Water Supply Sources of WATER

  Class: Basic 2   Subject: Social Studies. Topic: Water Supply. Content : We get our water from different sources. We could  get water by collecting rainfall or by fetching it from rivers. We can get water from taps , Wells Rivers Stream Oceans and water boreholes. Sources of water must be kept clean. This

Accidents at Home

  Class: Basic 1   Subject:Social Studies   Topic: Accidents in my Home   An accident is when someone hurts herself by mistake.   There are many kinds of accident children may have in their homes.   They may fall down if they run on a wet floor.   They may cut themselves with a

Communication (definition, types

Class: Basic 5 Subject: Social Studies Topic: Communication (definition, types) Communication is the process of exchanging information from one person to another. It usually involves two persons, that is the sender and the receiver.Com. munication is not complete until there is a feedback, acknowledgement, or a response.   Types of communication There are basically two

Define ” Group Behaviour”

Term : Second Term Term : First Term Instruction : Answer all the questions.  Define group Behaviour List five types of group behaviors Briefly explain the term patrilineal kinship What is the meaning of bilateral kinship Define polyandry What are sogieatal values Mention two qualities of an honest person Mention three forms of settlement  

Primary 3.Physical Features of West Africa.

Subject : Social Studies   Topic : Physical Features of West Africa.   Class : Primary 3   Term : Third Term   Week : Week 4   Instructional Materials :   Previous Knowledge :   Behavioural Objectives :  At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to       Content

Health Issues (Harmful Substances)

  Class: Basic 2 Subject: Social studies Topic: Health Issues (Harmful Substances) Harmful substances are things that are dangerous to our health and can lead to death. Examples of Harmful Substances are: 1.Drugs 2.Unripe fruits 3.Rotten foods 4.Expired drinks 5.Rat poison 6.Alcohol etc. Effects of Harmful Substances are: 1.Blindness 2.Brain damage 3.Tuberculosis 4.Tooth decay 5.Death

My Country. Nigeria 🇳🇬

  Class : Basic 1 Subject : Social Studies   Topic : My Country   Definition   Nigeria is my Country. If you are born in Nigeria, you are a Nigerian If your parents are Nigerian, you are Nigerian too. Abraham and l are Nigerian’s Nigeria is a big country in West Africa. Many people

Effects of Substance Abuse

[mediator_tech] Date :   Subject : Social Studies   Class :Primary 6   Topic : Effects of Substance Abuse   Content : Drug abuse is the taking of drugs without doctor’s advice   Most of these substances or drugs that are abused have grave consequences.   Effects of substance abuse   Playing truancy in school.

Ways To Reduce Unemployment

  Subject : Social Studies   Topic : Employment   Content   Meaning Of Employment and unemployment   Employment means having a job and earning income   Unemployment means the state or condition of being unemployed or not having a job.   Consequences of unemployment 1. It brings about bad habits e.g robbery, prostitution  

Influence of Foreign culture on values and national life

Date : Tuesday 5th May, 2020 Class Primary 6 Subject : Social Studies   Topic : Influence of Foreign culture on values and national life     Culture is the way of life of a group of people that live in a particular geographical location   Culture is shown in the way we dress, food