Tag: Primary 6

All factors of Numbers

      Class : Primary 6     Subject : Mathematics     Topic : All factors of Numbers       Content : All factors of Numbers are the figures that will divide the given figures exactly without any remainder.   Examples 1. Write out all factors of 8   Solution All factors


  Subject : Social Studies    Term : First Term    Week : Week 3   Class :Primary 6    Topic : INTER MARRIAGE    Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught The influence of working parent on the Nigerian life  in their previous lesson   Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the


      Class :Primary 6      Subject : Civic Education      Topic : COMMONWEALTH OF NATIONS    Content   The commonwealth of Nations is made up of independent states or countries which were formerly in the British Empire.   The commonwealth of Nations is a voluntary organisation and it has no written

What is Soil

      Class: :Primary 6      Subject : Agricultural Science      Topic : Revision      Instruction: Read the following questions and pick the best answer from the given alternatives   1.) _________________ is the uppermost layer of the earth that supports plants growth (a) earth quake (b) erosion (c) soil  

The breaking down of rocks into smaller forms

      Class: :Primary 6     Subject : Agricultural Science     Topic : Revision   Instruction: Read the following questions and pick the best answer from the given alternatives   1.) _________________ is the uppermost layer of the earth that supports plants growth (a) earth quake (b) erosion (c) soil    

Unskilled labour rewards are referred to as ___

  Class: Primary 6     Subject : Home Economics     Topic : Revision       Read the following sentences and pick the right answer from the given alternatives.   1.) _______ is the money that we receive when we work (a) promotion (b) income (c) selection     2.) Unskilled labour rewards

Reading: Teaching of new words, meanings and Comprehension

, CLASS: PRIMARY 6 SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE   NAME:…………   Section A: Comprehension THE FALSE ALARM Adewale Jones, the shepherd, once took his herd of cattle to a grassy fertile pasture. He was rich, for his animals always fetched a good price in the market. He liked to be lousy , naughty, funny and people