Converting from Kobo to Naira.


Class: Nursery 2

Subject : Mathematics

Topic :Counting and Writing of figures 1-200,

Converting from Kobo to Naira.


1. Counting and writing of figures 1-200


2.Convert the following from Kobo to naira. 


Examples: 100kobo make #1. 00

                    200kobo make #2. 00

                    300kobo make #3.00

                    400kobo make #4. 00

                    500kobo make #5. 00



1.165kobo _____


2.146kobo ______


3.743kobo ______


4.267kobo _______


5.102kobo _______


6.900kobo ______


7.415kobo ______


8.550kobo _______


9.116kobo ______


10.100kobo _______

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