant growth and where some animals live is known as _______ (a) sandy soil (b) clayey soil (c) soil (d) loamy soil


2.) Which of the soil is gritty when felt (a) loamy soil (b) sandy soil (c) clayey (d) all the soil


3.) The process by which green plants manufacture their food from sunlight is called _________ (a) photoshop (b) photography (c) photographer (d) photosynthesis


4.) The green colour on plants is called ____________

(a) chlorophyll (b) chloroform (c) chlorine (d) colour green


5.) Which of these is not a cause of loss in soil fertility

(a) burning of bush (b) manuring (c) overgrazing (d) leaching of the soil


6.) We can increase soil fertility by the following except ______________

(a) manuring (b) mulching (c) crop rotation (d) overgrazing


7.) _____________ means making raw food into ready to eat food item

(a) food processing (b) food poisoning (c) food storage (d) food production


8.) What is used to make yam floor (Elubo) ___________

(a) cassava (b) potato (c) yam (d) cocoyam


9.) Maize is processed into _______________ (a) garri (b) porridge (c) pap (d) eba


10.) Garri is a product of ________________ (a) yam (b) cassava (c) maize (d) potato


Section B: Theory

1.) List the three types of soil and underline the best soil for planting

(a) _______________________________________________________________________

(b) _______________________________________________________________________

(c) _______________________________________________________________________


2.) What is photosynthesis? ______________________________________________________




1.) Define food processing?______________________________________________________




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