COMPUTER SS2 2ND QUE. Mid Term Test Computer Studies

Edu Delight Tutors Mid Term Test Computer Studies COMPUTER SS 2 Second Term Questions         COMPUTER SS2 2ND QUE. SECTION A 1. A collection of wires through which data is transmitted from one part of a computer to another is known as _______ A. Address B. Bus C. Register 2. Computer data

Past Questions Agricultural Science Business Studies

Edu Delight Tutors Second Term Exams   Second Term Exams Business Studies JSS 2 Second Term Exams Business Studies JSS 3  Second Term Exams Agricultural Science JSS 1 Second Term Exams Agricultural Science JSS 2 Second Term Exams Agricultural Science SS1  Second Term Exams Agricultural Science SS 2 Second Term Exams Agricultural Science SS 3

Second Term Exams Business Studies JSS 2

Second Term Exams Business Studies JSS 2 SECTION A —– is the money paid regularly to those who no longer work for length of years of service. (a) Pension (b) compensation (c) premium (d) indemnity. Insurance is (a) a contract (b) an agreement (c) comfort (d) disagreement. The factor of production which coordinates other factors

Second Term Exams Agricultural Science SS 3

AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE – SS3 Second Term Exams Agricultural Science SS 3 One major effect of under or shortage of feeding in a pregnant sow is ________. (a)early abortion (b) early puberty (c) good egg production (d) rapid growth rate Most basal and energy feeds contain (a)high protein content. (b)high carbohydrate and fats. (c)high mineral content.

Second Term Exams Agricultural Science SS 2

  Second Term Exams Agricultural Science SS 2 AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE – SS2 The turning of dead wood, leaves, animals and roots into the soil for plant nutrient is done by ______. (a) lizard (b) cockroach (c) earthworm (d)flies Living organisms of the soil are these EXCEPT _______. (a) termites (b)micro organisms (c)air (d)ants The aggregate

Agricultural Science JSS 2 Second Term Examination

AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE JSS 2 Second Term Exams Agricultural Science JSS 2 Edu Delight Tutors  ______ is the solid part of the earth that is made up of minerals. (a) Earth (b) Rock (c)Soil (d) Mountain ______ is formed from a cooled molten magma. (a) Metamorphic Rock (b) Sedimentary rock (c) Igneous rock (d) Slate ______

Second Term Exams Agricultural Science JSS 1

AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE Jss 1 Second Term Exams Agricultural Science JSS 1 The reproductive part of a plant is _______. (a)stem (b)root (c)leaf (d) flower Which of these animals is noted for the production of common table egg. (a) Pigeon (b) Chicken (c) Turkey (d)Goose Fishes are reared in ______ . (a) kitchen (b) market (c)pond

JSS3 2nd Term Exams Business Studies

  Edu Delight Tutors Second Term Exams   Business Studies – JSS 3 Instructions: Attempt all questions   Bringing the finished product in a sealed cellphone bag is called ______. (a) branding (b) bargaining (c) closure (d) packaging Pricing is that of finding (a) profit and the cost of production. (b) placing profit on the

Second Term Exams SS 1 Agric

Edu Delight Tutors Second Term Examination AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE – SS1 The main stay of Nigeria’s economy is ________. (a) petroleum (b) agriculture (c) commerce (d) tourism Agriculture provides man with food and also ______. (a) machines (b) industrial materials (c)water (d) artifacts. One of the characteristics of a substance farmer is (a)he produces for himself

Second Term Verbal Reasoning Primary 6 Exams

SUBJECT: VERBAL APT. CLASS: PRIMARY 6 Second Term Verbal Reasoning Primary 6 Exams Edu Delight Tutors SECTION A Below are the marks for five boys in an examination . The pass mark for each subject is 40. Answer question 1 to 5. Name Maths English French Physics Biology Rabiu 70 80 38 90 80 Simbi