Tag: Third Term

The First Aid Treatment

Subject : Social Studies   Topic : The First Aid Treatment   Class : Primary  3/ Basic 3   Term : 3rd Term / Third Term   Week : Week 7   Instructional Materials : Lagos State Scheme of Work Textbooks On Social Studies Online Materials Picture Charts     Previous Knowledge : The pupils

Accident : Effects and Solutions To Accident

Subject : Social Studies   Topic : Accident : Meaning and Causes   Class : Primary  3/ Basic 3   Term : 3rd Term / Third Term   Week : Week 6 Instructional Materials : Lagos State Scheme of Work Textbooks On Social Studies Online Materials Picture Charts     Previous Knowledge : The pupils

Accident : Meaning and Causes

Subject : Social Studies   Topic : Accident : Meaning and Causes   Class : Primary  3/ Basic 3   Term : 3rd Term / Third Term   Week : Week 5   Instructional Materials : Lagos State Scheme of Work Textbooks On Social Studies Online Materials Picture Charts     Previous Knowledge : The

Respect for other peoples religion

Subject : Social Studies   Topic : Respect for other peoples religion   Class : Primary  3/ Basic 3   Term : 3rd Term / Third Term   Week : Week 3   Instructional Materials : Lagos State Scheme of Work Textbooks On Social Studies Online Materials Picture Charts     Previous Knowledge : The

Characteristics of different types of religion

Subject : Social Studies   Topic : Characteristics of different types of religion   Class : Primary  3/ Basic 3   Term : 3rd Term / Third Term   Week : Week 2   Instructional Materials : Lagos State Scheme of Work Textbooks On Social Studies Online Materials Picture Charts     Previous Knowledge :

Religious group in our community

Subject : Social Studies   Topic : Religious group in our community   Class : Primary  3/ Basic 3   Term : 3rd Term / Third Term   Week : Week 1   Instructional Materials : Lagos State Scheme of Work Textbooks On Social Studies Online Materials Picture Charts     Previous Knowledge : The

Meaning and types of pollution

Subject : Social Studies     Topic : Meaning and types of pollution     Class : Primary 5     Term :  Third Term   Week : Week 10   Previous Knowledge : Pupils have previous knowledge of What we can do prevent drug abuse that have been taught in their former lessons and

Prevention of drug abuse

Subject : Social Studies     Topic : Prevention of drug abuse     Class : Primary 5     Term :  Third Term   Week : Week 9   Previous Knowledge : Pupils have previous knowledge of Characteristics of drug abusers, their treatment and that have been taught in their former lessons and classes

Meaning of Drugs (Primary 5)

Subject : Social Studies     Topic : Meaning of drugs     Class : Primary 5     Term :  Third Term   Week : Week 5   Previous Knowledge : Pupils have previous knowledge of  Forms of accidents that have been taught in their former lessons and classes   Behavioural Objectives : At