Temperature (definition, measuring instrument and it’s scales

Date: Friday, 17th April, 2020.

Class: Basic 5

Subject: Mathematics

Topic: Temperature (definition, measuring instrument and it’s scales)

Temperature is the degree of hotness or coldness of a body or objects. The instrument for measuring temperature is called thermometer.

There are various types of thermometer. These are: clinical thermometer, liquid-in-glass thermometer and minimum & maximum thermometer.

Scales of Temperature.

The unit of temperature measurement is known as scale. The main unit of temperature is degree Celsius ( 0C). Other temperature unit also accepted are degree Fahrenheit (0F) or Kelvin (K).

The relationships between the temperature scales are as follows:

The normal body temperature is 37 oC. Any temperature below this is said to be low and temperature above this is said to be high.

Relationship between Celsius and Fahrenheit

On the temperature scale, degrees Celsius can be converted to degrees Fahrenheit and vice versa.

To change the temperature from degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit, we use the formula: F = 9/5 * C + 32

The temperature from degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius is given as C = 5/9(F – 32)

For example:

1.) Convert 40 degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit.


F = 9/5 * 40 + 32

= ( 9 * 8) + 32

= 104 oF

2.) Convert 95 degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius

C = 5/9 (95 – 32)

= 5/9 * 63

= 5 * 7

= 35 oC

Evaluation Questions:

Answer the following questions:

  1. The degree of hotness or coldness of a body or an object is _____________.

2.)___________ is the instrument fo measuring temperature.

3.) The normal body temperature is _____________

4.) ____________ is the boiling point of water.

5.) The freezing point of water is _____________.

6.) The temperature scales are ______________ and ______________.

7.)List three types of no thermometer: ______________, ______________ and ________________.

8.) The freezing point of water on a Fahrenheit scale is _______________.

9.) Convert these temperatures to degrees Fahrenheit :

(a) 25 oC

(b) 80 oC

(c) 75 oC

10.) Convert these temperatures to degrees Celsius :

(a) 68 oF

(b) 158 oF

(c) 176 oF








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