Subject : 

Basic Science and Technology

Term :

First Term


Week 3

Class :

Primary 6/ Basic 6


Previous lesson : 

The pupils have previous knowledge of Synthetic & Naturally Occurring Drugs

Topic :

Drug use and abuse

Specific Behavioural objectives :

At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

  • define drug abuse
  • mention examples of  drugs that are commonly abused
  • explain the  of excessive use of drugs
  • list examples of  drugs that are always abused


Instructional Materials :

  • Wall charts
  • Pictures
  • Related Online Video
  • Flash Cards

Methods of Teaching :

  • Class Discussion
  • Group Discussion
  • Asking Questions
  • Explanation
  • Role Modelling
  • Role Delegation


Reference Materials :

  • Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks
  • Workbooks
  • 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum
  • Workbooks


Content  Development :

1. Define Drug Abuse:

  • Drug abuse refers to the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances, including legal and illegal drugs. It involves the consumption of drugs in amounts or ways that are harmful to the individual’s physical and mental health or may lead to social and legal problems.

2. Examples of Drugs That Are Commonly Abused:

  • Commonly abused drugs include: a) Alcohol b) Tobacco (nicotine) c) Marijuana (cannabis) d) Cocaine e) Heroin f) Prescription drugs (e.g., opioids, sedatives, and stimulants)

3. Effects of Excessive Drug Use:

  • Excessive drug use can have serious consequences, including: a) Physical health problems (e.g., organ damage, overdose) b) Mental health issues (e.g., anxiety, depression) c) Legal problems (e.g., arrest and imprisonment) d) Relationship issues (e.g., conflicts with family and friends) e) Economic hardships (e.g., financial troubles)

4. Examples of Drugs That Are Always Abused:

  • There is no specific list of drugs that are always abused, as the propensity for abuse depends on individual circumstances. However, certain substances are more commonly abused due to their psychoactive effects and addictive potential, including those mentioned in the answer to question 2.

Please note that drug abuse can have serious and sometimes life-threatening consequences, and seeking help from healthcare professionals is crucial for those struggling with substance abuse issues.

Effects of Normal Dosage of Drugs

A dosage is the prescribed amount of medicine one can take at a time. Normal uses of drugs have their effects on our body.
These are:
(i) It makes us healthy.
(ii) It aids proper working of the body system.
(iii) It sustains our strength.
(iv) It relieves the sick person of their ailment.
Effect of Excessive Dosage of Drugs
Excessive dosage of drugs is taking drugs more than the body needs. This
always have bad effects on the body. Excessive use of drugs is thus a form of
drug abuse.
The effects of excessive use of drugs are:
(i) Destruction of body cells.
(ii) Weakening of body organs.
(iii) Malfunction of the body systems.
(iv) Exposure of body to diseases.


Meaning of Drug Abuse
We have stated that drug abuse is the act of taking drugs without the
direction and prescription of a qualified medical doctor or pharmacist.
Drug abuse is a bad habit which endangers our health. It includes:
(i) Illegal taking of drugs.
(il) Taking of over-dose.
(ill) Taking treatment from quacks (unqualified medical, personnel).
(iv) Taking of expired drugs.
(v) Excessive taking of items like alcoholic drinks, cigarettes.
(vi) Self-medication.
(vii) Taking sleeping pills such as Valium-5 (Diozeporn) without a doctor’s
Some of the drugs that can be abused include:
(i) Caffeine (ii) paracetamol
(iii) Heroine (IV) cocaine
(v) Valium (vi) madras
(vii) Indian hemp.
Effect of Drug Abuse
There are some drugs which are called hard drugs. These, we have learnt
earlier. They are so called because they have a very strong effect on a human’s
well being.
Examples of hard drugs are; cocaine (cracks), heroine, madras, cannabis,
Valium-5 (Diazepam), marijuana (Indian hemp)

The effects of drug abuse in human life can be:
(i) Health effects e.g. High blood pressure, stroke, weight loss, respiratory
tract infection (like tuberculosis), heart failure, sleeplessness, death..
(ii) Socio-economic effects – such as poor performance in school, truancy,
financial problems, violence and criminal actions e.g. bullying, rape and
armed robbery.
(iii) Emotional effects – such as depression, anger, aggression.

(iv) Psychological and mental effects – such as madness, loss of memory.


Identification of Drug Abuse
The following are some of the signs of drug abuse:
(i) Loss of weight
(ii) Loss of appetite
(iii) Drunken behavior (staggering)
(iv) Tremors or convulsion
(v) Immoral behavior
(vi) Madness.


Treatment of Drug Abuse
For drug abuse to be treated; the following could be done:
(i) Arranging guidance and counseling sessions for ‘drug abusers’.
(ii) Banning of hard drugs by the government.
(ill) Avoidance of bad company by drug abusers (peer group effect). drama
Le./ plays that are useful and purposeful.
Treatment of drug abuse may sometimes include imprisonment of



The topic is presented step by step


Step 1:

The class teacher revises the previous topics


Step 2.

He introduces the new topic


Step 3:

The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise




The class teacher wraps up or conclude the lesson by giving out short note to summarize the topic that he or she has just taught.

The class teacher also goes round to make sure that the notes are well copied or well written by the pupils.

He or she does the necessary corrections when and where  the needs arise.



1 .State the meaning of drugs use.
2. List the effect excessive usage of drugs
3. Define drug abuse.
4, mention four  effects of drug abuse


Define Drug Abuse:

  1. Drug abuse refers to the harmful or hazardous use of __________ substances. a) Legal b) Psychoactive c) Medicinal d) Herbal
  2. It involves consuming drugs in ways that are harmful to one’s __________ health. a) Mental b) Financial c) Physical d) Emotional

Mention Examples of Drugs That Are Commonly Abused:

  1. Commonly abused drugs include alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and __________. a) Caffeine b) Aspirin c) Antibiotics d) Vitamins
  2. Cocaine, heroin, and prescription drugs are other examples of commonly __________ drugs. a) Legal b) Rarely abused c) Harming d) Abused

Explain the Effects of Excessive Use of Drugs:

  1. Excessive drug use can lead to physical health problems, such as organ damage and __________. a) Weight gain b) Overdose c) Improved fitness d) Clear skin
  2. It can also result in mental health issues like anxiety and __________. a) Joy b) Depression c) Happiness d) Relaxation

List Examples of Drugs That Are Always Abused:

  1. There is no specific list of drugs that are always abused, as the tendency to abuse drugs depends on individual __________. a) Circumstances b) Age c) Size d) Religion
  2. However, certain substances are more commonly abused due to their psychoactive effects and __________ potential. a) Addictive b) Legal c) Harmless d) Beneficial


Prepare for the next lesson by reading about Our Weather



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