Tag: Third Term

Junior High School Year or JSS 3 Scheme of Work

Scheme of Work For  Junior High School  Junior Secondary School  JSS 3                   Junior Secondary School  or JSS 3   Junior Secondary School  Scheme of Work First Term  JSS 3     Junior Secondary School  Scheme of Work Second Term  JSS 3     Junior Secondary School 

Junior High School Year 2 or JSS 2 Scheme of Work

Scheme of Work For  Junior High School  Junior Secondary School  JSS 2                   Junior Secondary School  or JSS 2   Junior Secondary School  Scheme of Work First Term  JSS 2 Junior Secondary School  Scheme of Work Second Term  JSS 2 Junior Secondary School  Scheme of Work Third

Junior High School or JSS 1 Scheme of Work

Scheme of Work For  Junior High School  Junior Secondary School  JSS 1 Junior Secondary School  or JSS 1 Junior Secondary School  Scheme of Work First Term  JSS 1 Junior Secondary School  Scheme of Work Second Term  JSS 1 Junior Secondary School  Scheme of Work Third Term  JSS 1

Dialogue on personal hygiene

Subject :  ENGLISH  E-NOTE Term : THIRD TERM Week: Week 10 Class : Primary 4   Instructional Materials : Wall charts Pictures Related Online Video Flash Cards Methods of Teaching : Class Discussion Group Discussion Asking Questions Explanation Role Modelling Role Delegation   Reference Materials : Scheme of Work Online Information Textbooks Workbooks 9 Year Basic

Town life is better Than village life

Subject :  ENGLISH  E-NOTE Term : THIRD TERM Week: Week 9 Class : Primary 4   Instructional Materials : Wall charts Pictures Related Online Video Flash Cards Methods of Teaching : Class Discussion Group Discussion Asking Questions Explanation Role Modelling Role Delegation   Reference Materials : Scheme of Work Online Information Textbooks Workbooks 9 Year Basic

Phrasal verbs

Subject :  ENGLISH  E-NOTE Term : THIRD TERM Week: Week 8 Class : Primary 4   Instructional Materials : Wall charts Pictures Related Online Video Flash Cards Methods of Teaching : Class Discussion Group Discussion Asking Questions Explanation Role Modelling Role Delegation   Reference Materials : Scheme of Work Online Information Textbooks Workbooks 9 Year Basic


Subject :  ENGLISH  E-NOTE Term : THIRD TERM Week: Week 7 Class : Primary 4   Instructional Materials : Wall charts Pictures Related Online Video Flash Cards Methods of Teaching : Class Discussion Group Discussion Asking Questions Explanation Role Modelling Role Delegation   Reference Materials : Scheme of Work Online Information Textbooks Workbooks 9 Year Basic

Relative pronouns

Subject :  ENGLISH  E-NOTE Term : THIRD TERM Week: Week 6 Class : Primary 4   Instructional Materials : Wall charts Pictures Related Online Video Flash Cards Methods of Teaching : Class Discussion Group Discussion Asking Questions Explanation Role Modelling Role Delegation   Reference Materials : Scheme of Work Online Information Textbooks Workbooks 9 Year Basic

Learning Phrasal Verbs

Subject :  ENGLISH  E-NOTE Term : THIRD TERM Week: Week 5 Class : Primary 4   Instructional Materials : Wall charts Pictures Related Online Video Flash Cards Methods of Teaching : Class Discussion Group Discussion Asking Questions Explanation Role Modelling Role Delegation   Reference Materials : Scheme of Work Online Information Textbooks Workbooks 9 Year Basic

Write this conversation in reported speech

Subject :  ENGLISH  E-NOTE Term : THIRD TERM Week: Week 4 Class : Primary 4   Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of Exposition basic concept of drug abuse that was taught during the last lesson Topic :   Behavioural objectives : At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able