What makes a school unique…. How to improve and increase child enrollment in your school and expand your school growth. THINGS YOU SHOULD NOTE WHILE MAKING YOUR Offers.




1. Strategic positioning: – You make it a habit of continually repeating what makes your school different in the mind of your prospects, this area is what attracted the potential parents to the school in the first place, and this is what will always appear as the difference maker to your parents when they are making decisions. What make your school different are not just good and qualified teachers, or great and spacious classroom, and the likes. It’s a specific solution that your school solves for the child or their parents. Schools that have worked with me directly have their positioning message coined out so they can easily sell their school in a different and specific way.


2. The Magical Question: – These key question make the prospect talk about themselves and their child. We would love your child to join us at our school, so if you would change your child’s school to ours what one area of improvement would you like to see in your child that you are not seeing presently?



3. Irresistible Guarantee: – Immediately the parents starts talking you listen for what He She would like to see in their child I;e the things she would love to see in her child currently, but she isn’t seeing. Once you hear this one thing you immediately let her finish talking and you duplicate what she said by saying. That’s exactly why you should bring your child to this school because at this school for your child’s age I can guarantee this particular result in this particular period of time. Once you make the decision to register you will enjoy our (special gift or ____ percent discount)


4. Multiple registration discounts: – I will like to suggest that you have a fair discount for parents with two to three children registering. For example you can say there is a 25 percent off tuition for the third child once you register her in the school.


5. Referral discount: – This discount can come in once a parent gives you a child, after the parents as agreed to register her child you then say. Thank you ma for making the decision to register your child into our school. Can you give me the name and number of one of your friend that I can call to bring his or her child into our school to enjoy what we are doing here, once they register you’ll enjoy a special ______ for your child also.



A note of warning on offering scholarships and discounts

a. Don’t offer discount and scholarships on your school banner it de brands your school and attract debtors to you.

b. Don’t use one term scholarship offers to lure them in as I have seen in some schools, you will attract the wrong kind of parents to your school who will owe you in subsequent terms

c. Using scholarship offers as a bait to recruit new students will lower the perceived value of your school’s brand in the mind of paying parents

d. Sit down with your staffs to agree on the discounts you want to give to 1st time parents, parents with more than one children, parents with multiple referrals and let this discounts be known by all staffs, so when people complain that the fees are expensive you immediately tell them the discount and bonuses you have in place for them. e.t.c

6. Video testimonials: – At this point you have a prerecorded video of your parents on your phone, in your computer, in a CD, or playing in your DVD. This can be strategically positioned in your reception. You or whoever takes enquiries  in your reception can also have it in their phone so that it is easily accessible when there is no light. This video testimonial is having other parents that have benefited from your school talk about your school. This is a way for the new parents to make their decision almost immediately. You can also upload these testimonials on your site, on your Whatsapp group or Facebook page.

7. Get them to make a decision: – This is the most important aspect of the conversion process because at this stage you get them to make a decision, so you must know how to close them to make a decision. These are the things you say when you are telling them to make a decision

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